Fish Soup.
Mutton Batter Pudding.
Stewed Tomatoes and Corn.
Cream Potatoes.
Apple Cake with Cream.
Iced Coffee.
White Stock Soup.
Mock Quails.
Corn Fritters.
Potatoes à la Lyonnaise.
Cabinet Pudding.
Tapioca Soup.
Roast Ducks.
Stuffed Tomatoes.
Cauliflower with Sauce Tartare.
Sweet Potatoes.
Melons, Peaches, and Pears.
Black Coffee, Crackers and Cheese.
Vegetable Consommé.
Stewed Lamb à la Jardinière.
French Beans Sautés.
Mashed Potatoes au Gratin.
Peaches, Cream, and Cake.
Beef Gravy Soup.
Paté de Foie de Veau.
Stuffed Squash.
Baked Potatoes.
Baked Blackberry Pudding.
Soup à la Bonne Femme.
Roast Tenderloin of Beef.
Beets Sautés.
Lima Beans.
Fried Egg-plant.
Velvet Blanc-Mange.
Egg Soup.
Smothered Chickens with Mushrooms.
Scalloped Cauliflower.
Stewed Tomatoes.
Beet-root Salad.
Peaches and Cream.
Oberlin Soup.
Cream Pickerel.
Giblet Omelette.
Mashed Potatoes.
Boiled Corn.
Diplomatic Pudding.
Mutton Noodle Soup.
Baked Sheep’s Head à la Russe.
Tomatoes Stuffed with Corn.
Cream Peach Pie.
Rice and Tomato Soup.
Boiled Chickens and Tongue.