The New Music. Theodor W. Adorno

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Название The New Music
Автор произведения Theodor W. Adorno
Жанр Философия
Издательство Философия
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781509538096

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foremost. I noticed some time ago – and this is seemingly very paradoxical – that, in fact, Schoenberg’s instrumental themes almost all have a particular songlike quality; not songlike in the sense of striking melodies one can sing, but in the sense that they breathe in a way that normally only vocal melodies do. And actually, the more intensively I occupy myself with these things, the stronger my feeling grows that one of the emancipatory impulses one finds in Schoenberg is – how shall I put it? – that of a singing out freely. The singing voice was always subject to a form of constraint through its adaptation to the tonal system in general. And, within the framework of these tonal limits and these circumscribed metric limits, one always experiences singing as if – one can reconstruct this experience, at any rate – as if it were bound, as if it actually wanted to become much freer. And, if I am not mistaken – I am really saying this with a degree of caution, but I feel it very strongly – one of the deepest impulses in Schoenberg, and thus in the emancipation of music as such, is that of unleashing the singing voice, to allow the voice to sing out. And this impulse to sing out, perhaps this was subsequently transferred from there to instrumental music. There seems to be a certain confirmation of this in the fact that the real origins of Schoenberg’s polyphony, which is after all the most decisive element in Schoenberg, lie in vocal rather than instrumental music; that is, Schoenberg’s first great canonic structures, which determined the later integral counterpoint in a certain sense, that they are locating precisely in Gurrelieder, and that Gurrelieder even goes much further in its canonic and imitative elements than the subsequent purely instrumental works, and that he then returned to these canonic arts, which are taken incredibly far here, to almost Franco-Flemish levels, that he only returned to these in the transition to twelve-note composition during the time of Pierrot lunaire. And I feel that such an impulse to sing out was a very substantial factor in this passage.

      Now I would like to show you a little something, a very small detail that is connected to the aspect of consistency. That, after all – and I would like to highlight this most emphatically – is the most fundamental principle in Schoenberg, that everything that happens leaves its trace in time, as it were, that it is a music in which nothing is forgotten. And that is the foundation of the peculiar awareness of time at the heart of Schoenberg’s music, something that should really be analysed in detail. If you take other composers who were using variation techniques around 1900, they used, as you all know, what Richard Wagner called ‘psychological variation’.19 That is, the motifs are reshaped according to their characteristics. But despite this reshaping, which is sometimes very extensive in Strauss – just recall the characteristic notes of Salome’s motif, everything that happens to them, that is really a very far-reaching variation, starting from this [plays Strauss, Salome], he does an incredible amount with this – but despite this variation, the motifs are always strung together, I would say. There is really always something strip-like in all this neo-German music, like a film strip, where small shots, small, minimal pictures of motifs are placed next to each other and then connected; whereas the essential thing in Schoenberg is that the variation intervenes, that the theme, every thematic event, has consequences in the sense that it leaves traces in what follows, but also that what follows must never be the same or simply correspond to what has already been; for in music, as a temporal art, there is really no such thing as mathematical equality, because what comes later, simply by virtue of coming later, has a different function from what precedes it, and one must actually elaborate this other function compositionally. And through this technique of intervening variation, the fact that things are not simply strung together, but that everything that follows is both identical to what precedes it and also not identical to it, which results in the far denser thematic fabric that you know from Schoenberg.