The mysteries of Aryan civilization. A. G. Vinogradov

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Название The mysteries of Aryan civilization
Автор произведения A. G. Vinogradov
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785006550056

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of Carolina»

      In some areas from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean and from the Gulf of Mexico to the Arctic Ocean, large ice bombs leveled almost everything in the surrounding area hundreds of kilometers away. Similar rain of ice and stones covered most of Europe and Asia, reached the forests of South America. More than one third of the planet was affected.

      Flying through the air, thousands of ice blocks fell into the Atlantic, after which they exploded with colossal detonations. Numerous tremors have triggered the dumping of tectonic plates throughout the continental shelf. The shift of continental plates produced colossal tsunamis, which moved from the coast at a speed of 1000 km / h towards Europe and Africa. Having collapsed on a shallow shelf, these waves could grow up to 100 meters high. Giant waves overwhelmed the Amazon. Huge waves that hit the coast of South America caused large land washes. Tsunamis, caused by landslides in the Amazon region, swept along the coastlines of Europe, Africa and North America. They swept everything in their path to a depth of hundreds of kilometers. Almost everyone who lived off the coast of Western Europe and North America was killed.

      Offsets of submarine tectonic plates led to the release of giant deposits of frozen methane in North America and Europe, methane turned into gas and began to seep to the surface. Falling red-hot stones and particles set fire to the rising gas jets, so that in different places on the water surface they danced tongues of orange-blue flame kilometers in height. For several years, the sea burned and boiled.

      Methane burning

      When icy air and rising water vapor combined, it caused snowfalls in Mexico, the Caribbean, and North Africa. Gradually in the south, the snow turned to rain, and this rain continued day after day, stretching out for weeks and months.

      Rivers and channels overflowed their banks, flooding everything around, and this flood lasted for several months.

      Immediately after the collision, a stream of hot air moved forward at a speed of more than 2000 km / h. He ran across the Earth, burning plants, animals, and earth. Only those who hid underground, in the water, behind mountains, the edge of a glacier, hills or inside some shelter survived from it. Millions of animals were left lying dead in the open.

      Silicon culture «Clovis» has iron grains. Trillions of microscopic molten iron particles hit the plains of North America rushing at a hurricane speed. The inlets suggest that the particles came at a slight angle to the horizon.

      To penetrate as deeply as in Clovis silicon samples, the particles must travel at speeds faster than 72,000 km / h. At this speed, the total force of the particles was enough to smash the mammoth. Particles also fell on Siberia.

      The intense heat caused a firestorm across the continent. Thousands of fires broke out where there was enough fuel. The roar of fires shook the Earth, fierce fire tore it like bombs, blasted rocks, and set off explosions of steam where it met icy rivers. When the fire died out, there was almost nothing left after it, except for the coal covering the continents.

      Riddick. D.Cole

      The shock from the collision led to strong earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

      Fig. D.Cole

      Erupting, they began to throw red-hot lava all over the surrounding area, filling the air with dust and toxic substances.

      Fig. D.Cole

      The explosion and continental fires lifted the ash into the atmosphere, darkening the sky. In some places, the air was toxic and there was so little oxygen that life became impossible.

      Fig. D.Cole

      Millions of tons of toxic chemicals fell to the ground along with rain.

      Combined with hydrogen, they formed a toxic mixture of acids. These acids left traces on the rocks, burned leaves and affected animals. The water was filled with acids, cyanides and metals.

      Fig. D.Cole

      Numerous explosions mixed carbon with air and lifted it high into the atmosphere, after which the carbon balls scattered throughout the Northern Hemisphere. The surrounding area was littered with millions of tons of small pieces of black glass, carbon spheres, and fine carbon dust.

      A vacuum arose in the rear of the comet, which led to a powerful descent of cold air from great heights. The air stream, with a speed of hundreds of km / h and temperatures down to minus 150 degrees, hit the Earth. Together with the mud tsunami of the Arctic Ocean, it led to the freezing of mammoths and the formation of ice «Edom» in Siberia. Rapid temperature changes meant the death of millions of plants and animals.

      Ice «Edom»

      Ice «Edom»

      Ice «Edom»

      At the same time, over the course of several days, temperature began to drop across the North Atlantic from Canada to Europe. In the days after the collision, the temperature quickly fell below zero, and the cold of the ice age again spread across the Earth. Immediately after the disaster, 13 thousand years ago, the climate of North America became humid and very cold. Temperatures have remained low for over 1000 years.

      The food source of millions of mammoths, horses, camels and bison has disappeared. Darkness, cold and fires destroyed most of the vegetation in the Northern Hemisphere.

      However, algae grew explosively. There was no one left who could eat them. The algae «feasted» as other plants and animals died and released iron, nitrogen, phosphorus, and other nutrients. A dense cover of algae strangled ponds, rivers, streams, they filled them with toxins. This led to the formation of a «black blanket», a layer of black sediments that extended throughout the territory. North America and rests directly on the bones of the last mammoths. Algae spores account for about 80 percent of all spores and pollen directly after the Clovis culture, which means that over the years, almost nothing has grown except algae.

      Algae reigned in lakes and water streams, until finally, the vegetation grew and the animals that eat it returned.

      This is consistent with the description available in the sources.

      «Rig Veda. I. 32. To Indra —

      6 … He could not stand the onslaught of his weapons: Faceless from the break, he is crushed – the one to whom Indra is the enemy.

      7 … Vritra was lying scattered in different places.

      13 Neither lightning nor thunder helped him,

      Neither the fog that he spread, nor the hail.

      When Indra and the serpent fought.

      For the times to come, the generous won.

      I. 33. To Indra.

      7 … I overcame, O Indra, driving them to the edge of space.

      You cast fire from the sky onto the dasya – from above.

      I. 52. To Indra.

      6 He gets hot. The force is energized.

      Having dammed up the waters, lay at the bottom of space,

      When Vritra, who is