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A Project Chick

Nikki Turner

Tressa is a fly girl accustomed to the lavish lifestyle that her possessive, deranged, baby's daddy, Lucky, has provider her with. In order to keep her high post standards of living, she has excused so many of his unforgivable actions. It is not until he pulls off the ultimate stunt that she realizes that no mink coat, car, house or any amount of money is worth her peace of mind. Never blinking or thinking twice, Tressa leaves everything behind, with the exception of her street savvy, and sets out to make a life of her own, one that would be filled with hard times and even harder luck. Tressa soon finds herself making the transition from public figure to public assistance. Every day of her life seems like one drama-filled chapter after another. From the baby daddy drama, to the backstabbing friends, to the various unforgettable men she sorts through and disposes of. There will be times she has to struggle and scramble just to make ends meet, and other times when she will stand tall and hold her own. In this captivating tale, Tressa's voyage will expose readers to a side of a struggling single mother that has yet to be revealed to them Nikki Turner, the best selling author of A Hustler's Wife, once again will take readers on a safari through the jungle of the fierce and stormy streets, leaving readers on the edge of their seats begging for an encore.

A Hustler's Wife

Nikki Turner

This novel portrays the life of Yarni, a sweet and innocent girl from a well-to-do family. By chance she meets Richmond Virginia's notorious drug kingpin, Des. Immediately they develop an astronomical love, which separates her from her family and friends. But when Des is sentenced to life in prison, Yarni will learn being A Hustler's Wife isn't easy with her sole provider behind bars.

A Hood Legend

Victor Martin

Fresh out of the Marines with only five grand in his pocket, Menage is looking to make his presence and his flamboyant taste in cars and clothes, felt on the extravagant, flossed-out streets of Miami. When Menage Discovers that he has a flare for flipping stolen cars into more cash then he can handle he befriends Dwight who helps him with his operation. What Menage soon learns is that when doing shady business, shady characters lurk where you least expect them. Follow Menage as he balls outta control, outrunning the law and bullets that may bear his name.

A Down Chic

Mallori McNeal

Amina is a bad girl born in the Bronx and raised in downtown Cincinnati. For a 17-year-old, Amina has a decent life. But after meeting her father and 23-year-old brother for the first time, things take a turn for the worse. Amina ends up alone, trying to fend for herself and save her boyfriend, Kayne, from 3 years in jail. Amina must prove her loyalty to Kayne, but can you be a Down Chick without being locked down yourself? This is a question that never crosses Amina's mind, leading her to make the ultimate mistake of her life. Author Mallori McNeal began writing Down Chick at age 14, during the summer before she began her first year in high school. She completed Down Chick and was accepted for publishing at age 16. Mallori currently lives in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Final Curtain, The

Ray Comfort

"How could any successful, famous person who is rolling in money and who is surrounded by adoring fans be depressed? Happiness comes from what happens to us, and if good things are happening, we should be happy. So why the depression? That is the question that they and we ask ourselves. Why?" The World Health Organization says that 350,000,000 people suffer from depression. God provides answers as to why and how to stop this horrid trend We have been created to be social creatures, and knowing this can help us reach out to those suffering If you are suffering from depression or know someone who is, this book can help you find hope *Bonus Book included in the back «From the Ledge» From his bird’s eye view, he peered into the foggy bay, as if his solution might be out there just beyond his sight. Why was he hesitating to take his life? All he had to do was lean forward from the railing and simply free fall into the treacherous depths below, yet he felt as compelled to stay as he did to jump. Will the bystander approaching him be able to address the man’s true needs and talk him down? Would you be able to offer a ray of hope and some comfort to someone without any? Let this fictional encounter provide a way to reach those who walk on that ledge, needing the hope of God.

Essays in Apocalypse

Terry Hall James

A tense world struggles in chaos…and the clock is ticking. Events are aligning as mankind spirals into anger, war, fear, and hopelessness. Nations are at odds with populism and globalism. Political leaders and dictators vie for power and influence. Looking back, you wonder “how did we get here?” Yet, these events are only signposts to the real future of mankind…the prophetic end of days. Globalism and Israel remain the two important factors to understanding key biblical prophecies. Signals abound that this generation is on the edge of experiencing a transition into the Tribulation. There may be no more dramatic proof that this sudden change is about to happen than what has resulted from the election of Donald J. Trump as president of the United States. In addition to being staunchly anti-globalism, Trump is stridently pro-Israel; moving the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem is proof. Now discover: Why Israel is such an important target for Satan How America is part of the biblical prophecies Which country is Babylon the Great – and why it will be destroyed Follow prophecy expert Terry James as he shares a collection of pivotal essays from 2015 to 2017 that reveal and highlight the prophetic clues that have brought us to this point in the countdown to a coming judgment. It all comes down to a single question — are you prepared for what is to come?

Memorization Study Bible, The

Thomas Meyer

Technology has information at our fingertips. But our relationship with God needs to be one of the heart, not the smartphone. Get engaged with the Word of God in a refreshing and amazing new way! Memorize verses, chapters, and even whole books of the New Testament using the “Bible Memory Man” Prof. Tom Meyer’s powerful techniques that he learned while studying in Jerusalem, Israel. Having memorized 20 complete books of the Bible, Tom shares his helpful tips. Go deeper into Scripture and command a greater knowledge, insight, and understanding of God! Discover memorization techniques used throughout Jewish and Christian history as you unleash the true power of the spoken Word Develop a more intimate relationship with God when you memorize and meditate to keep Scripture in your heart Written by the instructor of the only accredited Bible memorization college course in America

Gospel Reset

Ken Ham

In this easy-to-read book, Ken Ham gives us a primer in Creation science evangelism using two very different sermons from the book of Acts that were designed to reach two different audiences — the churched and the unchurched. Jew and Gentile — to effectively reach the lost. Outlines the social and moral consequences that modern culture’s war on the Bible is having on society Provides helpful insight into understanding how to evangelize to young people Offers guidance on how to ensure churches are properly equipping their members to defend their faith

Noah: Man of God

Tim Chaffey

Time is finally running out. Mankind, with its wickedness and false religion, is reaching a point of no return, and Noah must fulfill God’s plan. Noah has experienced tragedy and loss yet has chosen to stand fast in his faith in the Creator. Judgment is approaching – but vengeance still stalks this righteous man who must do what has never been done to save the last remnants of this lost, antediluvian world. This is the final book in the popular Remnant Trilogy. Provides a unique perspective into the events of the Flood and the Ark Including fascinating connections to the popular Ark Encounter Answers important questions about historical and biblical details


Terry Hall James

Indoctrination disguised as education. The religion of climate change enshrined. Witchcraft and the occult made mainstream. Fake news. We live in a world where deception is rampant and true agendas are rarely revealed. Jesus foretold of this time as He answered His disciples’ question: What will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age? Bible prophecy experts present an analysis of today’s issues and events in Deceivers, revealing that Christ’s prophecy is literally unfolding before us today. A collection of 12 leading experts. Discover false prophets hiding behind the thin veneer of religious half-truths Unveil the globalist agenda behind diplomatic, judicial, and political hypocrisy Go behind misleading headlines and entertainment illusions to discern the truth.