A Mind of Your Own. Betty Shine

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Название A Mind of Your Own
Автор произведения Betty Shine
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780008219468

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for financial stress, the effects of which continue throughout the following year. Expectations to buy bigger and better gifts can turn something joyous into a never-ending nightmare. Families should monitor this and step in with suggestions to relieve the burden. Make your own rules – above all, do not allow materialism to make this day of all days an occasion that your families dread.

      Many people go on holiday to escape, but it is sad that many families will miss celebrating together, and friendships that could be renewed are forgotten. This is the one time in the year love should be at the top of your list.

       Visualisation: Old and alone, you sit by the fireside remembering Christmases of long ago. Money was sparse, so the paper chains were home-made, as were the decorations on the tree that stood by the window to cheer passers-by. The only presents were apples and oranges and a small chocolate in each sock, but they were always received gratefully.

       The turkey was the main attraction, and everyone would sit entranced as the first slices were cut and handed round. You would not see this again for another year. Later, carols were sung – everyone was happy and laughter rang through the house.

       Thousands of children, both in this country and around the world, have never received a gift. So how about giving cheaper presents, and sending the remainder of what you would have spent to someone whose life may be saved by your generosity. It is no use just ‘caring’ – you have to show that you care. This way we can bring back the true meaning of Christmas.

       Affirmation: I will keep the spirit of Christmas through the year.


       Lives of great men all remind us We can make our lives sublime, And, departing, leave behind us Footprints on the sands of time.



      CLAIRAUDIENCE IS THE ABILITY to hear voices of people from other dimensions. From my own experience I have found it much easier to pass on messages to my sitters when receiving clairaudient communication, especially if the voice is loud and clear. That is an added bonus.

      It is widely assumed that this gift is limited to mediums. This is not so. I have listened to many fascinating accounts of clairaudient messages that have been given to apparently non-psychic people. And it can happen at any time. It depends entirely on whether the mind energy has extended enough to link in with another dimension.

      The best way to expand the mind energy is to meditate. If you find this difficult, then simply day-dream. You may not hear voices but your awareness will increase, and this in itself will enhance your life.

       Visualisation: Imagine a halo around your head. It is pure white, and the light is dazzling. It begins to expand outwards and upwards towards the universe. From out of space, shafts of light appear and touch the halo, as if to coax it ever closer to the spirit world. Stay in this space for as long as you wish, then watch as the halo returns to normal. This experience will stay with you forever.

       Affirmation: I will practise expanding my mind energy every day.


       O Love, the interest itself in thoughtless Heaven, Make simpler daily the beating of man’s heart; within, There in the ring where name and image meet.

      W. H. AUDEN


      CLAIRSENTIENCE IS THE ABILITY to decode imagery that comes from other dimensions as it appears like ticker-tape across the mind. The experience is rather like seeing the words of a poem in your head. If you close your eyes and think of a familiar poem, you will know what I mean. Unfortunately, the majority of the messages race across the mind so quickly that it is sometimes difficult to make sense of them.

      For non-psychics, the closest comparison would be intuition.

       Visualisation: This exercise is for psychics and non-psychics alike. With your eyes closed, think of a favourite poem, quotation or affirmation. Observe the words crossing your mind. If they pass too quickly, actively slow them down. Remember that the mind is the control tower and your thoughts govern its operation. Practise every day – at the very least, it will help you to discipline your mind and your life.

       Affirmation: I am in control. I have the power to slow down.


       A Christian is a man who feels Repentance on a Sunday For what he did on Saturday And is going to do on Monday.



      CLAIRVOYANCE IS THE ABILITY to see clearly into the future. A talented clairvoyant can warn of dangers if it is obvious that you are taking a wrong path. In my experience, though, people only want to hear about the positive things. To reach a happy conclusion in a sequence of events, it is sometimes necessary to change your life and habits. This can be difficult, which is why the majority choose to forget the advice and carry on as usual. Some of my clients have walked very rocky roads after ignoring my guidance. This was not necessarily entirely negative though, because it taught them a lot about their own personality problems.

      Your own intuition is the finest clairvoyance you can have. Have faith in your own instincts and you will be amazed at how right you can be.

      I chose the quotation opposite with tongue in cheek, because for most people seeking clairvoyance, that is exactly how it is. And they are not all Christians!

       Visualisation: You find yourself walking rapidly through a dark tunnel. There is an urgency in your step because you know that when you reach the end of the tunnel your future will be revealed. The tunnel seems endless. Then, when you have almost given up, a glimmer of light appears in the distance. After a few more seconds you are standing in bright sunlight. Looking around, all you can see is a bleak landscape – no trees, bushes, streams, mountains, or wildlife. No life. Disappointed, you fall to the ground and cover your eyes. A sudden movement interrupts your thought. Lying beside you on the bare ground you notice a large box. Opening it, you find that it is filled with the most wonderful artists’ tools and an incredible selection of paints and canvases. Then you hear a voice say, ‘Did you really expect me to paint the landscape as well? What a boring life you would have if I had shown you the finished canvas.’

       Affirmation: I will paint a beautiful picture of my life.


       Bow, bow, ye lower middle classes! Bow, bow, ye tradesmen, bow, ye masses.

      W. S. GILBERT


      UNFORTUNATELY, a class system exists in nearly every country in the world. But as individuals it should not present a problem, unless of course your work is affected by it. Class, as I can see it, should be about dignity, no matter what race or creed. We can all attain it. To be dignified is not to be blind, it is knowing how to project your image in the correct manner