Resurrection Patriarch. Justin Howard

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Название Resurrection Patriarch
Автор произведения Justin Howard
Жанр Языкознание
Издательство Языкознание
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9783754186749

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the same time, Gao Jingfei also received a prompt that surprised him.

      The 100th Lu Zhang Divine Power and Divinity

      Whether the ghost doll Anita is an evil spirit or a demon, its spirit completely dissipated, because the Altar of the Heavens immediately sent Gao Jingfei a surprise message.

      But this is not the time to check, there is still a big experience monster waiting for him to harvest.

      It's a pity that when Gao Jingfei turned back and planned to pull the nightmare out of Wang Mingyu's nightmare, Wang Mingyu had already opened his eyes ignorantly and woke up. He was covering the wound on his neck with a bewildered expression on his face.

      Obviously, the iron claw man Flake was scared off by their previous methods!

      Just kidding, the three gods of the gods of harvest have existed to this day, and they have always played with humans in the palm of their hands, killing and teasing them like guinea pigs. Are you still waiting for these terrifying humans to pull the corpse out of the dream and whip the corpse?

      Am I going to die?

      Seeing Wang Mingyu looking like he was about to die, Gao Jingfei said angrily:

      It's just scratching the skin. If you go to the hospital too late, the doctor won't have to treat you.

      Wang Mingyu stood up in surprise when he heard the words, and found that the wound was really shallow, and there was no bleeding now, so he was relieved and said with a smile: Great, I'm alive!

      Then he thought of his little friend again, and suddenly said with a very anxious and worried expression:

      Uncle policeman, let's hurry up and save Li Yang and Xu Juanxuan, I'm worried that they will

      The kid didn't finish his words, but Gao Jingfei and the others understood what he meant.

      The two monsters that I have seen, Ghost Doll and Nightmare, although ferocious, seem to be playing with prey and treating intruding humans. According to the information previously disclosed by Ghost Doll, these so-called angels are all executing that person. The order left by the God of Harvest to capture human beings for blood sacrifice in exchange for the awakening of the gods.

      In this way, several people have to worry about the safety of the two students who were taken away. After all, the scarecrow seems to like killing, and it seems that among the three monsters, it is also the one who presides over the blood sacrifice ceremony to the gods.

      Then the situation of the missing two people is probably very bad.

      The three of the law enforcement team didn't dare to delay, they took Wang Mingyu, the survivor, and rushed towards the village.

      According to Wang Mingyu, Li Yang was dragged into the cornfield by the scarecrow and headed towards the village.

      During the march, Gao Jingfei took time out, and his consciousness entered the altar of the heavens to see the harvest of killing the ghost doll.

      What surprised him was that the harvest this time was different from the past. It did not directly show how many divine particles he had harvested, but prompted him to receive 7 points of divine power and two divine qualities!

      Divine power? Divinity?

      Gao Jingfei carefully examined the two-color light floating above the altar, as well as the dark red spots surrounding the light.

      This thing is like a hairtail composed of tiny lights. It consists of two rays of light, one gold and the other black. They are intertwined and swim in the air like a DNA double helix, but under some invisible force, they cannot escape. The altar has a certain range.

      This light band is actually very small, even thinner than a hair, just because the light emitted makes it look like a one-foot-long light band.

      Gao Jingfei, who has also dabbled in the Western fantasy of this world, knows the word divine power, and understands that this is a very high-end existence for mortals, which has surpassed ordinary extraordinary power. And divinity is the root of the power of the gods, and it is the product of the realization of the law.

      That's right, since the ghost doll guy said that the three monsters are the messengers of the god of harvest, it is reasonable to destroy them to gain a little bit of divine power and divinity!

      Then Gao Jingfei was overjoyed:

      These 7 points of divine power can be exchanged for 700 points of divine particles, which means that one point of divine power is equivalent to 100 points of divine particles. Sure enough, this divine power is also the power that manifests the law, but it is more advanced than divine particles.

      And that divinity, the information given by the altar of the heavens is that this is a god of hatred and a god of illusion, and it comes from the power condensed by the gods who hold the two domains of hatred and illusion.

      Hate divinity, as soon as you hear it, you know it's not a serious deity!

      Depending on the authority of the divine authority, the gods also control the power of divinity in different fields. The two divinities he acquired are the power of hatred and illusion.

      However, Gao Jingfei may be due to his low strength at this time. He doesn't know how to deal with these two gods, and he doesn't even dare to touch it, because that light gives him a feeling of longing to touch but very dangerous. . If you rashly contact this divine power, it is estimated that the ending will not be so good.

      The Altar of the Heavens gave him a way to deal with it, which is to directly convert it into divine particles for lottery.

      Moreover, the conversion rate is astonishingly high. A line of divinity turned out to be a hundred times the energy transformed by divine power, which means that the conversion between divine particles, divine power and divine nature is an incremental conversion of hundreds of decimals.

      A streak of divine nature can be transformed into ten thousand divine particles.

      Although it is possible to harvest a large amount of energy for summoning, Gao Jingfei instinctively felt that if he was transformed into divine particles by the altar of the heavens, it seemed that it would be a disadvantage to deal with divine nature in this way.

      What's more, the thing of divinity is a high-level existence. When he was in school in this life, he, a scumbag, did not miss the Internet, and vaguely understood that this thing might be the key to making mortals embark on the road to becoming a god.

      So after thinking about it, Gao Jingfei decided to transform the divine power of hating the divine nature, which is obviously not a kind of goodness, and release the phantom divine nature back and keep it in the altar of the heavens.

      After all, he is in urgent need of energy lottery, and he cannot use the existence of divinity in a short period of time, so he will keep a phantom divinity that looks normal, and exchange the hatred divinity that belongs to negative power.

      Just after he did this, the Altar of the Heavens suddenly trembled slightly.

      The light band that originally appeared in the form of a double helix swimming above the altar became a thin golden light band, and those dark red light spots also disappeared.

      And the accumulation of divine particles in the altar of the heavens skyrocketed in an instant, rising to a huge number of 10,700 points in Gao Jingfei's maddened gaze.

      This is the highest energy accumulation he has achieved since he awakened Goldfinger. It was also the first time that Gao Jingfei had harvested so much energy at once.

      He regretted it even more, regretting how he accidentally let the nightmare monster named Flake slip away!

      However, after the surprise and annoyance, Gao Jingfei fell into the trouble of happiness again.

      For these more than 10,000 divine particles, should I do a red 10-draw, or a green 100-draw, or a golden draw?

      I have to say that Gao Jingfei has some difficult choices at this time.
