Название | Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том I. A – I |
Автор произведения | Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин |
Жанр | |
Серия | |
Издательство | |
Год выпуска | 2024 |
isbn |
Bewail, v. a. Bemoan, lament, deplore, mourn for, mourn over, express sorrow for.
Bewail, v. n. Mourn, lament, sorrow, grieve.
Beware v. n. Mind, take care, be cautious.
Bewilder, v. a. Perplex, confound, confuse, embarrass, puzzle, stagger, pose, nonplus, mystify, entangle.
Bewilderment, n. Perplexity, embarrassment, confusion, entanglement.
Bewitch, v. a. Charm, fascinate, enchant, captivate, transport, enravish, enrapture, entrance.
Be with child, Be pregnant, be big, be enceinte, be in the family way.
Beyond, prep. 1. On the further side of.
2. Before, at a distance before.
3. Remote from, out of the reach of, out of the grasp of.
4. Farther than.
5. Above, superior to.
Beyond, ad. Yonder, at a distance.
Bias, n. Inclination, bent, leaning, tendency, predilection, prepossession, proclivity, proneness, propensity, partiality, prejudice, disposition, predisposition, turn, penchant.
Bias, v. a. Influence, incline, prejudice, dispose, predispose.
Bible, n. [Used with The prefixed.] The Scriptures, the Old and New Testaments, the sacred volume.
Biblical, a. Scriptural.
Bibliomania, n. Book-madness.
Bibulous, a. Spongy, porous.
Bichloride of mercury, Corrosive sublimate.
Bicker, v. n. 1. Wrangle, dispute, quarrel, spar, spat, jangle, squabble, tiff, have words, have an altercation.
2. Quiver, be tremulous.
Bickering, n. Dispute, quarrel, wrangle, wrangling, jangle, jarring, jangling, sparring, altercation, dissension, contention, strife, war of words.
Bid, n. Offer (of a price), bidding, proposal.
Bid, v. a. 1. Command, order, require, charge, enjoin, direct.
2. Offer, propose, proffer, tender.
3. Pronounce, declare, utter.
Bidding, n. 1. Command, order, direction, injunction, precept, behest, requisition, mandate, appointment.
2. Offer (of a price), bid, proposal.
Bide, v. a. 1. Endure, suffer, tolerate, bear, put up with, submit to.
2. Abide, await, wait for.
Bid fair, Seem likely, offer a good prospect, present a fair prospect, make a fair promise.
Big, a. 1. Great, large, huge, bulky, massive, massy.
2. Haughty, arrogant, proud, pompous, important, swelling, blustering, assuming, self-conceited, self-sufficient.
3. Pregnant, enceinte, with child, in the family way.
Big-bellied, a. Large-bellied, great-bellied, pot-bellied, tun-bellied, abdominous.
Bight, n. 1. [Naut.] Bend, coil.
2. Bay, inlet, cove.
Bigot, n. Zealot, fanatic, enthusiast, dogmatist.
Bigoted, a. Prejudiced, crotchety, mulish, intolerant, narrow-minded, wrong-headed, self-opinionated, over-zealous, creed-bound, wedded to an opinion.
Bigotry, n. Prejudice, intolerance, blind zeal.
Big-sounding, a. High-sounding.
Big-wig, n. [Colloquial.] Person of consequence.
Big-wigged, a. Consequential, pompous, self-important.
Bijou, n. [Fr.] Jewel, trinket, elegant ornament.
Bijoutry, n. Jewelry, jewels, trinkets.
Bi-labiate, a. (Bot.) Two-lipped.
Bilbo, n. Rapier, short sword.
Bilboes, n. pl. Shackles, fetters, gyves, chains.
Bile, n. Gall.
Bileduct, n. Biliary duct, hepatic duct.
Biliary calculus, Gall-stone.
Biliary duct, Bileduct, hepatic duct.
Bilk, v. a. Deceive (by not fulfilling an engagement), disappoint, elude.
Bill, n. 1. Beak, mandible, neb.
2. Account, charges, reckoning, score.
3. Statement of particulars.
4. Draft of a law, projected law.
Bill of exchange, Draft.
Billet, n. Note, short letter.
Billet, v. a. Assign (to a lodging place, as soldiers, by a billet), apportion, allot, distribute, quarter, place in lodgings.
Billet-doux, n. [Fr.] Love-letter.
Billing and Cooing, Blandishment.
Billingsgate, n. Ribaldry, blackguardism, foul or profane language.
Billow, n. Wave, surge, breaker.
Bin, n. Bunker, crib.
Binary, a. Dual, double, consisting of two.
Bind, v. a. 1. Confine, restrain, restrict, put bonds upon.
2. Enwrap, put a bandage upon.
3. Tie, fasten, secure by a bond.
4. Engage, oblige, obligate, make responsible, lay under obligation.
5. Confirm, ratify, sanction.
6. Put a border round.
Binding, n. 1. Bandage, band, fillet.
2. Cover, covering.
Binding, a. 1. Astringent, contracting, styptic.
2. Obligatory, valid.
Binoxide, n. Deutoxide.
Biography, n. 1. Life, memoir, history of a person's life.
2. Biographical writings.
Bird, n. Fowl, fowl of the air.
Birth, n. 1. Nativity, coming into life.
2. Lineage, extraction, descent, race, family, line, ancestry.
Birthday, n. 1. Natal day.
2. Anniversary of one's birth.
Bisect, v. a. Cut or divide into two equal parts, cut in halves, halve.
Bisection, n. Halving, cutting, or dividing into two equal parts.
Bishop, n. 1. Prelate.
2. Bustle, tournure.
Bishopric, n. Diocese, see, jurisdiction or charge of a bishop.
Bison, n. [U. S.] Buffalo.
Bissextile, n. Leap-year.
Bit, n. 1. Mouth-piece of a bridle.
2. Mouthful, morsel, crumb, fragment, scrap.
3. Whit, tittle, jot, iota, particle, atom, grain, mite, ace, scintilla.
Bitch, n. Slut, female dog.
Bite, v. a. 1. Gnaw, chew, champ.
2. Blast, nip (as frost).
3. Defraud, deceive, cheat, dupe, trick, gull, overreach, jockey, cozen, chouse, outwit, bamboozle, diddle, impose upon, beguile, mislead, inveigle, gammon.
Biting, a. 1. Pungent, piquant, hot, sharp, peppery, stinging, high-flavored, high-seasoned.
2. Severe, sarcastic, cutting, caustic.
3. Cold, freezing, nipping, piercing.
Bitter, a. 1. That tastes like wormwood.
2. Fierce, savage, cruel, merciless, relentless, virulent, fell, ruthless.
3. Severe, harsh, stern.
4. Distressing, painful, grievous, sorrowful, afflictive,