Название | Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том II. J – Z |
Автор произведения | Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин |
Жанр | |
Серия | |
Издательство | |
Год выпуска | 2024 |
isbn |
Marsh-samphire, n. Glass-wort, salt-wort (Salicornia herbacea).
Marshy, a. Boggy, fenny, swampy, wet.
Mart, n. Market, emporium, entrepot, place of traffic.
Martial, a. 1. Suited to war.
2. Warlike, brave, given to war.
3. Military, not civil.
Martinet, n. Precisian, formalist, strict or severe disciplinarian.
Marvel, n. Wonder, prodigy, miracle.
Marvel, v. n. Wonder, be surprised, be astonished.
Marvellous, a. [Written also Marvelous.] Wondrous, wonderful, amazing, stupendous, astonishing, miraculous, very extraordinary, most strange.
Masculine, a. 1. Male, of the male sex, not female.
2. Manly, virile, manlike, not feminine, not effeminate.
Mash, v. a. Bruise, crush.
Mask, n. 1. Cover (for the face), veil, visor, cloak, screen, blind, disguise.
2. Subterfuge, evasion, trick, shift, pretence, pretext, plea.
3. Masquerade, revel, piece of mummery.
Mask, v. a. 1. Put a mask on.
2. Disguise, conceal, hide, cloak, veil, screen, shroud, cover.
Masker, n. Mummer, buffoon.
Mason, n. 1. Builder in stone or brick.
2. Free-mason.
Masquerade, n. Mask, revel, piece of mummery.
Mass, n. 1. Lump, heap, collection.
2. Size, magnitude, bulk, dimension, quantity of matter.
3. Assemblage, congeries.
4. Whole, aggregate, totality, body.
Mass, n. Communion service (in the Roman Catholic Church), celebration of the Lord's Supper.
Massacre, v. a. Butcher (human beings), murder, kill, slay, slaughter.
Massacre, n. Butchery, slaughter, carnage.
Mass-book, n. Missal.
Massicot, n. Yellow protoxide of lead (not fused; when fused it forms litharge).
Massive, a. Bulky, heavy, weighty, ponderous.
Massy, a. Bulky, heavy, weighty, ponderous.
Master, n. 1. Ruler, director, governor, manager, chief, head, superintendent, overseer, principal, lord, goodman.
2. Commander, captain.
3. Teacher, instructor, tutor, preceptor, school-master, pedagogue.
4. Owner, proprietor, holder, possessor.
5. Proficient, adept, master-hand.
Master, v. a. 1. Overpower, overcome, conquer, subdue, subjugate, vanquish.
2. Acquire, learn thoroughly, make one's self master of.
Master, a. Main, chief, leading, principal, cardinal, prime, especial, great, grand, most important.
Masterdom, n. Dominion, rule, ascendency.
Master-hand, n. Adept, proficient, dab, dabster, good hand, capital hand, nice hand.
Masterly, a. Skilful, clever, dexterous, expert, adroit.
Master-mind, n. Master-spirit.
Master-piece, n. Chef-d'œuvre, paragon, master-stroke, master-work, capital performance.
Mastership, n. 1. Headship.
2. Dominion, rule, sway, mastery, supreme power.
3. Superiority, supremacy, upper hand.
Master-spirit, n. Master-mind.
Master-stroke, n. Master-piece.
Master-work, n. Master-piece.
Mastery, n. 1. Dominion, rule, sway, command, mastership, supreme power.
2. Superiority, pre-eminence, ascendency, supremacy, victory, conquest, upper hand.
3. Acquirement, attainment, acquisition.
4. Skill, dexterity, great proficiency.
Masticate, v. a. Chew, eat, manducate, munch.
Mastication, n. Chewing, manducation.
Masturbation, n. Onanism, self-pollution, secret vice, self-abuse.
Mat, v. a. Braid, weave, plait, plat.
Match, v. a. 1. Rival, be equal to.
2. Adapt, suit, fit, proportion.
3. Marry, give in marriage.
Matchless, a. Unrivalled, unparalleled, unequalled, peerless, incomparable, exquisite, inimitable, excellent, first-rate, superlatively good, of the best, of the first water.
Mate, n. Associate, companion, fellow, compeer.
Maté, n. Brazil tea.
Material, a. 1. Physical, corporeal, bodily, not spiritual.
2. Essential, important, momentous, vital.
Material, n. Matter, substance, stuff.
Materially, ad. 1. Substantially, in substance, not in form merely.
2. Importantly, essentially, vitally.
Maternal, a. Motherly.
Matins, n. pl. Morning prayers, morning service.
Matrice, n. Mould (especially a mould in which printers' letters are cast, and a mould in which coin is cast), matrix.
Matrimonial, a. Connubial, nuptial, conjugial, hymeneal, bridal, conjugal.
Matrimony, n. Marriage, wedlock, nuptial state.
Matrix, n. [L.] Mould, matrice.
Matron, n. 1. Wife, married woman, mother of a family.
2. Elderly woman.
Matronal, a. Matron-like.
Matron-like, a.. Motherly, elderly, grave, sedate, matronal.
Matronly, a.. Motherly, elderly, grave, sedate, matronal.
Matted, a. Entangled, twisted together.
Matter, n. 1. Substance, body.
2. Stuff, material, raw material.
3. Topic, subject, question, subject-matter, matter in hand.
4. Affair, business, concern, thing, event, course of things.
5. Trouble, cause of distress.
6. Importance, consequence, import, moment.
7. Pus, purulence, purulent matter.
Matter, v. n. Signify, import, be of importance, be of consequence.
Matter-of-fact, n. Fact, reality, actuality.
Matter-of-fact, a. Practical, sensible, plain.
Mattock, n. Grub-axe, grubbing-hoe.
Maturate, v. n. Suppurate.
Maturation, n. Suppuration.
Mature, a. 1. Perfected by time, complete, perfect, ripe.
2. Prepared, ready, well-considered, well-digested.
Mature, v. a. 1. Ripen.
2. Perfect, bring to perfection, bring to maturity.
Mature, v. n. Become ripe.
Maturity, n. 1. Completion, ripeness.
2. Time of being due (said of a promissory note, &c.).
Maudlin, a. 1. Intoxicated, inebriated, fuddled, muddled, disguised, corned, tipsy, mellow, drunk, slewed, groggy, in liquor, half seas over.
2. Silly, weak, childish.
Maugre, prep. [Used only in burlesque.] Notwithstanding, in spite of, in defiance of.