Прочая образовательная литература

Различные книги в жанре Прочая образовательная литература

The Remarkable Life and Career of Ellen Swallow Richards. Pioneer in Science and Technology

Pamela Swallow C.

This biography highlights the achievements of America's first professional degreed female scientist, Ellen Swallow Richards (1842–1911). The book takes the reader from Richards's childhood on a Massachusetts farm where she was schooled at home, to her internationally renowned successes in multiple branches of science. • Schools, colleges, and libraries are searching for more books about remarkable, successful women. Richards paved the way for women to enter numerous fields of science previously believed to be the domain of men. • Currently there is much emphasis on nutrition; Richards pioneered in this field, teaching the American public about fats, carbohydrates, proteins and calories at a time when scarcely anyone knew of their importance. • Ellen Swallow Richards pioneered multiple fields of science and technology, opening doors for women to become chemists, biologists, geologists, ecologists, nutritionists, dietitians, science teachers, professors, and home economists. • Richards began the ecology movement, particularly relevant in today's world as more and more attention is being paid to the health of our planet.

Opa, was macht ein Physiker?. Physik für Jung und Alt

Siegfried Hess

Was fur eine schone Idee! Siegfried Hess erklart allen Menschen ab 10 Jahren, was die Welt im Innersten zusammenhalt und was die Physik damit zu tun hat. Die Grundlagen dafur beginnen mit der Mechanik. Wussten Sie, dass es eine himmlische, eine irdische und eine hollische Mechanik gibt? Die himmlische Mechanik erklart die Bewegung der Erde um die Sonne und die des Mondes um die Erde. Die irdische beschaftigt sich mit der Mechanik auf der Erde – u. a. mit Radern, Hebeln, dem Fliegen oder Reibung und Bewegungen, und die hollische Mechanik schlie?lich behandelt den Flug und die Wirkung von Kanonenkugeln und anderen Geschossen. FORSCHER UND IHRE ENTDECKUNGEN: VON HEINRICH HERTZ BIS ZU MAX PLANCK Was die klassische Mechanik nicht erklaren kann – die Physik der Atome und Molekule und ihre Wechselwirkung mit Licht -, das erklart die Quantenmechanik. Hess stellt – wie auch schon zuvor – Forscher und Entdecker vor und bringt den Lesern so das Gebiet der Quantenmechanik nahe. Wer eine Auflockerung dazwischen braucht, der kann sich mit dem >Teekesselspiel< vergnugen oder die Fantasiegeschichte >Was ware, wenn an der Planck-Konstanten gedreht wird?< lesen. Mitwirkende: Albert Einstein, Max Planck und Max von Laue und viele andere ? frei erfunden von Siegfried Hess.

Fundamentals of Industrial Chemistry. Pharmaceuticals, Polymers, and Business

John Tyrell A.

This book discusses the connectivity between major chemicals, showing how a chemical is made along with why and some of the business considerations. The book helps smooth a student’s transition to industry and assists current professionals who need to understand the larger picture of industrial chemistry principles and practices. The book: Addresses a wide scope of content, emphasizing the business and polymer / pharmaceutical / agricultural aspects of industrial chemistry Covers patenting, experimental design, and systematic optimization of experiments Written by an author with extensive industrial experience but who is now a university professor, making him uniquely positioned to present this material Has problems at the end of chapters and a separate solution manual available for adopting professors Puts chemical industry topics in context and ties together many of the principles chemistry majors learn across more specific courses

The Human Impact on the Natural Environment. Past, Present, and Future

Andrew Goudie S.

The seventh edition of this classic student text explores the multitude of impacts that humans have had over time upon vegetation, animals, soils, water, landforms and the atmosphere. It also looks into the future and considers the ways in which climate changes and modifications in land cover may change the environment in coming decades. Extensively re-written, it contains many new statistical tables, figures, and references. It is essential reading for undergraduates in geography and environmental science, and for those who want a thorough, wide-ranging and balanced overview of the impacts of humans upon natural processes and systems from the Stone Age to the Anthropocene and who wish to understand the major environmental issues that concern the human race at the present time. Additional resources for this book can be found at: www.wiley.com/go/goudiehumanimpact.

Campus Unions. Organized Faculty and Graduate Students in U.S. Higher Education, ASHE Higher Education Report

Timothy Cain Reese

With roughly 25% of those teaching college classes belonging to a union, higher education is one of the most heavily organized industries in the United States. Substantial research-based literature exists as scholars have been studying the topic for a half of a century. Following an overview of its history and context, this monograph synthesizes and analyzes the existing research on faculty and graduate student unionization. It points to evolving understandings of faculty attitudes regarding collective bargaining and the findings on the relationships between unionization and compensation, satisfaction, procedural protections, organizational effectiveness, and related issues for tenure-line faculty. Additional chapters consider the more limited research on non-tenure-line faculty and graduate student instructors. As such, this monograph illuminates the accepted understandings, contested arguments, and the substantial gaps in understandings that remain. This is the third issue of the 43rd volume of the Jossey-Bass series ASHE Higher Education Report. Each monograph is the definitive analysis of a tough higher education issue, based on thorough research of pertinent literature and institutional experiences. Topics are identified by a national survey. Noted practitioners and scholars are then commissioned to write the reports, with experts providing critical reviews of each manuscript before publication.

