A Mind of Your Own. Betty Shine

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Название A Mind of Your Own
Автор произведения Betty Shine
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780008219468

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gave you pulses through your being. Memories are real – they can never die.

       Affirmation: Life itself is a blessing.


       True ease in writing comes from art, not chance, As those move easiest who have learn’d to dance. ’Tis not enough no harshness gives offence, The sound must seem an echo to the sense.



      MY LOVE AFFAIR WITH BOOKS began when I visited a public library for the first time. I must have been about three years old because I could only reach the books on the lower shelves. I clearly remember the dilemma caused by the fact that I could only borrow two books at a time. I wanted to take them all.

      To achieve anything in this life we have to read books, whether it is for business or pleasure. The difficulty when buying a book is to make the right choice, especially when money is short. Even when you know what kind of book you want, a mistake can be costly, especially when there is a choice of authors in a particular field. That is why the following exercise is so useful.

       Visualisation: You are standing in a book store studying the titles and authors that are of interest to you. Running your hand over all the books, you suddenly remove one from the shelf and open it up. You may wonder why you have chosen that particular volume. It is because the soul of the author is in the energy of the book and will remain no matter how many times it is reprinted. Your hand, acting as a tool, has located a soul mate. Although you were unaware of it, you were practising psychometry, reaching out with your mind and connecting with psychic energy through touch.

       Always hold a book for some time before buying. Your instincts will do the rest.

       Affirmation: Feel the vibes before buying.


       With aching hands and bleeding feet We dig and heap, lay stone on stone; We bear the burden and the heat Of the long day, and wish ’t were done. Not till the hours of light return, All we have built do we discern.



      BURDENS OF ANY KIND can cause havoc with your lifestyle, and particularly with your health. Although the mind and body can take an enormous amount of pressure, everyone has their breaking point. The art of dealing with any burden is to despatch it as quickly as possible.

       Visualisation: You find yourself sitting on the top of a mountain. You are surrounded by many boxes. Looking up at the clear blue sky, you hear a voice calling your name. Then, a figure in white appears before you. ‘Give me your burdens and I will deal with them,’ he says. You gesture to the boxes, and the apparition smiles. ‘I can see clearly now why you are so unhappy.’ He claps his hands and the boxes disappear. ‘They have now been dealt with,’ he tells you. ‘Walk tall, do not let burdens break your spirit. Let me carry them for you.’ He touches your hand. ‘Go! Live your life to the full. Surround yourself with friends and fill your life with laughter, for I will be with you always.’

       Affirmation: I do not have to walk this path alone.


       Weary with toil, I haste me to my bed, The dear repose for limbs with travel tired; But then begins a journey in my head To work my mind, when body’s work’s expired.



      TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN A CHOSEN CAREER is invigorating and exciting. Every day is a challenge. But no matter how successful you may be, it is always wise to be aware of the pitfalls. Be mindful of your health at all times, for without it your success will disappear overnight. Remember too that, whatever you give out will come back tenfold. Hold on to your integrity, for without it you are nothing. Good luck!

       Visualisation: You are in a room full of people. You see that those to the right face you with smiles and come forward to greet you. Look left, and the faces are bitter with hate and resentment. They cause you anguish. Make a promise to yourself that next time you enter the room there will be more people on the right than the left. Aim one day to be able to do this exercise one last time and find the left side of the room to be an empty space.

       Affirmation: Success is nothing without friends.


       The learn’d is happy nature to explore, The fool is happy that he knows no more.



      IT IS VERY DIFFICULT TO BE CAREFREE all the time. But you must and the time, on a regular basis, to indulge in this most exhilarating pastime. It is essential for your health. Once you have experienced the freedom and the sense of belonging to nature, I guarantee you will become hooked. Years of being worn down with pressure and responsibility will vanish. Your body will feel feather-light as you move around and your mind will become clear, enabling you to see – perhaps for the first time in your life – the real beauty of colour. If you find it difficult to become carefree, read on.

       Visualisation: Finding yourself in the middle of a forest, you become increasingly uneasy as you find one path after another blocked by masses of tangled brambles. You are lost and cannot retrace your steps. Cold and weary, you sit down on the damp peat ground, first hugging your knees, then curling into the foetal position.

       Then you hear a voice saying, ‘Your body may be imprisoned by gravity, but your mind is not.’ A white cloud dances around your head. ‘You see,’ the voice says, ‘that is your mind, which can be released from the body with a single thought. Follow it.’ Springing to your feet you follow the cloud, and as you do so the brambles disappear. It is only then that you realise that the brambles were an obstacle you had manifested yourself.

       Affirmation: Everything is possible.


       Life may change, but it may fly not; Hope may vanish, but can die not; Truth be veiled, but still it burneth; Love repulsed, – but it returneth!



      CARERS SEEM TO BE the least thought about section of society. Yet the job of caring is usually thrust upon individuals when they themselves are at their lowest ebb. Old age is one factor – if the patient is a partner or a member of the family, the carer is usually pressurised into believing that it is their duty to take on the burden of becoming nurse/housekeeper. When a fairly healthv person is put under this pressure, their own health will also suffer, no matter how much they may love the patient.
