Creatures of the Night (Boxed Set Edition). Редьярд Джозеф Киплинг

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Название Creatures of the Night (Boxed Set Edition)
Автор произведения Редьярд Джозеф Киплинг
Жанр Языкознание
Издательство Языкознание
Год выпуска 0
isbn 4064066391959

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Chillingworth appeared to be for a few moments lost in thought, and then suddenly rousing himself, as if he found it either impossible to come to any rational conclusion upon the subject, or had arrived at one which he chose to keep to himself, he said—

      "Well, well, we must leave the matter at present as it stands. Time may accomplish something towards its development, but at present so palpable a mystery I never came across, or a matter in which human calculation was so completely foiled."

      "Nor I—nor I."

      "I will send you some medicines, such as I think will be of service to Flora, and depend upon seeing me by ten o'clock to-morrow morning."

      "You have, of course, heard something," said Henry to the doctor, as he was pulling on his gloves, "about vampyres."

      "I certainly have, and I understand that in some countries, particularly Norway and Sweden, the superstition is a very common one."

      "And in the Levant."

      "Yes. The ghouls of the Mahometans are of the same description of beings. All that I have heard of the European vampyre has made it a being which can be killed, but is restored to life again by the rays of a full moon falling on the body."

      "Yes, yes, I have heard as much."

      "And that the hideous repast of blood has to be taken very frequently, and that if the vampyre gets it not he wastes away, presenting the appearance of one in the last stage of a consumption, and visibly, so to speak, dying."

      "That is what I have understood."

      "To-night, do you know, Mr. Bannerworth, is the full of the moon."

      Henry started.

      "If now you had succeeded in killing—. Pshaw, what am I saying. I believe I am getting foolish, and that the horrible superstition is beginning to fasten itself upon me as well as upon all of you. How strangely the fancy will wage war with the judgment in such a way as this."

      "The full of the moon," repeated Henry, as he glanced towards the window, "and the night is near at hand."

      "Banish these thoughts from your mind," said the doctor, "or else, my young friend, you will make yourself decidedly ill. Good evening to you, for it is evening. I shall see you to-morrow morning."

      Mr. Chillingworth appeared now to be anxious to go, and Henry no longer opposed his departure; but when he was gone a sense of great loneliness came over him.

      "To-night," he repeated, "is the full of the moon. How strange that this dreadful adventure should have taken place just the night before. 'Tis very strange. Let me see—let me see."

      He took from the shelves of a book case the work which Flora had mentioned, entitled, "Travels in Norway," in which work he found some account of the popular belief in vampyres.

      He opened the work at random, and then some of the leaves turned over of themselves to a particular place, as the leaves of a book will frequently do when it has been kept open a length of time at that part, and the binding stretched there more than anywhere else. There was a note at the bottom of one of the pages at this part of the book, and Henry read as follows:—

      "With regard to these vampyres, it is believed by those who are inclined to give credence to so dreadful a superstition, that they always endeavour to make their feast of blood, for the revival of their bodily powers, on some evening immediately preceding a full moon, because if any accident befal them, such as being shot, or otherwise killed or wounded, they can recover by lying down somewhere where the full moon's rays will fall upon them."

      Henry let the book drop from his hands with a groan and a shudder.

      CHAPTER V.

       Table of Contents



      A kind of stupefaction came over Henry Bannerworth, and he sat for about a quarter of an hour scarcely conscious of where he was, and almost incapable of anything in the shape of rational thought. It was his brother, George, who roused him by saying, as he laid his hand upon his shoulder—

      "Henry, are you asleep?"

      Henry had not been aware of his presence, and he started up as if he had been shot.

      "Oh, George, is it you?" he said.

      "Yes, Henry, are you unwell?"

      "No, no; I was in a deep reverie."

      "Alas! I need not ask upon what subject," said George, sadly. "I sought you to bring you this letter."

      "A letter to me?"

      "Yes, you see it is addressed to you, and the seal looks as if it came from someone of consequence."


      "Yes, Henry. Read it, and see from whence it comes."

      There was just sufficient light by going to the window to enable Henry to read the letter, which he did aloud.

      It ran thus:—

      "Sir Francis Varney presents his compliments to Mr. Beaumont, and is much concerned to hear that some domestic affliction has fallen upon him. Sir Francis hopes that the genuine and loving sympathy of a neighbour will not be regarded as an intrusion, and begs to proffer any assistance or counsel that may be within the compass of his means.

      "Ratford Abbey."

      "Sir Francis Varney!" said Henry, "who is he?"

      "Do you not remember, Henry," said George, "we were told a few days ago, that a gentleman of that name had become the purchaser of the estate of Ratford Abbey."

      "Oh, yes, yes. Have you seen him?"

      "I have not."

      "I do not wish to make any new acquaintance, George. We are very poor—much poorer indeed than the general appearance of this place, which, I fear, we shall soon have to part with, would warrant any one believing. I must, of course, return a civil answer to this gentleman, but it must be such as one as shall repress familiarity."

      "That will be difficult to do while we remain here, when we come to consider the very close proximity of the two properties, Henry."

      "Oh, no, not at all. He will easily perceive that we do not want to make acquaintance with him, and then, as a gentleman, which doubtless he is, he will give up the attempt."

      "Let it be so, Henry. Heaven knows I have no desire to form any new acquaintance with any one, and more particularly under our present circumstances of depression. And now, Henry, you must permit me, as I have had some repose, to share with you your night watch in Flora's room."

      "I would advise you not, George; your health, you know, is very far from good."

      "Nay, allow me. If not, then the anxiety I shall suffer will do me more harm than the watchfulness I shall keep up in her chamber."

      This was an argument which Henry felt himself the force of too strongly not to admit it in the case of George, and he therefore made no further opposition to his wish to make one in the night watch.

      "There will be an advantage," said George, "you see, in three of us being engaged in this matter, because, should anything occur, two can act together, and yet Flora may not be left alone."

      "True, true, that is a great advantage."

      Now a soft gentle silvery light began to spread itself over the heavens. The moon was rising, and as the beneficial effects of the storm of the preceding evening were still felt in the clearness of the