Название | Baba Malay Dictionary |
Автор произведения | William Gwee Thian Hock |
Жанр | Книги о Путешествиях |
Серия | |
Издательство | Книги о Путешествиях |
Год выпуска | 0 |
isbn | 9781462913008 |
ajair / ajar / hajair / hajar (ajar) to teach; to instruct
■ ajairan what is taught
■ belajair to study; to learn
ajar SEE ajair
ajat / ajait/ ajak (ajak) to bring along (a person)
ajok (ajuk) to ridicule by mimicry
■ merajok to take childish offence
akair /akar (akar) root
akal / akair (akal) wit; intelligence
■ akal dia tajam he is sharp-witted
■ tak akal devoid of common sense
akar SEE akair
akherat (akhirat) the next world
aksi (aksi) a put-on action
■ aksi borak to show off
akim / hakim (hakim) judge; magistrate
aku to vouch for; to guarantee
■ mengaku to admit
■ mengaku kalah to admit defeat
ala expression of shock or regret
■ ala sayang sair what a waste, what a great pity
alabangka (alabangka) crowbar
alagoju sidekick
alair / alas (alas) to lay on
■ alair perot to eat just sufficient to quell hunger pangs
alamak (alamak) exclamation of surprise; what the...!
alamat SEE ilamat
alang-alangan / alang kepalang (alang-alangan, alang kepalang) half-heartedly; lacking in completeness and thoroughness
alas SEE alair
aleh (alih) to shift position
■ alehkan to move; to shift to another position; to transfer to another container
alek SEE ulang alek
alem (alim) pious
alia (halia) ginger
alipan (halipan) centipede
aloji (arloji) a clock or any timepiece
alus (halus) fine; delicate [of a person or product]
am [飲] boiled rice-water
am suk i SEE kerosi am suk i
amah (amah)[阿嬷] female hospital attendant; female Chinese servant
amboey (amboi) exclamation of surprise; astonishment; well, I never!; well well
ambon SEE kueh
ambong (ambung) a straw-basket pack of shrimp paste
amcham / apacham (apa macam) how is it?
amek (ambil) to take possession
■ amek ati to win over someone; to please
■ amek berat to take seriously
■ amek gambair to take photographs
■ amek jahat to be suspicious; to think of the worst
■ amekkan jadi to treat lightly
■ amek pikiran to worry or bother over something
■ amek potn to care; to bother
■ amek tau to care; to bother
■ tak amek peduli does not care; does not show concern
■ tak amek potn showing the least concern
amis / hamis SEE hamis
amok (amuk) a furious attack; to go on like mad
■ mengamok to get fed up; to be angered; to attack furiously
ampair / ampas (hampas) residue; waste products; dregs; dross
■ ampair kelapa rasped coconut residue
■ ampair kopi coffee residue
ampas SEE ampair
ampat SEE empat
ampay (ampai)
■ am pay-ampay jelly-fish
ampon (ampun) to pardon; to forgive
■ ampon-ampon may it be pardoned
■ ampon-amponkan let it be pardoned
ampu SEE hampu
an [按] to extend the grace period of a pawn-ticket
an chng [安床] blessing of the wedding bed in the traditional Baba wedding rites
anak (anak) child; the young of any creature
■ anak amek an adopted child with full legal status
■ anak-anak toys
■ anak-anak patong puppetry dolls
■ anak angkat an adopted child [only through a verbal agreement]
■ anak aya m chicken; prostitute(s) working under a madame
■ anak beranak family members
■ anak bini one's whole family
■ anak bongsu last-born child
■ anak buah sum total of one's children
■ anak bulan early crescent or half moon
■ anak Cheena child of a Chinese; firefly
■ anak chuchi perot the last/ youngest child of the family
■ anak chuchu children and grandchildren; descendants
■ anak chuchu chichit descendants; children, grandchildren and greatgrandchildren
■ anak daching weight on steelyard
■ anak dara maiden; virgin
■ anak dara kachuak a pre-pubescent virgin
■ anak dara sunti / sunting a young virgin; girl ripe for marriage
■ anak dara tua an old maid
■ anak dua belair kerosi a child of a high-class / rich family
■ anak dukun the lady assistant of a Malay midwife
■ anak gundek child born of a mistress or concubine
■ anak itek duckling
■ anak jantan male child; son
■ anak jantong ati a precious / favourite child
■ anak jari little finger; fingers in general
■ anak joget professional Malay joget girls
■ anak kamjat child born of a whore
■ anak kembair a twin
■ anak konchi key of lock
■ anak kuching tidor a single, large durian in the cavity of a durian fruit
■ anak lesorig pestle
■ anak lidah uvula
■ anak manja a favoured child
■ anak munda youth; male leading star in Malay opera
■ anak murid student; pupil; disciple
■ anak negri citizens of a country
■ anak noraka hellish child
■ anak noraka dunia cursed or hellish child
■ anak orang another person's child