Resurrection Patriarch. Justin Howard

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Название Resurrection Patriarch
Автор произведения Justin Howard
Жанр Языкознание
Издательство Языкознание
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9783754186749

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      And it's also a masonry wall, not the wooden walls found elsewhere in the villa.

      This type of Victorian house is usually made of masonry. Because in the environment of the United States, wood is much cheaper than masonry cement, so many people build houses with wood as the main body. Masonry concrete houses are Exclusively for the rich.

      Therefore, the main structures such as the outer walls of the villa where they are located are made of masonry.

      Although ghost dolls can use their petite doll bodies to exert more power than adults, they do not have the inhuman power to break brick walls with one punch.

      The difficulty of the ghost doll is its cunning sneak attack and terrifying speed. Now these two points are restricted by Gao Jingfei and the others, and its defeat is only a matter of time.

      Seeing that two human beings with weapons that were a great threat to him were approaching, pushing him into the corner, but the damn paper figure was so difficult that he couldn't get out, and the ghost doll, who was always full of confidence, couldn't help but show a trace at this time. Panicked, he shouted in the direction of the villa:

      Damn flake, don't come out and help me

      Hearing this, the three of the law enforcement team couldn't help being shocked. Especially Gao Jingkun remembered that there seemed to be more than one monster in this villa.

      However, Gao Jingfei said to the two elder brothers: Don't be distracted, let me deal with it here.

      The implication is that the ghost doll must be trapped and completely eliminated.

      Out of the corner of the eye, he saw Gao Jingfei holding a jujube red statue of Guan Gong with a steady expression, and both Gao Jingkun were relieved.

      Only Wang Mingyu, who had been on the sofa, was a little uneasy after being freed from the protection of the three, and could not help but approach Gao Jingfei's side.

      At this moment, Wang Mingyu suddenly felt dizzy, and he realized that it was not good, and then he lost consciousness before he could say a word, and fell at Gao Jingfei's feet with a thud.

      Apparently, the cunning nightmare that was peeping in the dark did not attack the three of them, but instead focused on the unlucky Wang Mingyu once again.

      Sure enough, he is a sly guy who bullies the soft and fears the hard!

      Gao Jingfei snorted inwardly.

      Seeing that Wang Mingyu was unconscious again, Gao Jingfei once again reminded the two of them not to be distracted, but he seemed to have other considerations and did not rush to rescue Wang Mingyu's predicament.

      Gao Jingkun and Pang Bing, who were warned, did not relax the siege of the ghost dolls, which means that the nightmare's siege to Wei to save Zhao was a complete failure.

      Of course, it may also be that the nightmare did this on purpose. After all, from the performance of both sides, although it is a gang, the relationship between the three known monsters does not seem to be so harmonious.

      The ghost doll, who clearly understood this, cursed again.

      However, with the swear words of the barren Breton language family, it is the words of Fake Oil Ace, son of a bitch, or the scum of hell, and so on.

      The lethal power of this swearing was like a breeze blowing in the face to that old yin than the general iron claw man's nightmare, and there was no reaction at all.

      On the contrary, the ghost doll made a mistake because of his anger, and was caught by the tireless Aldiba, who broke one of the doll's legs with one blow.

      Great Aldiba! Gao Jingfei, who was watching the battle from the rear, praised loudly.

      Although the ghost doll that turned into a one-legged jumping body was harmless to the spiritual body inside, it further affected its mobility, which made it an absolute disadvantage in the battle with Aldiba in an instant.

      Even Pang Bing, who was surrounded by the outside, couldn't help but join the battle group. Taking advantage of Aldiba's time to grab the ghost doll's arm again, the slender black iron thorns in his hand were poisonous and poisonous to the ghost doll. Lower abdomen came.

      The dark and cold power poured into the ghost doll's body, causing it to raise its hair and let out a painful howl.

      what! Flake, save me!

      Taking advantage of the fact that it was dying, Gao Jingkun also joined the fray. With a close-range shot of the revolver, a faint burst of white energy exploded the ghost doll's body.

      The ghost doll with only one arm and a shoulder attached to the head was restrained by Aldiba and struggled constantly, but was unable to break free.

      At a critical juncture, the ghost doll also revealed its stern and stern nature, begging:

      No, don't kill me, I am the messenger of the great harvest god, kill me you mortals will be punished by the gods

      The three of Gao Jingkun were shocked when they heard the words, and Gao Jingfei immediately gave his elder brother a wink.

      In fact, it goes without saying that Gao Jingkun also understands what the younger brother means. He also intends to get more information about this world from the ghost doll, so he put half of the mahogany sword on the ghost doll's mutilated neck and asked:

      What is the god of harvest? How many monsters are there like you, and what are their origins?

      The ghost doll seemed to be dying and said:

      The great god of harvest is our creator, who has fallen into a deep sleep after experiencing Ragnarok. Our task is to awaken the great god through blood sacrifice!

      We have three harvest angels, and Flake is the nightmare that trapped the consciousness of the young human soul

      I am an evil spirit created by the great god, who can possess dead and living creatures at will. There is also a scarecrow, which is a creature dotted by the blood of the great god of harvest. The man made a scarecrow and died in the field, absorbing the resentment of the youth, and the scarecrow used the youth's name to call himself Klein

      It seems that he heard the ghost doll leaking his secret, and the unconscious Wang Mingyu suddenly heard a hoarse voice:

      Anita, you bloody traitor, human, kill it or let it go, or I'll kill this young human!

      Hearing the threat of this voice, Gao Jingfei and the three saw that a bloodstain appeared out of thin air on Wang Mingyu's neck. Obviously, the other party could hurt Wang Mingyu's real body in the conscious world.

      Kill it Pongo!

      Gao Jingfei said to Pang Bing coldly, as if he had to do this because of the threat of the nightmare Flake.

      In fact, the general information has been obtained from the ghost doll. In fact, he can use the idol to rescue Wang Mingyu at any time. He just doesn't want to act rashly and cause the student to be hurt again. In addition, he also doesn't want to scare another monster, so that the nightmare finally shows its traces. escape.

      The nightmare pulls Wang Mingyu's consciousness into the nightmare, so it must be in the same dream world.

      Since Pang Bing entered this world, he has been holding back a lot of breath, and he feels powerless in the face of these monsters.

      Now that Gao Jingfei said that he could kill the monster, he immediately pointed the Sanyin thorn at the ghost doll's head.

      No, I'm still useful, I know their weaknesses, nightmares grow by absorbing fear, scarecrows grow by killing

      Before the ghost baby's final information was finished, Pang Bing looked back at Gao Jingfei, who waved directly.

      Then a shrill scream sounded, but it stopped abruptly halfway.

      The Sanyin piercing pierced the ghost doll's head, and black smoke rose up as if lit by plastic, but the sound disappeared in just two or three seconds. drift.
