Karma Couples. Michelle Robinson

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Название Karma Couples
Автор произведения Michelle Robinson
Жанр Личностный рост
Издательство Личностный рост
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781925880625

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‘You’re my first Darling and she’s my Darling as well. Do you have a problem with that?’

      I let that sink into me for a while. No, I decided, I didn’t. In fact, I didn’t have a problem at all.

      ‘It’s okay,’ I replied. ‘Leave her where she is. I’ve decided I can stay.’

      Obviously, it would be irresponsible to advocate staying in a broken relationship based on the way your partner talks to your dog or because you saw a sunflower growing across the street.

      What I am saying is that our inner guidance offers us signposts or signals if we are open to recognising them.

      These are our wake-up calls, the subtle reminders that something significant is occurring. Our inner guidance whispers, ‘Slow down. Take notice.’

      Sometimes these signals present as events of synchronicity. We might think, ‘What were the chances of that?’ Excuse the pun, but chances are it was not chance.

      Once you begin to consciously tune into your life, taking the time to be aware of how you feel about people, places and events, you will realise that your inner guidance speaks with you, often.

      You will become aware that you have a relationship with Divinity, (with the Source, the universe, your higher self, God, the Divine Spirit or whatever name you want to give it), and with a range of spiritual beings who are helping you experience the lessons you came to earth to learn.

      These are our loved ones, guides, angels and teachers who, with the speed of thought, draw close to support us. It helps if we ask for their assistance but whether we know it or not they send us healing energy, love and practical help.

      In order to communicate with us they use many different channels, including our intuition, our dreams, meditation, prayer, and even our sense of ‘knowing’ what feels right. All this information contributes to our inner guidance; it gently leads us towards healthy, positive decisions and gives us courage when we fall or feel we have failed.

      It is important to remember that our spiritual guides encourage us; they do not control us or enforce their will. We are responsible for the decisions we make and the paths we choose. That’s what free will is all about. However, we are never unloved and we are never alone.

      The hard part is that while our spiritual friends see and hear us, our perspective is limited by our immediate environment.

      If you find this hard to imagine, picture yourself sitting at the edge of a pond. You can see into the pond and observe small fish swimming below the surface. It is easy for you to watch them as they interact and forage for food. However, the fish cannot turn their heads upwards to see you. Unless you cast your shadow over their pond or put your hand into the water, you simply do not exist in their dimension.

      Like these fish that cannot see us, most of us cannot routinely see into the spiritual world. Events we cannot explain may seem like miracles; usually, however, it is our spiritual guidance at work.

      Think about this carefully. Many of the signposts you will encounter during your life are markers you set while you were still in the spirit world. You will recognise these markers by an inner awareness, a knowing that something has just ‘woken up’ inside you, as I did when I saw the sunflower across the street and heard the tone of my partner’s voice.

      Much earlier in my life, I had recognised my first husband the moment our eyes met. It was the acknowledgement of a karmic contract even though thirty years ago I did not know what karma was. In just a glance between us on a crowded plane, I felt an exclamation mark in my energy field. In that brief contact, two contracted souls recognised each other. It was different from sexual attraction and neither one of us was looking for a relationship; yet, within two months I told my mother I’d met the father of my children.

      Perhaps you can now reflect on similar incidents. Have you felt you have lived particular moments before? Have you ever looked into someone’s eyes and recognised them immediately? Have you chosen to love someone for reasons even you could not fathom? Have you just known you had to make a certain decision because you were compelled to do it?

      If so, you may already be following the invisible signposts you anchored on your timeline before you entered this life or the subtle messages of your spiritual friends.

      With so much guidance available, you may wonder why relationships are so confusing.

      Well, as the saying goes, ‘This is your life.’ And guess what?

      You chose it.


      This exercise will help you connect with your inner guidance.

      Inner guidance covers information from a variety of sources. The different sources merge like tributaries joining a stream. Sometimes we don’t know exactly how the information comes together, but we receive a stream of guidance that provides insights when we need them.

      The channel to receive this inner guidance is often our imagination, so being open to receiving messages which may feel like your own imagination is a good start. These messages may come in the form of symbols, so if you want two-way communication you need to establish a language.

      Shortly after my close girlfriend friend died, I asked her for a symbol that would prove she had heard me talking with her. In my mind I saw a white dove. I affirmed that I would look for a white dove in the very near future as confirmation she had sent this image. Since during an average week I am either at work or home, this was harder than it seemed.

      In the next two days, I saw three white doves. One was in an email from an acquaintance I rarely heard from. The second was the first song in our church service (On the wings of a snow white dove) and the third was on a poster at my doctor’s surgery. I knew my friend and I had made contact, and my heart felt lighter. She had known in advance that the white dove would cross my path in several ways, and so the symbol was meaningful and timely.

      In addition to a friend in spirit sending a symbol to represent them, you can choose symbols for your spiritual helpers to use when communicating with you. These symbols might provide guidance when you have a question.

      Sit quietly and choose just a few images that have a specific meaning for you. Keep your symbols simple and direct. Let your spiritual helpers know the messages these symbols will represent. Eventually you will be able to ask a question, and a symbol of guidance will come into your mind or manifest in your life.

      Relationships are always evolving, so be open to receiving new symbols as you continue to communicate. However, most importantly, be open to the signposts that you set before entering this life.

      With practice you can use symbolic language to receive guidance during meditation. Here is a straightforward example. My symbol for, ‘Be careful,’ is a yellow traffic light. If I received that symbol when considering a new job offer, I would make sure I did more research before I accepted that position.

      Keep your symbols simple, direct, and available in the physical world. Draw or write your symbols in a journal. This is the beginning of a rich relationship that will continue to evolve.

      Your spiritual helpers can hear your thoughts any time you choose; however it will be easier for you to receive their messages if you are peaceful. Meditation is an excellent means of achieving a peaceful state of mind.

       Preparing for Meditation

      In meditation your energy is as close as it can be to the higher vibration of the spirit world. This is the ideal time to ask a spiritual friend or guide to send you a symbol to confirm they are with you.

      Sit or lie in a comfortable position. Focus your attention on your breath and feel yourself relaxing. Visualise your heart centre opening and see your inner light expanding and shining brightly.

      Now feel yourself filled with the brilliant White Light that comes from the Source (God, the Divine Spirit or whatever name