Resurrection Patriarch. Justin Howard

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Название Resurrection Patriarch
Автор произведения Justin Howard
Жанр Языкознание
Издательство Языкознание
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9783754186749

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say that with his current strength, green Beyonder items seem to be the most suitable level, but everyone expects higher harvest and treatment. Now that the conditions for golden legend extraction have been reached, if it is used for low-level green extraordinary extraction, it seems It's a pity for these energies.

      But Gao Jingfei was a little afraid that after a golden draw, the items obtained might not be suitable for the current situation.

      But at this time, there was no time for him to struggle. In the end, Gao Jingfei decided to make a golden extraction. He also wanted to see what kind of treasures would be extracted from the drifting bottle that was rated as a golden legend by the golden fingers of the Altar of the Heavens!

      As for the red ten consecutive draws and the green one hundred consecutive draws, there will be opportunities in the future, as long as this place is also used as a copy to brush, the next time it is estimated that it can be achieved.

      Chapter One Hundred and Seven Chapter Three Yang True Solution, Two Magical Instruments

      The difference between extraordinary and extraordinary is only one word, but the two are not the same.

      The extraordinary is not the power of the ordinary, and the extraordinary is the power beyond the ordinary. The extraordinary can include the extraordinary, but the extraordinary is only extraordinary, and cannot become extraordinary.

      Therefore, starting from the red extraction is the dividing line between extraordinary and extraordinary. It is no wonder that the Altar of the Heavens consumes a thousand divine particles to extract a red extraordinary drifting bottle, while the higher level of the golden legendary level requires 10,000 points. can only be done once.

      A golden draw was hurriedly performed, and even the remaining seven hundred energy points were not kept overnight, and a wave of green seven draws came directly.

      Then Gao Jingfei, who returned to reality, tried his best to suppress the joy on his face and followed the team forward.

      Because what he extracted really shocked him, the half-traveler who had lived in two lives.

      What's wrong?

      Gao Jingkun, who was rushing side by side with him, couldn't help asking when he saw his face.

      Gao Jingfei quickly turned straight, pointed at the corn on both sides of the road and said:

      It's nothing, even the cornfields in this village are so weird, they seem to be endless and there is no end in sight.

      Gao Jingkun didn't ask more, but said: There must be something weird here, everyone be careful!

      The big man named Pang Bing who was still walking fast with Wang Mingyu on his back also replied:

      Yes, Captain!

      Gao Jingfei's consciousness of dealing with the past sank into the altar of the heavens again, and when he saw the book in the space written in Danwen, Gao Jingfei couldn't help but be overjoyed.

      Sanyang Zhenji, from the fairy world of the Six Dynasties, is the secret fax method of the Sanyang sect, a branch of the White Lotus Sect.

      This is the true method of longevity!

      In this golden extraction, Gao Jingfei was given such a practice secret, or a secret of immortality.

      The White Lotus Sect is almost familiar to Gao Jingfei's memory in both worlds.

      There are hundreds of sects known as the branch of the White Lotus Sect, and the relationships between the various sects are also intricate. The larger ones include Mahayana Sect, Hunyuan Sect, Wuwei Sect, Shouyuan Sect, Wenxiang Sect, Ming Sect, and Tianli Sect. , Luojiao, etc., are all folk associations and sects formed by absorbing other sects in the way of the White Lotus Sect.

      Even the worship of God in Jinjiangshan after it almost collapsed in history is considered to be a branch of the White Lotus sect.

      Because although the worship of gods said that they believed in gods and so on, in fact, the religious organizations were basically the same as the white lotus sect.

      The Sanyang Sect is one of the many branches of the White Lotus, which is a well-known illegal folk sect based on the Taoist practice and integrating the teachings and practices of the White Lotus Sect and the Ming Sect.

      Folks call Qingyang, Hongyang and Baiyang the Sanyang Sect, and the Baiyang Sect has a resounding name, the Tianli Sect who once entered the Forbidden City and almost assassinated Jiaqing.

      The Sanyang Religion that Gao Jingfei obtained seems to be different from the Sanyang Religion that incites the poor to rebel as the main business, because the Sanyang Religion is the true method of longevity that can be cultivated into immortals.

      Sure enough, this golden legend-level item, placed in the Middle-earth Xuanmen system, is a fairy-level existence!

      However, this Sanyang Sect seems to be a real cultivation sect in a certain world of immortality, not the kind of folk sect that fools people.

      Forcefully holding back the excitement in his heart, Gao Jingfei put down the longevity book for the time being, and instead thought about the items he had obtained from the other seven green draws. Because Sanyang True Solution is a precious secret that can make mortals become immortals, but now is not the time to study this.

      Going out this golden lottery, the remaining seven green lottery draws can also be said to be a big explosion.

      The seven items obtained are:

      The breath of the sun comes from the world of ghosts. The founder of the breathing method, Ji Guoyuanyi, created the initial breathing method to fight against ghosts. With the energy of the sun, it restrains evil forces and dark creatures.

      Wuyin Bag, a magical weapon recorded in the Heshan Sutra, inherited from the Heshan Taoist sect of the Heavenly Phoenix Universe , can also be used for storage.

      Street lamp flower, from the world of plants and zombies, is a mysterious plant that looks like a street lamp in a flowerpot.

      The White Bone Soul Killing Needle comes from the world of Shushan Mountain. It is an evil magic weapon passed down by the White Bone God in the Shenmo Cave of Lushan Mountain. It is refined with ghost bones and can slaughter the living and dead souls to refine itself. At first, it was only a general magic weapon, and the more powerful the soul body it kills. The bigger it is, the more you collect all nine, you can become a set of white bone and soul slaying needles.

      Radiation True Qi comes from the world of Qing Yu Nian, and it is not an ordinary martial art that uses nuclear radiation to fuse with its own blood.

      Vajra Talisman x5, from the world of fairy sword, after use, it is like a golden bell iron shield, which can defend against physical and magical attacks.

      Detonating talisman x3, from Naruto World, also known as blasting talisman, is a spell that seals the fire escape chakra in the form of runes in paper.

      Among the seven items, there are two magical instruments, two kinds of cultivation methods, one strange object and two consumables for spiritual talismans.

      Each piece can be said to have its own unique function, and it is an extraordinary item of great value. Among them, there are just a few things that can be used in the current situation.

      As Gao Jingfei walked quickly with the team, he took out a palm-sized gray-black leather bag from his arms.

      When you pour your own spiritual power into the bag, you can feel a space the size of a train toilet, and there is nothing in it, only a cold air is entrenched in it. At the same time, I also understand that I can control this magical instrument through my mind at any time to collect and cast items.

      This is the five yin bag among the two instruments.

      Finally got a storage magic weapon!

      Gao Jingfei was naturally overjoyed in his heart, even if this thing belonged to an evil magic weapon, it didn't matter.

      Then Gao Jingfei went deep into his arms again, and took out a