Principles of Plant Genetics and Breeding. George Acquaah

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Название Principles of Plant Genetics and Breeding
Автор произведения George Acquaah
Жанр Биология
Издательство Биология
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119626695

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cycle for grain yield, ear, and plant traits o...

      19 Chapter 28Table 28.1 Comparing NGS (next‐generation sequencing) with Sanger sequencing ...

      20 Chapter 30Table 30.1 Key databases for bioinformatics.Table 30.2 Types of BLAST queries.Table B30.1 BLAST outputs of total score, query coverage, e‐value, percentage...

      21 Chapter 31Table 31.1 Demonstration of G × E interaction.Table 31.2 Stability analysis.

      22 Chapter 32Table 32.1 Information on a seed tag.

      23 Chapter 33Table 33.1 US agencies and biotechnology regulatory oversight.Table 33.2 Some viral coat proteins that have EPA exemption.

      24 Chapter 35Table 35.1 The 16 Centers supported by the CGIAR.Table 35.2 The focus crops for CGIAR research.

      25 Chapter 39Table B39.1 Genotypes and corresponding phenotypes for A‐, B‐ and R‐lines in ...

      26 Chapter 42Table B42.1 James Hutton Institute (formerly SCRI) strategy for breeding fini...

      27 Chapter 43Table B43.1 Cotton breeding program.Table B43.2 Comparison between new release DP 491 and DP 5415.Table B43.3 Comparison between new release DP 488 BG/RR and DP 458 B/RR.Table B43.4 Comparison between new release DP 432 RR and ST 4793 RR.

      28 1Table S1.1 A summary of the structures of plant cells and their functions.Table S1.2 Number of chromosomes per cell possessed by a variety of plant spe...

      29 2Table S2.1 Data for distribution of plant seedling height.Table S2.2 Grouped data for frequency calculation.Table S2.3 Data for oil and protein content of soybean seed.Table S2.4 Data on plant yield and maturity of soybean.Table BS2.1 Summary analysis of MANCOVA analysis of oil% inBrassica napus ger...

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 The yield of major world food crops is steadily rising. A signifi...Figure B1.1 The focal crops of PhD Plant Breeding students of the WACCI Prog...Figure B1.2 Home countries of current WACCI students showing student numbers...Figure B1.3 The focal crops of PhD graduates of the WACCI Programme (2013–20...Figure B1.4 PhD Plant Breeding graduates trained per country at WACCI (2013–...Figure B1.5 Picture of WACCI Cohort 1 Graduation Ceremony: Fresh Graduates i...

      2 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 The relationship between gene frequencies and allele frequencies ...Figure 3.2 The approach to linkage equilibrium under random mating of two lo...Figure 3.3 Pedigree diagrams can be drawn in the standard form (a or b) or c...Figure 3.4 The inbreeding coefficient may be calculated by counting the numb...Figure 3.5 Increase in percentage of homozygosity under various systems of i...

      3 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Environmental effect on gene expression. The phenotype = genotype...Figure 4.2 (a)Nilsson‐Ehle's classical work involving wheat color provided t...Figure 4.3 The effect of phenotypic variance on genetic advance. If the phen...Figure 4.4 Genetic gain or genetic advance from selection indicates the prog...Figure 4.5 The North Carolina Design I. (a) This design is a nested arrangem...Figure 4.6 North Carolina Design II. (a) This is a factorial design. (b) Pai...Figure 4.7 North Carolina Design III. The conventional form (a), the practic...Figure 4.8 Systems genetics of complex traits: An integrative framework show...

      4 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Schematic representation of alternation of generations in floweri...Figure 5.2 Flowering plants have one of four lifecycles: annual, biennial, p...Figure 5.3 The typical flower has four basic parts: petals, sepals, pistil, ...Figure 5.4 Gametogenesis in plants results in the production of pollen and e...Figure 5.5 Heteromorphic incompatibility showing floral modifications in whi...Figure 5.6 Types of self‐incompatibility: (a) sporophytic, and (b) gametophy...Figure 5.7 Cut‐style and embryo rescue in lily. Overcoming reproductive barr...Figure 5.8 Application of self‐incompatibility in practical plant breeding. ...Figure 5.9 Genetic male sterility as used in practical breeding.Figure 5.10 Cytoplasmic male sterility as applied in plant breeding. N Norma...Figure 5.11 The three systems of cytoplasmic genetic male sterility. The thr...Figure B5.1 Tomato plants inoculated with tomato powdery mildew. (a) The lef...Figure B5.2 The chromosome locations of tomato loci for resistance to tomato...Figure B5.3 Cross‐pollinating scheme of generation of near‐isogenic lines (N...Figure B5.4 Illustration of marker‐assisted selection (MAS). On the left, a ...Figure 5.12 Mendel's postulates: (a) dominance, (b) segregation, and (c) ind...Figure 5.13 The Punnett square procedure may be used to demonstrate the even...Figure 5.14 The branch diagram method may also be used to predict the phenot...Figure 5.15 The test cross. Crossing a homozygous dominant genotype with a h...Figure 5.16 Epistasis or non‐Mendelian inheritance is manifested in a variet...

      5 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Crossing in yam. The use of magnifying glasses helps with the cro...Figure 6.2 The basic types of crosses used by plant breeders. Some crosses a...Figure B6.1 A stand of Tripsacum dactyloides (eastern gamagrass) in Woodward...Figure B6.2 Hybrid seed set utilizing Ladyfinger popcorn as the maternal par...Figure B6.3 Polyembryony expression in germinating seed of an apomictic 46‐c...