Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том I. A – I. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Название Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том I. A – I
Автор произведения Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
Год выпуска 2024

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a. boastful, boasting.

      Brag of, Boast, vaunt, magnify, exalt, make much of.

      Brahma, n. (Hindoo Mythol.) The Creator, God.

      Brahmin, n. [Written also Bramin.] Hindoo Priest.

      Braid, v. n. Plait, plat, intertwine, interweave, interlace, weave together.

      Brain-fever, n. Phrenitis.

      Brain-pan, n. Skull, cranium.

      Brains, n. pl. Understanding, sense, mind, reason, intellect, capacity, intellectual faculties.

      Brake, n. 1. Fern.

      2. Thicket, brushwood, jungle.

      Brake up, Put down the brakes (to stop a railway train).

      Bramah press, Hydraulic press, hydrostatic press.

      Branch, n. 1. Bough, limb, shoot.

      2. Offshoot, ramification, arm, projecting part.

      3. Section, subdivision, part, portion, article, member.

      Branch, v. n. Diverge, ramify, spread in branches, shoot off, branch off.

      Branch off, Ramify, branch.

      Branch out, Expatiate, be diffuse, speak diffusely.

      Branchiæ, n. pl. [L.] Gills.

      Branching, n. Ramification, arborescence.

      Branching, a. Arborescent, arboriform, dendriform, dendroid, dendritic.

      Brand, n. 1. Fire-brand.

      2. Mark (of a hot iron).

      3. Kind, quality.

      4. Stigma, stain, reproach.

      5. [Poetical.] Sword.

      Brand, v. a. 1. Mark (with a hot iron).

      2. Stigmatize, denounce.

      Brand-goose, n. Brant, brent (Anser bernicla).

      Brandish, v. a. Flourish, wave.

      Brand-new, a. Quite new, fire-new, spick and span new, span new.

      Brant, n. Brent, brand-goose.

      Brash, a. 1. Hasty, rash, impetuous.

      2. [Local, U. S.] Brittle, fragile, easily broken.

      Brass, n. 1. Alloy of copper and zinc.

      2. Assurance, boldness, pertness, effrontery, presumption, audacity, forwardness, face, front, cheek.

      Brassy, a. [Colloquial.] Bold, pert, assuming, forward, cheeky, brazen, brazen-faced.

      Brat, n. [Term of contempt.] Child, urchin, bantling, infant, bairn.

      Bravado, n. Boast, boasting, brag, bluster, blatherskite.

      Brave, a. Fearless (from temperament), courageous, intrepid, daring, undaunted, dauntless, valiant, bold, chivalrous, chivalric, gallant, valorous, doughty, heroic, Spartan, lion-hearted.

      Brave, n. 1. [Rare.] Bully, hector, blusterer.

      2. Indian warrior.

      Brave, v. a. Defy, dare, challenge, set at defiance.

      Bravery, n. Fearlessness (from temperament), courage, intrepidity, audacity, valor, gallantry, daring, boldness, spirit, mettle, pluck, manhood, heroism, spunk.

      Bravo, n. Bandit, assassin, assassinator, murderer, cut-throat, daring villain.

      Bravo, interj. Well done.

      Brawl, v. n. 1. Quarrel (noisily), dispute (angrily).

      2. Roar, resound.

      Brawl, n. Quarrel, wrangle, dispute, uproar, broil, altercation, fracas, squabble, fray, affray, feud, tumult, disturbance, row, bobbery, mêlée. rumpus, outbreak.

      Brawny, a. Muscular, sinewy, stalwart, sturdy, athletic, powerful, strong, vigorous, lusty, robust, nervous, strapping, Herculean, able-bodied.

      Bray, v. a. Pound (into small pieces or powder), bruise, crush, grind, comminute, triturate.

      Bray, v. n. 1. Utter a harsh cry (like the ass).

      2. Make a harsh sound.

      Braying, a. Blatant, bellowing, clamorous, vociferous, noisy, obstreperous.

      Braze, v. a. Solder with brass.

      Brazen, a. 1. Made of brass.

      2. Bold, brazen-faced.

      Brazen-faced, a. Bold, impudent, assuming, forward, pert, saucy, brazen, brassy, cheeky.

      Brazier, n. 1. Worker or artificer in brass.

      2. Pan for coals.

      Brazil-root, n. Ipecacuanha, ipecac.

      Brazil tea, Maté.

      Breach, n. 1. Break, fracture, rupture, opening, chasm, gap, crack, flaw, fissure, rent, rift.

      2. Infraction, violation, infringement, non-observance.

      3. Quarrel, difference, variance, disagreement, dissension, schism, misunderstanding, alienation, disaffection, rupture, falling out.

      Bread, n. Food (especially food made of grain), sustenance, aliment, nutriment, nourishment, subsistence, fare, diet, regimen, victuals, viands, provisions.

      Breadth, n. Width.

      Break, v. a. 1. Rend, sever, part, dispart, fracture, tear asunder.

      2. Shatter, shiver, smash, batter, dash to pieces.

      3. Enfeeble, enervate, weaken, impair.

      4. Tame, make tractable, make docile.

      5. Make bankrupt.

      6. Discard, dismiss, discharge, degrade, cashier.

      7. Violate, infringe, transgress, set at nought.

      8. Lessen the force of (as a fall).

      9. Interrupt, cease, intermit, cut short.

      10. Disclose, open, unfold, lay open.

      Break, v. n. 1. Be shattered, be shivered, be dashed to pieces.

      2. Burst, explode.

      3. Open, dawn, appear.

      4. Become bankrupt.

      5. Decline, low health or strength.

      Break, n. 1. Breach, opening, gap, fissure, rent, rift, chasm, rupture, fracture.

      2. Interruption, pause, cæsura.

      3. Dawn, dawning.

      Break away, 1. Escape (against resistance), break loose.

      2. Be scattered, be dissipated.

      Break-bone fever, Dengue, dandy-fever.

      Break bulk, Begin to unload.

      Break down, (Active.) Crush, overwhelm, overcome.

      Break down, (Neuter.) Fall, give out.

      Breaker, n. Wave, surge, billow.

      Break faith, Be faithless, be perfidious, falsify one's word.

      Break forth, Issue, burst out, break out.

      Break ground, Begin, commence operations.

      Break jail, Escape from jail.

      Break in, 1. Make an irruption.

      2. Intrude one's self, take up the discourse, begin to speak.

      Breaking, n. Rupture, fracture.

      Break of day, Dawn, dawning, daybreak, morning, cockcrowing, morn, dayspring, peep of day, prime of day, first blush of the morning.

      Break off, 1. Be ruptured.

      2. Desist, cease, stop, leave off.

      Break out, Issue, break forth, burst out.

      Break the ice, Make a beginning, prepare the way, open a way.

      Breakwater, n. Jetty, pier, mole.

      Break with, Fall out, part friendship with.
