Прочая образовательная литература

Различные книги в жанре Прочая образовательная литература

Ecological Challenges and Conservation Conundrums. Essays and Reflections for a Changing World

John Wiens A.

Short, compelling, but mostly thought-provoking essys that encompass many of the central issues shaping ecology and conservation in the changing world Collected essays from one of the best known ecologists and conservationists in the world Includes all issues at the cutting edge of the interface between ecology and conservation Attractive to a broad audience of ecologists, conservationists, natural resource managers, policy makers, and naturalists

Ein- und zweidimensionale NMR-Spektroskopie. Eine Einführung

Horst Friebolin

Diese vollstandig uberarbeitete und aktualisierte Neuauflage des klassischen Lehrbuches beinhaltet neben den Grundlagen der NMR-Spektroskopie auch die der Spektreninterpretation. Ohne viel Mathematik bietet der Text eine Einleitung und deckt somit auch den Lehrstoff von Hochschulkursen ab. Der Hauptanteil des Buches ist nach wie vor der NMR-Spektroskopie an Losungen gewidmet, doch wurden auch verstarkt Untersuchungen an Festkorpern und die Analyse von Biopolymeren berucksichtigt. Zum Schluss werden einige Einsatzmoglichkeiten der Kernspintomographie und der Kombination von Tomographie und Spektroskopie besprochen. Erganzt wurde jedes Kapitel um Aufgaben, deren Losungsvorschlage im Anschluss an Kapitel 14 zu finden sind. Mit seiner ubersichtlichen Darstellung ist dieses Buch ein Muss fur Studenten, Dozenten und Anwender der NMR-Spektroskopie in der Chemie, Biochemie und Pharmazie.

Understanding Language and Literacy Development. Diverse Learners in the Classroom

Xiao-lei Wang

Understanding Language and Literacy Development: Diverse Learners in the Classroom offers effective supporting strategies to address the cultural and linguistic diversity of students in contemporary classrooms. Discusses learners with different linguistic abilities—infancy, early childhood, middle childhood, and adolescence—by suggesting effective ways to reach them based on their strengths and needs Emphasizes language and literacy supporting strategies in a variety of everyday classroom settings Includes activities and questions to motivate readers to think and develop their own perspectives on language and literacy development Considers a variety of different language acquisition experiences, including monolingual, multilingual, and language impairment Discusses different types of literacies, including digital and hypertext Connects language and literacy development to identity and motivation to contextualize learning styles for pre-service teachers Supported by a companion website that includes additional resources such as PowerPoint presentations by chapter and a summary of relevant information from the Common Core K–12 English Language Arts Standards

Geschichte der anorganischen Chemie. Die Entwicklung einer Wissenschaft in Deutschland von Döbereiner bis heute

Helmut Werner

Helmut Werner, selbst ein anerkannter Anorganiker, beleuchtet in seinem Buch die Entwicklung der anorganischen Chemie in Deutschland von den ersten wirklich wissenschaftlichen Schritten im fruhen 19. Jahrhundert bis hin zu den modernen Forschungsthemen des beginnenden 21. Jahrhunderts. Dabei stehen stets die Wissenschaftler im Vordergrund, die mit ihren Leistungen und Schwerpunktsetzungen die wissenschaftliche Landschaft uber ihren Tod hinaus gepragt haben. Dem Autor gelingt es so, die Geschichte einer Wissenschaft lebendig werden zu lassen.

Chemiker im "Dritten Reich". Die Deutsche Chemische Gesellschaft und der Verein Deutscher Chemiker im NS-Herrschaftsapparat

Helmut Maier

Die Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh) wurde 1949 gegrundet und ist heute mit uber 30.000 Mitgliedern, vorrangig aus Hochschulen und Industrie, die gro?te kontinentaleuropaische chemische Gesellschaft. Ihre im 19. Jahrhundert gegrundeten Vorgangerorganisationen, die Deutsche Chemische Gesellschaft (DChG) und der Verein Deutscher Chemiker (VDCh), wirkten als die Motoren der so erfolgreichen Chemie in Deutschland und sind Teil des Erbes der GDCh. Dessen dunkle Seite begann man erst ab 2001 zu untersuchen. Bis dahin sorgten auch in diesem Bereich unserer Gesellschaft existierende Kontinuitaten dafur, dass der Mantel des Schweigens uber Leben und Wirken der mannerbestimmten Verbande und ihrer Protagonisten gebreitet wurde. Viele Opfer des totalitaren NS-Staates blieben ganzlich unbekannt. Der Wissenschaftshistoriker Helmut Maier legt nun eine eindrucksvolle, umfassende und unabhangige Studie uber Funktionen und Strukturen der DChG und des VDCh von 1933 bis 1945 vor. Detailliert wird der Weg auch weniger bekannter Chemiker aus Forschung, Industrie und dem deutschen chemischen Literaturwesen beschrieben, sowie Einzelschicksale systematisch aufgespurt und beleuchtet. Erstmals existiert ein Gesamtbild uber die Berufsgruppe der Chemiker, ihre fur das ?Dritte Reich? so bedeutende Rolle und damit vor allem eine mahnende Erinnerung fur alle Nachfolgegenerationen.

