Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том II. J – Z. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Название Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том II. J – Z
Автор произведения Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
Год выпуска 2024

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a. He.

      Male, n. Male animal.

      Malediction, n. Curse, denunciation, execration, imprecation, anathema, fulmination, ban.

      Malefactor, n. Culprit, felon, convict, criminal, outlaw.

      Malefeasance, n. (Law.) Wrong doing, ill conduct, illegal deed.

      Malepractice, n. [Written also and preferably Malpractice.] Misconduct, malpractice.

      Malevolence, n. Malice, maliciousness, spite, spitefulness, malignity, rancor, venom, hate, grudge, ill-will.

      Malevolent, a. Malicious, malignant, spiteful, ill-disposed, ill-natured.

      Malice, n. Malevolence, maliciousness, malignity, rancor, venom, hate, spite, ill-will.

      Malicious, a. Malevolent, malignant, spiteful, ill-disposed, ill-natured.

      Maliciousness, n. Malevolence, malice, malignity, ill-will.

      Malign, a. 1. Malicious, malevolent, malignant, ill-disposed.

      2. Injurious, pernicious, unfavorable, baneful, very bad.

      Malign, v. a. Revile, slander, abuse, calumniate, asperse, defame, blacken, traduce, scandalize, disparage, vilify.

      Malignancy, n. Malice, malignity.

      Malignant, a. 1. Malign, malicious, malevolent.

      2. (Med.) Dangerous, fatal.

      Maligner, n. Vilifier, slanderer, traducer, calumniator, backbiter, libeller, defamer.

      Malignity, n. 1. Malice, malevolence, maliciousness, malignancy, hatred, animosity, ill-will.

      2. Virulence, fatality.

      Malinger, v. n. Feign illness (as a soldier, to avoid duty), sham sickness, play the hypocrite, sham Abraham.

      Mall, n. [Written also Maul.] Beetle, heavy mallet.

      Mall, v. a. [Written also Maul.] Beat, bruise.

      Mall, n. Public walk.

      Mallet, n. Wooden hammer.

      Malpractice, n. [Written also Malepractice.] Misconduct, misbehavior, misdoing, dereliction, malversation.

      Maltreat, v. a. Abuse, ill treat, ill use.

      Maltreatment, n. Abuse, ill treatment, bad treatment.

      Malversation, n. Misconduct (in office), fraudulent conduct (as embezzlement, &c.).

      Mamma, n. [Childish term.] Mother.

      Mamma, n. [L. pl. Mammas.] Breast, teat, dug, udder.

      Mammal, n. Mammifer, one of the mammalia.

      Mammalia, n. pl. [L.] Mammals, mammifers, viviparous animals that suckle their young.

      Mammifer, n. Mammal, one of the mammalia.

      Mammon, n. 1. Riches, wealth.

      2. God of riches.

      Mammoth, n. Fossil elephant (Elephas primigenus).

      Mammoth, a. Gigantic, very large.

      Man, n. 1. Person, individual, body, somebody, one, personage, soul, living soul, some one, human being.

      2. Mankind, the human race.

      3. Male person.

      4. Adult male.

      5. Piece (as chess, draughts, &c.).

      Man, v. a. Furnish with men, supply with hands.

      Manacle, n. Shackle (for the hands), handcuff, hand-fetter.

      Manacle, v. a. 1. Handcuff.

      2. Shackle, fetter, tie, restrain, confine.

      Manage, v. a. 1. Conduct, direct, regulate, superintend, supervise, administer, carry on, have the charge of.

      2. Rule (with address or artifice), control, govern, guide.

      3. Wield, handle.

      Manage, v. n. Manœuvre, concert measures, contrive ways, direct affairs, pull the wires or strings.

      Manageable, a. Tractable, governable.

      Management, n. 1. Conduct, control, direction, charge, administration, superintendence, care, surveillance.

      2. Contrivance, prudent conduct, cunning practice.

      Manager, n. 1. Director, superintendent, overseer, supervisor, comptroller, governor.

      2. Economist, good economist.

      Manatee, n. Lamantine, sea-cow.

      Manciple, n. Steward (of a college), purveyor.

      Mandate, n. Command, order, injunction, precept, charge, requirement.

      Mandatory, a. Preceptive, directory.

      Mandible, n. 1. Jaw.

      2. (Ornith.) Beak, bill.

      Mandrake, n. May-apple (Podyphyllum peltatum).

      Manducate, v. a. Chew, masticate.

      Manducation, n. Chewing, mastication.

      Man-eater, n. Cannibal.

      Man-eaters, n. pl. Anthropophagi, cannibals.

      Manège, n. [Fr.] 1. Horsemanship.

      2. Riding-school.

      Maneuver, n. [Written also Manœuvre.] 1. Evolution, movement.

      2. Scheme, plan, plot, stratagem, artful management, adroit procedure.

      Maneuver, v. n. [Written also Manœuvre.] 1. Perform evolutions.

      2. Contrive, plan, plot, manage, pull the wires or strings.

      Maneuverer, n. [Written also Manœuvrer.] Tactician, adroit manager, wire-puller.

      Manful, a. Courageous, bold, brave, stout, strong, vigorous, daring, heroic, intrepid, undaunted, manly.

      Manganese, n. Black oxide of manganese (the oxide having the same name as the metal), peroxide or deutoxide of manganese.

      Mangel-wurzel, n. [Written also Mangold-wurzel.] Field-beet, scarcity-root (Beta altissima).

      Mangle, v. a. Lacerate, hack, tear (in cutting).

      Mangold-wurzel, n. Mangel-wurzel.

      Mangy, a. Scabby, infected with mange.

      Manhaden, n. [Preferably written Menhaden.] Hardhead, mossbunker, pauhaugen.

      Man-hater, n. Misanthrope, cynic.

      Manhood, n. 1. Virility.

      2. Courage, bravery, hardihood, firmness, resolution.

      Mania, [n. missing?] 1. Raging madness, violent insanity.

      2. Vehement desire.

      Mania a potu, [L.] Delirium tremens, the horrors.

      Maniac, n. Madman, lunatic, bedlamite, insane person.

      Manicheism, n. Dualism, doctrine of two supreme principles (good and evil).

      Manifest, a. Apparent, open, obvious, plain, evident, patent, clear, palpable, visible, unmistakable, glaring, notorious.

      Manifest, v. a. Show, exhibit, reveal, declare, display, disclose, prove, evince, discover, express, set forth, bring to light, expose to view, hold up to view, make known.

      Manifestation, n. Exhibition, revelation, display, expression.

      Manifesto, n. Declaration (of a sovereign or a government).

      Manifold, a. Numerous, multiplied, various, many, of divers kinds.

      Manioc, n. Cassava, tapioca.

      Manipulate, v. a. & n. Work or operate with the hands.

      Manipulation, n. Manual operations.

      Manis, n. Pangolin, scaly ant-eater.

      Man-killer, n. Murderer, manslayer, homicide.

      Mankind, n. 1. Man, the human race.

      2. Men, the lords of