A. G. Vinogradov

Список книг автора A. G. Vinogradov

    The mysteries of Aryan civilization

    A. G. Vinogradov

    The book of outstanding researchers A. G. Vinogradov and S. V. Zharnikova is devoted to the study of the ancestral home of the Indo-European peoples: Indian, Iranian, Slavic, Baltic, German, Celtic, Romance, Albanian, Armenian and Greek language groups. Part six of this huge work is devoted to the mysteries of the land of the ancient Aryans. The book was written in 1989—90. Over the past time, additional materials have appeared that confirm the opinion of the authors.

    Ancestral home of the Indo-Europeans

    A. G. Vinogradov

    The book of outstanding researchers A. G. Vinogradov and S. V. Zharnikova is devoted to the study of the ancestral home of the Indo-European peoples. The book is devoted to the problem of localization of the ancestral home of the Indo-Europeans. This encyclopedic work answers this question. Over the past time, additional materials have appeared that confirm the opinion of the authors. The book is a translation of the book «Происхождение индоевропейцев. Часть 1. Прародина индоевропейцев».