Название | Principles of Plant Genetics and Breeding |
Автор произведения | George Acquaah |
Жанр | Биология |
Серия | |
Издательство | Биология |
Год выпуска | 0 |
isbn | 9781119626695 |
20 Chapter 22Figure 22.1 Major gene sequencing platforms.Figure 22.2 Steps in the application of DNA sequencing,Figure 22.3 Genotyping by sequencing: (a) workflow and (b) the two types of ...Figure 22.4 Schematics of genotyping‐by‐sequencing methodology.Figure 22.5 Common OMICs in plant research.Figure B22.1 (a) Shows chromatographic separation of beta‐carotene extracted...Figure B22.2 (a) Growth studies of tomatoes. (b) Extraction of metabolite. (...Figure B22.3 Effects of MeJA on lycopene content in tomato fruits. (a) and (...Figure B22.4 (a) Shows chromatographic separation of lycopene obtained from ...Figure B22.5 Results show a HPTLC semi‐polar phytochemicals profile with a m...Figure B22.6 An eigenvector generated HCA data of X and Y data from the semi...Figure B22.7 Results show a HPTLC non‐polar phytochemical prophile with a mo...Figure B22.8 An eigenvector generated HCA data of X and Y data from the non‐...Figure B22.9 Shows poor separation of polar phytochemicals in Ethyl acetate:...Figure B22.10 An eigenvector generated HCA data of X and Y data from the pol...Figure B22.11 (a) Principal component analysis of NIR spectroscopy results. ...Figure B22.12 (a) Principal component analysis of the UV spectroscopy data t...
21 Chapter 23Figure 23.1 General steps in the use of QTLs for marker‐assisted selection (...Figure 23.2 Using backcrossing in marker‐assisted selection.Figure 23.3 Marker‐assisted recurrent selection.Figure 23.4 Using markers in gene pyramiding.Figure 23.5 Pedigree breeding without (a) and with (b) marker‐assisted selec...
22 Chapter 24Figure 24.1 Genomic selection workflow.Figure 24.2 Workflow of genome wide association studies.Figure 24.3 Concept of haplotypes.Figure B24.1 DNA sequence alignment of 10 alleles only showing the SNP posit...Figure B24.2 Simplified case where two SNPs are not haplotype‐specific SNPs ...Figure 24.4 Both linkage (a) and association (b) take into account recombina...
23 Chapter 25Figure 25.1 Mutations may occur by transition of transversion.Figure 25.2 Mutations may be caused by tautomeric shifts: (a) shift involvin...Figure 25.3 Mutations may be caused transition resulting from the substituti...Figure 25.4 The tunica corpus model of the growing point of a plant, showing...Figure 25.5 A process for TILLING. DNA collected from individuals is pooled ...
24 Chapter 26Figure 26.1 The proposed origin of common wheat Triticum aestivum.Figure 26.2 The origin of polyploidy by (a) first division restitution (FDR)...Figure 26.3 Cytology of polyploids: (a) triploidy and (b) autotetraploidy. B...Figure 26.4 The effect of ploidy on the inbreeding as demonstrated by diploi...Figure 26.5 The triangle of U showing the origins of various alloploids in b...Figure 26.6 Steps in the development of triticale.Figure 26.7 The origin of aneuploidy. Abnormal disjunction may occur at the ...Figure B26.1 Critique of various outcomes from IL x tall fescue F1 hybrids....Figure B26.2 F1 evaluations for rust susceptibility at the Barenbrug USA Res...Figure B26.3 Uniformity growout trials of offspring generated by selfing DH ...Figure B26.4 (a) Offspring generated by selfing DH recovery R4P14. Seedlings...Figure B26.5 (a) A dendogram illustrating the genetic variability or genetic...Figure B26.6 Ear developed following pollination by haploid inducer Moldovia...Figure B26.7 Grain yield and ear traits of synthetic population SA after thr...
25 Chapter 27Figure 27.1 Transcription of the antisense DNA strand into mRNA and subseque...Figure 27.2 A restriction enzyme can cut the double stranded DNA, producing ...Figure 27.3 The figure shows the critical properties of a cloning vector.Figure 27.4 A comparison of the general steps involved in breeding cultivars...
26 Chapter 28Figure 28.1 The double‐stranded break in the DNA can be repaired by several ...Figure 28.2 The components and steps in the zinc finger nuclease (ZFN) techn...Figure 28.3 The components and steps in the transcription activator‐like eff...Figure 28.4 An overview of the structure and steps in the clustered regularl...Figure 28.5 An overview of the RNA interference (RNAi) mechanism for gene si...Figure 28.6 RNAi technology was used to develop the Artic Apple, a non‐brown...