Modern Biophysical Chemistry. Detection and Analysis of Biomolecules

Peter Walla Jomo

This updated and up-to-date version of the first edition continues with the really interesting stuff to spice up a standard biophysics and biophysical chemistry course. All relevant methods used in current cutting edge research including such recent developments as super-resolution microscopy and next-generation DNA sequencing techniques, as well as industrial applications, are explained. The text has been developed from a graduate course taught by the author for several years, and by presenting a mix of basic theory and real-life examples, he closes the gap between theory and experiment. The first part, on basic biophysical chemistry, surveys fundamental and spectroscopic techniques as well as biomolecular properties that represent the modern standard and are also the basis for the more sophisticated technologies discussed later in the book. The second part covers the latest bioanalytical techniques such as the mentioned super-resolution and next generation sequencing methods, confocal fluorescence microscopy, light sheet microscopy, two-photon microscopy and ultrafast spectroscopy, single molecule optical, electrical and force measurements, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, optical tweezers, quantum dots and DNA origami techniques. Both the text and illustrations have been prepared in a clear and accessible style, with extended and updated exercises (and their solutions) accompanying each chapter. Readers with a basic understanding of biochemistry and/or biophysics will quickly gain an overview of cutting edge technology for the biophysical analysis of proteins, nucleic acids and other biomolecules and their interactions. Equally, any student contemplating a career in the chemical, pharmaceutical or bio-industry will greatly benefit from the technological knowledge presented. Questions of differing complexity testing the reader's understanding can be found at the end of each chapter with clearly described solutions available on the Wiley-VCH textbook homepage under: www.wiley-vch.de/textbooks

Advanced Distillation Technologies. Design, Control and Applications

Anton Kiss A.

Distillation has historically been the main method for separating mixtures in the chemical process industry. However, despite the flexibility and widespread use of distillation processes, they still remain extremely energy inefficient. Increased optimization and novel distillation concepts can deliver substantial benefits, not just in terms of significantly lower energy use, but also in reducing capital investment and improving eco-efficiency. While likely to remain the separation technology of choice for the next few decades, there is no doubt that distillation technologies need to make radical changes in order to meet the demands of the energy-conscious society. Advanced Distillation Technologies: Design, Control and Applications gives a deep and broad insight into integrated separations using non-conventional arrangements, including both current and upcoming process intensification technologies. It includes: Key concepts in distillation technology Principles of design, control, sizing and economics of distillation Dividing-wall column (DWC) – design, configurations, optimal operation and energy efficient and advanced control DWC applications in ternary separations, azeotropic, extractive and reactive distillation Heat integrated distillation column (HIDiC) – design, equipment and configurations Heat-pump assisted applications (MVR, TVR, AHP, CHRP, TAHP and others) Cyclic distillation technology – concepts, modeling approach, design and control issues Reactive distillation – fundamentals, equipment, applications, feasibility scheme Results of rigorous simulations in Mathworks Matlab & Simulink, Aspen Plus, Dynamics and Custom Modeler Containing abundant examples and industrial case studies, this is a unique resource that tackles the most advanced distillation technologies – all the way from the conceptual design to practical implementation. The author of Advanced Distillation Technologies, Dr. Ir. Anton A. Kiss, has been awarded the Hoogewerff Jongerenprijs 2013. Find out more (website in Dutch)…

Free Space Optical Systems Engineering. Design and Analysis

Larry Stotts B.

