Ray Comfort

Список книг автора Ray Comfort

    Final Curtain, The

    Ray Comfort

    "How could any successful, famous person who is rolling in money and who is surrounded by adoring fans be depressed? Happiness comes from what happens to us, and if good things are happening, we should be happy. So why the depression? That is the question that they and we ask ourselves. Why?" The World Health Organization says that 350,000,000 people suffer from depression. God provides answers as to why and how to stop this horrid trend We have been created to be social creatures, and knowing this can help us reach out to those suffering If you are suffering from depression or know someone who is, this book can help you find hope *Bonus Book included in the back «From the Ledge» From his bird’s eye view, he peered into the foggy bay, as if his solution might be out there just beyond his sight. Why was he hesitating to take his life? All he had to do was lean forward from the railing and simply free fall into the treacherous depths below, yet he felt as compelled to stay as he did to jump. Will the bystander approaching him be able to address the man’s true needs and talk him down? Would you be able to offer a ray of hope and some comfort to someone without any? Let this fictional encounter provide a way to reach those who walk on that ledge, needing the hope of God.

    Fat Chance

    Ray Comfort

    Most atheists don’t know that there’s never been an atheist president, that no members of Congress are atheists, and that in seven states it’s illegal for atheists to run for office. Atheists are convinced that atheism is intellectual when it’s the exact opposite. There is nothing more foolish than believing the scientific impossibility that nothing created everything. Ray addresses this fact, at the same time showing that there is credible scientific evidence for God, and exposing what atheists are doing to the once great country. This is a book that you can give to your partying and boozy neighbor, your likeable but unsaved Uncle Fred, or the Christian mom who is grieved that her beloved church-going son has turned atheist. America is having a revival of atheism, and is being swallowed by moral darkness. This book is a small but powerful light. Written to help reach atheists because of the horrid reality of Hell Contains a clear gospel presentation to help Christians share the power of God’s grace Here is the book to give away to those who are wandering into the darkness of atheism.

    Mark Twain: A Christian Response to His Battle With God

    Ray Comfort

    From the pages of a long-hidden manuscript written by a man filled with disappointment and anger, you will discover the truth about Mark Twain’s embittered battle with God! Evidence in his work that proves he wasn't an atheist Selections from his letters and popular works that reveal his confused faith Perspectives from Twain on God that echo modern criticism and doubts. Twain was a very popular and gifted speaker with a carefully cultivated image. Few knew he secretly wrote a manuscript complaining bitterly about the God of the Bible, citing hypocrisy and cruelties, like there would be no sex in heaven. Twain decided to have his book published 100 years after his death in the hope that society would then be open-minded enough to listen. Ray Comfort searches through volumes of Twain’s writings to develop a comprehensive answer to this profound writer of the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn , and a man who suffered much. Discover Twain’s arguments with God and a powerful response that helps strengthen your faith and understanding of our loving Creator!

    Made in Heaven

    Ray Comfort

    Science shamelessly steals from God’s creation, yet refuses to give God the glory! How the glow of a cat’s eyes innovates road reflectors The naturally sticky inspirations for Velcro and barbed wire A fly’s ear, the lizard’s foot, the moth’s eye, and other natural examples are inspiring improvements and new technologies in our lives Engineers and inventors have long examined God’s creation to understand and copy complex, proven mechanics of design in the science known as biomimicry. Much of this inspiration is increasingly drawn from amazing aspects of nature, including insects to plants to man in search of wisdom and insight. We are surrounded daily by scientific advancements that have become everyday items, simply because man is copying from God’s incredible creation, without acknowledging the Creator.

    The Defender's Guide For Life's Toughest Questions

    Ray Comfort

    It's tough to be a believer in today's world- especially if you are a student in an academic system intent on destroying your faith. Bestselling author and television co-host, Ray Comfort, has collected some of the toughest questions people will face in defending their faith and offers sound biblical responses. Each issue is one that has been raised by genuine atheists. Don't be without these powerful facts when you face a world trying to twist and confuse biblical truth. The Defender's Guide for Life's Toughest Questions discusses topics such as: Humanity: Rights and Suffering The Bible: Biblical and Theological Issues Science: Scientific Thought and Evolution Philosophy: Beliefs and Worldviews Religion: God and Atheism When an atheist wants an answer, will you have one? Any Christians out there want to take on why the Bible has such a low opinion of women? What is wrong with using 'filthy language'? Biblically or otherwise? Do you really believe the Holocaust was God's punishment of the Jews? Ray Comfort tackles these questions and many more in The Defender's Guide for Life's Toughest Questions. Learn how to approach these types of questions with confidence, biblical truth, and loving kindness!