The Skillful Teacher. On Technique, Trust, and Responsiveness in the Classroom

Stephen Brookfield D.

Energize your classrooms with these key techniques for college teaching Students say the best teachers get them excited about learning, stretch their thinking, and keep them actively involved in class. But with increasingly diverse classrooms and constantly changing technology, each semester throws up new challenges for engaging students. Discover how to keep your teaching, and your students, energized with The Skillful Teacher, a practical guide to effective techniques, approaches, and methods for today's college classrooms. Providing insights, reflections, and advice from his four decades of college teaching, Stephen Brookfield now adapts his successful methods to teaching online, working with diverse student populations, and making classrooms truly inclusive. As well as being completely revised, updated, and rewritten, this edition adds six brand new chapters on: Teaching critical thinking Using play and creativity in the classroom Teaching in teams Helping students take responsibility for learning Teaching about racism Exercising teacher power responsibly Readers will delve into what learning feels like from a student's perspective, as well as absorb the wisdom of veteran college faculty with whom the author has worked. Themes from the bestselling previous editions remain, but are revisited and expanded with the perspective of an additional decade in the classroom. This authoritative guide is now even more comprehensive to better serve teachers looking to improve. Whether you are new to the classroom or are looking to rise to new challenges, The Skillful Teacher will provide answers, expand your repertoire of techniques, and invigorate your teaching and your classrooms.

Hybrid Teaching and Learning. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, Number 149

Kathryn Linder E.

Hybrid, or blended, classrooms are expanding on campuses across the United States (and internationally). Intentionally combining in-class instruction with online activities not only aids student learning, it also provides more self-directed, technology-mediated learning experiences for students who will incorporate technology into their professional lives post-college. In addition to explaining and defining the phenomenon of hybrid teaching and learning, this volume answers: • What is hybrid teaching and learning? • How does it promote student learning? • Why should faculty and administrators consider it? • How are its components different from traditional classrooms? • What are the best practices of hybrid course design? • How can instructors incorporate accessibility into their hybrid courses? • What models can be used to train faculty as hybrid teachers? • Where is it being practiced? • How can institutions best prepare students for and promote their success in hybrid courses? • Who should be involved in implementing and supporting these initiatives at the institutional level? This is the 149th volume of this Jossey-Bass higher education series. It offers a comprehensive range of ideas and techniques for improving college teaching based on the experience of seasoned instructors and the latest findings of educational and psychological researchers.

Finding the Why: Personalizing Learning in Higher Education. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, Number 145

Margit Watts Misangyi

This volume addresses how we might help students find the «why» of their educational endeavors. The ideas found in this volume range from: changing the perceptions and attitudes of whole communities toward education, retuning the first year experience to give students more opportunities to find meaning in their learning, suggesting new ways of integrating students’ experiences with their learning in core courses, and connecting major initiatives already in place to demonstrate how we might restructure undergraduate education through the content of the curriculum, the way we teach, and our curricular learning experiences. This is the 145th volume of this Jossey-Bass higher education series. It offers a comprehensive range of ideas and techniques for improving college teaching based on the experience of seasoned instructors and the latest findings of educational and psychological researchers.

Inclusive Teaching: Presence in the Classroom. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, Number 140

Cornell Thomas

In this volume, the authors focus on the importance of inclusive teaching and the role faculty can play in helping students achieve, though not necessarily in the same way. To teach with a focus on inclusion means to believe that every person has the ability to learn. It means that most individuals want to learn, to improve their ability to better understand the world in which they live, and to be able to navigate their pathways of life. This volume includes the following topics: • best practices for teaching students with social, economic, gender, or ethnic differences • adjustments to the teaching and learning process to focus on inclusion • strategies for teaching that help learners connect what they know with the information presented • environments that maximize learners’ academic and social growth. The premise of inclusive teaching works to demonstrate that all people can and do learn. Educators and administrators can incorporate the techniques of inclusive learning and help learners retain more information. This is the 140th volume of the quarterly Jossey-Bass higher education series New Directions for Teaching and Learning. It offers a comprehensive range of ideas and techniques for improving college teaching based on the experience of seasoned instructors and the latest findings of educational and psychological researchers.

Multidisciplinary Collaboration: Research and Relationships. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, Number 139

Karen Swanson Weller

This volume focuses on SoTL, the scholarship of teaching and learning. It discusses how collaborations among and between disciplines can strengthen education and the ways in which students are taught. The community of scholars at an institution can provide a fertile ground for interdisciplinary collaboration that can enliven the educational process and the research that supports it. The authors here come from many different disciplines where they teach and use SoTL to inform their own practice and share what they have done with others. This is the 139th volume of the quarterly Jossey-Bass higher education series New Directions for Teaching and Learning. It offers a comprehensive range of ideas and techniques for improving college teaching based on the experience of seasoned instructors and the latest findings of educational and psychological researchers.