Journal of Biblical and Pneumatological Research. Paul Elbert

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Название Journal of Biblical and Pneumatological Research
Автор произведения Paul Elbert
Жанр Религия: прочее
Издательство Религия: прочее
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781498275316

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The English Standard Version is quoted in this section because, in these verses, it bears a word for word correspondence to the Hebrew text.

      Other strands of interpretation have precedents in other biblical traditions. First, Tg Neofiti’s Memra associated the divine name with speaking (R. Hayward, Divine Name and Presence: The Memra [Oxford Center for Postgraduate Hebrew Studies; Totowa, N.J.: Allenheld, Osmun, 1981]), a derivation from supposed Ugaritic hwy “to speak” (A. E. Murtonen, A Philological and Literary Treatise on the OT Divine Names yhwh, ’lwhym, ’lw’, ’l (StudOr 18/1; Helsinki: Societas Orientalis Fennica, 1952), 90]; R. A. Bowman, “Yahweh the Speaker,” JNES 3 [1944]: 1–8), for all of which Gen 1:1–2:4 serves as precedent. Second, arguments from Arabic hwy, hwh in afel in three senses: “befall” (R. De Vaux, The Early History of Israel [Philadelphia, Pa.: Westminster, 1978], 345); “blow” linked to storm-god metaphors (T. J. Meek, Hebrew Origins [New York: Harper, 1960], 99–101); and “love, be passionate, be jealous” (S. D. Goiten, “YHWH the Passionate: the Monotheistic Meaning and Origin of the Name YHWH,” VT 6 [1956]: 1–9; cf. DeVaux, Early History, 345f; and the metaphor of the marriage covenant in prophecy and Exod 20:5 = Deut 5:9; Exod 34:4; Deut 4:24). Third, it is thought to be an elemental sound, yah (G. R. Driver, “The original form of the name ‘Yahweh’,” ZAW 5 [1928]: 7–25) perhaps first derived from the personal pronoun, ya huwa from Arabic “O He!” (S. Mowinckle, “The Name of the God of Moses,” HUCA 32 [1961]: 121–33; cf. Martin Buber, On the Bible: Eighteen Studies [ed. Nahum N. Glatzer; New York: Schocken, 1982], 44–62) for which Biblical precedents are ykwn) or )wh yn) in Deut 32:39; Isa 41:4; 43:10, 13, 25; 46:4; 48:12; 51:12; 52:6 and )wh ht) in Ps 102:28.