Mantle Convection and Surface Expressions. Группа авторов

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Название Mantle Convection and Surface Expressions
Автор произведения Группа авторов
Жанр Физика
Издательство Физика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119528593

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approximate the elastic properties of a solid solution as long as the effects of different chemical substitutions on elastic properties are captured by available experiments or computations on intermediate compositions of the solid solution. Let xim be the molar fractions of end member i for a set of intermediate compositions for which volumes and elastic properties are known. For each composition m of this set, the molar fractions xim of all end members form a composition vector xm of dimension n equal to the total number of end members. If the set of compositions xm forms a vector basis of n, it is possible to construct a matrix M <span class="dbond"></span> {xim} that contains the vectors xm as columns. Any composition vector x of the solid solution can then be transformed into a vector y by using the inverse matrix: y = M−1x. The components of the vector y express the composition x in terms of molar fractions ym of the intermediate compositions xm. In this way, the compositions xm are combined to match the required composition, and their volumes and elastic properties can be combined according to the mixing laws introduced above. It is important to note that this type of mixing is strictly valid only within the compositional limits defined by the compositions xm that may not cover the full compositional space as spanned by the end members. When volumes can be assumed to mix linearly across the entire solid solution, however, it is possible to extrapolate volumes beyond these compositional limits. The extrapolation of elastic properties requires special caution since negative molar fractions ym < 0 can lead to unwanted effects when computing bounds on elastic moduli.

Schematic illustration of variations in P-wave (a) and S-wave (b) velocities of bridgmanite solid solutions at 40 GPa and 2000 K that reflect the differences between the Voigt and Reuss bounds when combining the elastic properties of bridgmanite compositions (triangles). Each large ternary diagram spans the section marked black in the small full ternary diagram next to each large ternary diagram.

      The finite‐strain formalism outlined in Section 3.2 describes a smooth variation of elastic properties and pressure with finite strain and temperature. Phase transitions interrupt these smooth trends as, at the phase transition, a new phase with different elastic properties becomes stable. The series of phase transitions in (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 compounds from olivine (α) to wadsleyite (β) to ringwoodite (γ), for example, results in abrupt changes of elastic properties and density when going from one polymorph to another. Such abrupt changes in elastic properties typically result from first‐order phase transitions that involve a reorganization of the atomic structure of a compound. The elastic properties of the compound are then best described by constructing a finite‐strain model for each polymorph. If the phase transition consists of a gradual distortion of the crystal structure, for example by changing the lengths or angles