Gets you quickly up to speed with the theoretical and practical aspects of free space optical systems engineering design and analysis One of today's fastest growing system design and analysis disciplines is free space optical systems engineering for communications and remote sensing applications. It is concerned with creating a light signal with certain characteristics, how this signal is affected and changed by the medium it traverses, how these effects can be mitigated both pre- and post-detection, and if after detection, it can be differentiated from noise under a certain standard, e.g., receiver operating characteristic. Free space optical systems engineering is a complex process to design against and analyze. While there are several good introductory texts devoted to key aspects of optics—such as lens design, lasers, detectors, fiber and free space, optical communications, and remote sensing—until now, there were none offering comprehensive coverage of the basics needed for optical systems engineering. If you're an upper-division undergraduate, or first-year graduate student, looking to acquire a practical understanding of electro-optical engineering basics, this book is intended for you. Topics and tools are covered that will prepare you for graduate research and engineering in either an academic or commercial environment. If you are an engineer or scientist considering making the move into the opportunity rich field of optics, this all-in-one guide brings you up to speed with everything you need to know to hit the ground running, leveraging your experience and expertise acquired previously in alternate fields. Following an overview of the mathematical fundamentals, this book provides a concise, yet thorough coverage of, among other crucial topics: Maxwell Equations, Geometrical Optics, Fourier Optics, Partial Coherence theory Linear algebra, Basic probability theory, Statistics, Detection and Estimation theory, Replacement Model detection theory, LADAR/LIDAR detection theory, optical communications theory Critical aspects of atmospheric propagation in real environments, including commonly used models for characterizing beam, and spherical and plane wave propagation through free space, turbulent and particulate channels Lasers, blackbodies/graybodies sources and photodetectors (e.g., PIN, ADP, PMT) and their inherent internal noise sources The book provides clear, detailed discussions of the basics for free space optical systems design and analysis, along with a wealth of worked examples and practice problems—found throughout the book and on a companion website. Their intent is to help you test and hone your skill set and assess your comprehension of this important area. Free Space Optical Systems Engineering is an indispensable introduction for students and professionals alike.

Conservation of Wildlife Populations. Demography, Genetics, and Management

L. Mills Scott

Population ecology has matured to a sophisticated science with astonishing potential for contributing solutions to wildlife conservation and management challenges. And yet, much of the applied power of wildlife population ecology remains untapped because its broad sweep across disparate subfields has been isolated in specialized texts. In this book, L. Scott Mills covers the full spectrum of applied wildlife population ecology, including genomic tools for non-invasive genetic sampling, predation, population projections, climate change and invasive species, harvest modeling, viability analysis, focal species concepts, and analyses of connectivity in fragmented landscapes. With a readable style, analytical rigor, and hundreds of examples drawn from around the world, Conservation of Wildlife Populations (2nd ed) provides the conceptual basis for applying population ecology to wildlife conservation decision-making. Although targeting primarily undergraduates and beginning graduate students with some basic training in basic ecology and statistics (in majors that could include wildlife biology, conservation biology, ecology, environmental studies, and biology), the book will also be useful for practitioners in the field who want to find – in one place and with plenty of applied examples – the latest advances in the genetic and demographic aspects of population ecology. Additional resources for this book can be found at: www.wiley.com/go/mills/wildlifepopulations.

Chemical Reaction Kinetics. Concepts, Methods and Case Studies

Jorge Ancheyta

A practical approach to chemical reaction kinetics—from basic concepts to laboratory methods—featuring numerous real-world examples and case studies This book focuses on fundamental aspects of reaction kinetics with an emphasis on mathematical methods for analyzing experimental data and interpreting results. It describes basic concepts of reaction kinetics, parameters for measuring the progress of chemical reactions, variables that affect reaction rates, and ideal reactor performance. Mathematical methods for determining reaction kinetic parameters are described in detail with the help of real-world examples and fully-worked step-by-step solutions. Both analytical and numerical solutions are exemplified. The book begins with an introduction to the basic concepts of stoichiometry, thermodynamics, and chemical kinetics. This is followed by chapters featuring in-depth discussions of reaction kinetics; methods for studying irreversible reactions with one, two and three components; reversible reactions; and complex reactions. In the concluding chapters the author addresses reaction mechanisms, enzymatic reactions, data reconciliation, parameters, and examples of industrial reaction kinetics. Throughout the book industrial case studies are presented with step-by-step solutions, and further problems are provided at the end of each chapter. Takes a practical approach to chemical reaction kinetics basic concepts and methods Features numerous illustrative case studies based on the author’s extensive experience in the industry Provides essential information for chemical and process engineers, catalysis researchers, and professionals involved in developing kinetic models Functions as a student textbook on the basic principles of chemical kinetics for homogeneous catalysis Describes mathematical methods to determine reaction kinetic parameters with the help of industrial case studies, examples, and step-by-step solutions Chemical Reaction Kinetics is a valuable working resource for academic researchers, scientists, engineers, and catalyst manufacturers interested in kinetic modeling, parameter estimation, catalyst evaluation, process development, reactor modeling, and process simulation. It is also an ideal textbook for undergraduate and graduate-level courses in chemical kinetics, homogeneous catalysis, chemical reaction engineering, and petrochemical engineering, biotechnology.