27 Chapter 29Figure 29.1 Paradigm shifts in plant breeding.Figure 29.2 The main differences among introgression, transgenesis, and cisg...Figure 29.3 Reverse breeding: reconstituting and original hybrid.Figure 29.4 Molecular markers are used to select complementary lines for cro...Figure 29.5 Grafting non‐GM scion on GM rootstock.Figure 29.6 A comparison of genetic variation and epigenetic variation.Figure 29.7 Molecular basis of epigenetic modification in plants.Figure 29.8 A typical barcode.Figure 29.9 A DNA barcoding workflow.
28 Chapter 30Figure 30.1 A bioinformatics workflow.Figure B30.1 Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) with different option...Figure B30.2 Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) with blastn option fo...Figure B30.3 Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) output for a sequence...Figure B30.4 ClustalW multiple nucleotide sequence alignment method of yam a...Figure B30.5 ClustalW multiple consensus nucleotide sequences of rbcL gene f...Figure B30.6 A non‐application of ClustalW multiple alignment method in nucl...Figure B30.7 A non‐application of ClustalW multiple alignment method in tran...Figure B30.8 ClustalW multiple alignment method of translated consensus sequ...Figure B30.9 Phylogenetic tree of different yam accessions as revealed by rb...Figure 30.2 Overview of a big data project.
29 Chapter 31Figure 31.1 Concept of norm of reaction.Figure 31.2 Graphical illustration of the genotype × environment interaction...Figure 31.3 Graphical illustration of non‐crossover interaction and crossove...Figure 31.4 Graphical illustration of cross‐over interaction involving both ...Figure 31.5 Illustrating Finlay and Wilkerson method of plotting the genotyp...Figure 31.6 Illustrating the Eberhart and Russell's genotype stability model...
30 Chapter 32Figure 32.1 The evolution of the Syngenta AG seed company. CH, Switzerland; ...Figure 32.2 A sample seed tag.Figure B32.1 Chickpea.Figure B32.2 Pigeonpea.Figure B32.3 Groundnut.Figure B32.4 Sorghum.Figure B32.5 Pearl millet.Figure B32.6 Finger millet.
31 Chapter 34Figure 34.1 A diagrammatic presentation of how the technology protection sys...
32 Chapter 35Figure B35.1 The scheme of decentralized participatory barley breeding imple...Figure B35.2 Syria Farmers visual selection.Figure B35.3 The participatory barley breeding in Syria at its peak (7 provi...Figure B35.4 Dr. Norman Borlaug in a wheat experimental field.Figure B35.5 Photocopies of the original Nobel citation for Dr. Norman Borla...
33 Chapter 37Figure B37.1 Heterosis in maize: A × B hybrid ears in the middle and corresp...Figure B37.2 Relative grains yield of an open pollinated population and a si...Figure B37.3 General scheme for the development of maize inbreds and hybrids...
34 Chapter 38Figure B38.1 Rice panicle being prepared for emasculation prior to making a ...Figure B38.2 Plant height is measured in yield plots after flowering has occ...Figure B38.3 Rice cultivars are evaluated for their reaction to a mixture of...Figure B38.4 Milled rice flour is used to determine grain amylose content.Figure B38.5 A foundation seed field of Saber rice.Figure B38.6 DNA markers on chromosome 2 that are associated with the Pi‐b b...
35 Chapter 39Figure B39.1 Schematic of the sorghum hybrid seed production process utilizi...Figure B39.2 Pedigree breeding scheme used by the TAES sorghum breeding prog...Figure B39.3 Map of Texas indicating locations used by the TAES sorghum bree...Figure B39.4 The advanced testing and sterilization scheme used by the TAES ...
36 Chapter 40Figure B40.1 Soybean plants infected with M. phaseolina that have wilted and...Figure B40.2 Microsclerotia on the lower interior (vascular, cortical, and p...
37 Chapter 43Figure B43.1 A comparison of resource cost per unit genetic fain between cot...
38 Chapter 44Figure B44.1 Tomato cultivars for fresh consumption growing in modern glass ...Figure B44.2 Diversified fruit colors and shapes of modern tomato cultivars....
39 1Figure S1.1 Maternal inheritance of the iojap (ij) gene in maize. The wild t...Figure S1.2 Diagrammatic presentation of mitosis in a cell with diploid numb...Figure S1.3 Diagrammatic presentation of meiosis in a cell with diploid numb...Figure S1.4 Genetic linkage. (a) Linked genes AB/ab are transmitted intact f...Figure S1.5 Crossover