Название | Baba Malay Dictionary |
Автор произведения | William Gwee Thian Hock |
Жанр | Книги о Путешествиях |
Серия | |
Издательство | Книги о Путешествиях |
Год выпуска | 0 |
isbn | 9781462913008 |
apa macam | amcham or apacham |
apa pasal | apasair or apasal |
bawa datang | buattang |
bawa pergi | buat pi |
buat apa | buat pa |
beritahu | bertau |
itu | tu |
punya | mia |
sudah | sua |
tidak boleh | takleh |
tak usah | toksa |
Some Malay words are pronounced in two ways by the Babas under different circumstances, e.g.
ajar | ajair and hajair |
hari | ari and hari |
satu | sau and satu |
There are words in the Baba language that are of unknown origin and are most probably purely of Baba origin. In such cases, section 2 of the Format is left blank. Examples include alagoju, bedenting, boto pau, dasat, krokodol and others.
There are Malay words that carry different meanings in the Baba language, e.g.
benua | large country, continent | awed by everything |
sekarang | now, immediately, presently | later |
banding | compare | ponder |
bujang | bachelor | widowed |
In searching for the meaning of a Baba phrase beginning with the word tak, look under the next word, i.e. the second word. Thus, for the phrases tak abis-abis and tak manyak sikit look under the words abis and manyak respectively and so on.
A1 the best
■ A1 topside / tokside the best, the best of quality
abis / habis (habis) done, finished
■ abis kuat at the end of tether
■ abis manyak at the very most
■ tak abis-abis endlessly, not satisfied
■ tak abisan for no better reason
abok (abuk) dust; powdery stuff SEE tolak abok
■ abok sagu SEE kueh
abu (abu) ash
■ abu kueh chang lime-water for making Nyonya dumpling
achap-achap (acap-acap) just sufficient
achair / achar (acar) pickles
achar SEE achair
achu (acu) to aim at an object
■ achuan a mould
■ achuan kueh cake mould
ada (ada) to have; present; existence
■ ada-ada in possession [of wealth] ; wealthy
■ ada adat to have polite ways
■ ada angin baru pokok bergoyang there is no smoke without fire
■ ada ati to be thoughtful
■ ada chan there is a chance or an opportunity
■ ada gula ada semut when one has wealth, one will attract company
■ ada hal there is something going on
■ ada kah? is it?
■ ada kulit mungka to have dignity
■ ada lebeh tak kurang there will always be exaggeration
■ ada maksud with an intention; with an agenda
■ ada mata to be alive; to be in existence; to have respect
■ ada mata tengok, ada kuping dengair, ada mulot tutop to see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil
■ ada naseb tua having good fortune at old age
■ ada perot sensitive to other's feelings; to act responsibly
■ ada rupa ada harga worth its value
■ ada ta'ah only that; except
■ ada tengkat having the correct etiquette
adat / hadat (adat) custom; protocol
■ adat dulukala ancient custom
■ adat dunia that's the way of the world
■ tak adat rude; ill mannered
■ tak tau adat rude; ill mannered; lacking in protocol
adek (adik) younger brother; younger sister; any young close relatives
■ adek angkat adopted younger brother or sister
■ adek beradek siblings
■ adek tiri younger stepbrother; younger stepsister
adoey / adoh (aduh) an exclamation of pain (akin to ‘ouch')
adohai see ayohai
adu (adu) to pit one against the other
■ adukan pitting one against the other
■ adu chredek a calculative attitude
■ beradu to compete
■ mengadu to seek solace
agair (agas)
■ agair-agair sandfly
agair / agar (agar)
■ agair-agair agar-agar; agar-agar jelly
agak (agak) to guess; to estimate; to conjecture
■ agak-agak to guess; to hazard a guess
■ agak jugak guessed so
agar see agair
ah (ah) cry of realisation
ah ee [阿姨] mother's sister
ah kong [阿公] children addressing their grandfathers
ahn yes, there, there it is
ahn [館] bun-filling (usually green bean paste)
ah niok a Hainanese lad employed in the Baba household as a general helper