Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том I. A – I. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Название Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том I. A – I
Автор произведения Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
Год выпуска 2024

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coat, n. Dress coat.

      Bog, n. Morass, quagmire, slough, fen, marsh, swamp.

      Bog-berry, n. Cranberry.

      Boggle, v. n. Hesitate, vacillate, waver, falter, demur, shrink, hang back, shrink back, hang fire, be in suspense.

      Bogtrotter, n. [In derision.] Irishman.

      Bogus, a. [Cant term, U. S.] Spurious, counterfeit, false.

      Bohea, n. Black tea.

      Boil, v. n. 1. Be agitated by heat.

      2. Bubble, rise in bubbles.

      3. Be ardent, be hot.

      Boil, v. a. Seethe.

      Boil, n. Furuncle, pustule, gathering, inflamed tumor.

      Boiling, n. Ebullition.

      Boisterous, a. 1. Roaring, loud, stormy.

      2. Noisy, furious, tumultuous, turbulent, vehement, violent, impetuous.

      Bold, a. 1. Fearless, dauntless, daring, valiant, chivalrous, valorous, doughty, undaunted, intrepid, courageous, brave, heroic, audacious, adventurous, manful, manly, stout-hearted, bold-spirited.

      2. Confident, assured, free from bashfulness.

      3. Impudent, insolent, rude, impertinent, saucy, forward, pushing, assuming, brazen-faced, bold-faced.

      4. Conspicuous, striking, prominent, standing out to the view.

      5. Steep, abrupt.

      Bold-faced, a. Impudent, bold.

      Boldness, n. 1. Fearlessness, dauntlessness, intrepidity, courage, bravery, valor, audacity, daring, pluck, heroism, hardihood, spunk.

      2. Confidence, assurance, confident mien, freedom from bashfulness.

      3. Impudence, insolence, sauciness, rudeness, impertinence, effrontery, presumption, brass, face, front, cheek.

      4. Prominence, striking character or quality.

      5. Steepness, abruptness.

      Bold-spirited, a. Courageous, bold.

      Bole, n. 1. Body (of a tree), stem, trunk.

      2. Bolus, large pill.

      Boll, n. Pod, capsule, pericarp.

      Bolt, n. 1. Arrow, dart, shaft.

      2. Thunderbolt, stroke of lightning.

      3. Pin (of large size).

      4. Sieve.

      Bolt, v. a. 1. Fasten with a bolt.

      2. Swallow (without chewing).

      3. Sift, pass through a sieve.

      Bolt, v. n. 1. Bounce, start suddenly, spring out abruptly.

      2. [U. S.] Rat, abscond, withdraw (especially from a political party), desert suddenly.

      Bolt-upright, a. Perpendicular, quite upright.

      Bolus, n. Bole, large pill.

      Bombard, v. a. Attack with bombs.

      Bombardment, n. Attack with bombs.

      Bombast, n. Fustian, rodomontade, rant, inflated style, swelling or pompous phraseology.

      Bombastic, a. Inflated, turgid, tumid, swelling, stilled, grandiloquent, pompous, sophomorical, high-flown, high-sounding, highfalutin.

      Bona fide, [L.] Really, truly, actually, sincerely, in good faith, without fraud.

      Bond, n. 1. Band, ligature, cord, chain, fetter.

      2. Obligation, compact.

      Bondage, n. Servitude, slavery, thraldom, captivity, imprisonment, confinement, bond-service, bonds, restraint of personal liberty.

      Bonds, n. pl. Imprisonment, captivity, chains, fetters, bondage.

      Bonbon, n. [Fr.] Sweetmeat, sugar-plum.

      Bone-ash, n. Bone-earth, burnt bones, earthy matter of bones.

      Bone-black, n. Ivory-black, animal charcoal.

      Bone-earth, n. Bone-ash.

      Bone of contention, Subject of contention, subject of dispute.

      Boneset, n. Thoroughwort, feverwort, ague-weed, Indian sage (Eupatorium perfoliatum).

      Bonhomie, n. [Fr.] Good-nature, easy humor, good-natured simplicity.

      Bonito, n. Albicore, horse-mackerel (Thynnus pelamys).

      Bonmot, n. [Fr.] Jest, joke, witticism, witty repartee.

      Bonne-bouche, n. [Fr.] Titbit, delicacy, nice bit, delicate morsel, choice morsel, delicious mouthful.

      Bonny, a. 1. Handsome, beautiful, pretty.

      2. Cheerful, blithe, sprightly, buoyant, airy, gay, merry, joyous, jolly, jocund, winsome, buxom, playful, sportive, jocose, in good spirits, in high spirits.

      3. Plump, round, chubby, in good health.

      Bon-ton, n. [Fr.] High mode, fashionable style, style of high life.

      Bonus, n. [L.] Premium, reward.

      Bon-vivant, n. [Fr.] Luxurious liver, boon companion, jovial companion, jolly fellow.

      Booby, n. 1. Simpleton, fool, dunce.

      2. (Ornith.) Gannet, noddy, solan goose (Sula bassana).

      Book, n. Work, volume.

      Booked up, Posted, well-informed.

      Bookish, a. Given to reading, fond of books, fond of study, very studious.

      Book-keeper, n. Accountant.

      Book-learned, a. Versed in books.

      Book-madness, n. Bibliomania.

      Book-maker, n. Compiler.

      Book-making, n. Compilation.

      Bookstore, n. [U. S.] Bookseller's shop.

      Bookworm, n. Great reader or student (without discrimination and without definite purpose).

      Booley, n. [Irish.] Nomad, wanderer.

      Boom, v. n. 1. Roar, resound.

      2. Rush, bound, dash forward.

      Boon, n. Gift, present, benefaction, grant, offering.

      Boon, a. 1. Kind, bountiful, generous.

      2. Gay, merry, jovial, jolly, convivial.

      Boor, n. Rustic, clown, hind, lout, lubber, swain, peasant, bumpkin, clodpole, countryman, ploughman.

      Boorish, a. Rustic, rude, clownish, loutish, bearish, awkward, clumsy, ungainly, coarse, rough, unrefined, uncourtly, ungraceful, gawky, lubberly.

      Boosy, a. Boozy.

      Boot, v. a. [Generally used impersonally.] Profit, benefit, advantage.

      Bootee, n. Bootikin, half boot, short boot.

      Bootikin, n. Bootee, half boot.

      Bootless, a. Useless, unavailing, fruitless, futile, unprofitable, profitless, valueless, worthless, ineffectual, abortive, vain, idle, without avail.

      Booty, n. Plunder (to be used for any purpose), spoil, pillage, prey.

      Boozy, a. [Written also Boosy.] Tipsy, inebriated, fuddled, disguised, maudlin, mellow, slewed, groggy, half drunk, half seas over.

      Borax, n. Tincal, bi-borate of soda.

      Border, n. 1. Edge, rim, brim, verge, brink, margin, skirt.

      2. Limit, boundary, confine, frontier.

      Border, v. a. Put a border upon, adorn with a border, make a border for.

      Border on, Adjoin, be in contact with, be coterminous with, touch at the side or end of, be contiguous to, border upon.

      Border upon, Border on.

      Bore, v. a. 1. Perforate, pierce, drill.

      2. Weary (by tedious repetition), fatigue, plague, trouble, vex, worry, annoy.
