Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том I. A – I. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Название Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том I. A – I
Автор произведения Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
Год выпуска 2024

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ad. Out of the right way, on the wrong scent.

      Astringent, a. Binding, contracting, styptic.

      Astute, a. 1. Cunning, crafty, intriguing, wily, artful, sly, subtle, arch, deep, Machiavelian.

      2. Shrewd, sagacious, acute, sharp, quick, discerning, ingenious, perspicacious, keen, intelligent, long-headed, keen-sighted, clear-sighted, quick-sighted, eagle-eyed.

      Astuteness, n. 1. Cunning, craft, craftiness, subtlety, artfulness, art, artifice, slyness, deceit, duplicity, wiliness, guile.

      2. Shrewdness, acuteness, sharpness, perspicacity, discernment, penetration, sagacity, ingenuity, mother-wit, quick parts.

      Asunder, ad. Apart, into two parts.

      Asylum, n. 1. Sanctuary, shelter, retreat, refuge, place of refuge.

      2. Charitable institution.

      At a blow, Suddenly, all at once, by a single stroke, by one effort.

      At all, In any manner, in any degree, in the least degree, in the least.

      At all events, At any rate, in any case, whatever be the case, happen what may, come what may, let it be as it will, sink or swim.

      At a loss, Puzzled, perplexed, embarrassed, staggered, posed, nonplussed, at one's wits' end, hard pressed, at a stand, in doubt, in difficulty, put to it, put to one's shifts, out of one's depth, beyond one's depth, in a quandary, at fault, in a dilemma, not know what to do.

      At any rate, At all events.

      At a pinch, In an emergency, in a difficulty, if things come to the worst.

      At a stand, 1. Interrupted, stopped.

      2. Perplexed, embarrassed, at a loss.

      At dawn, Early, at break of day, at peep of day, at the opening of day.

      At discretion, Without conditions or stipulations.

      At ease, Untroubled, comfortable, free from pain, at rest.

      At fault, 1. Off the scent, on the wrong track.

      2. Puzzled, perplexed, at a loss.

      At first, In the beginning, at the commencement, in the outset, at the start.

      At hand, Near, nigh, close by, hard by, close to, close upon, close at hand, within reach.

      At hazard, Hazarded, at stake.

      At heart, In principle, in one's true character.

      Atheism, n. Denial of God, disbelief in the existence of God.

      Atheist, n. Unbeliever (in the existence of God), infidel, sceptic, free-thinker.

      Atheistic, a. Godless, given to atheism.

      Atheistical, a. Godless, given to atheism.

      Athlete, n. Combatant, champion, contender for victory.

      Athletic, a. 1. Strong, stout, robust, sturdy, brawny, muscular, lusty, sinewy, nervous, stalwart, powerful, strapping, Herculean, able-bodied, made of iron.

      2. Gymnastic.

      Athwart, prep. Across, over, from one side of to the other.

      Athwart, ad. 1. Across, crosswise, sidewise, obliquely.

      2. Wrong, wrongfully, unseasonably, unsuitably, malapropos.

      At last, Finally, in the end, in the upshot.

      At length, 1. After a long time, after a long while, at last, in the end.

      2. In full, to the full extent, in extenso.

      Atmosphere, n. Air.

      Atmospheric, a. Aerial, of the atmosphere.

      Atmospherical, a. Aerial, of the atmosphere.

      At odds, Quarrelling, bickering, at variance.

      Atom, n. 1. Molecule, monad, ultimate particle (of any element), indivisible particle.

      2. Corpuscle, scrap, mite, bit, grain, jot, iota, tittle, whit, ace, scintilla.

      Atomic, a. 1. Of atoms.

      2. Small, minute.

      Atomical, a. 1. Of atoms.

      2. Small, minute.

      At once, Immediately, directly, forthwith, straightway, without delay.

      Atone for, Expiate, make expiation for, make amends for, make reparation for, do penance for, answer for, pay for.

      Atonement, n. 1. [Rare.] Reconciliation, pacification, concord, agreement.

      2. Expiation, propitiation, satisfaction, reparation, amends, peace-offering, atoning sacrifice.

      Atony, n. (Med.) Weakness, debility, languor.

      Atrabiliary, a. Melancholy, atrabilious.

      Atrabilious, a. Melancholy, hypochondriacal, hypped, dejected, dispirited, depressed, gloomy, sad, sorrowful, blue, desponding, downcast, down-hearted, chop-fallen, low-spirited, cast down, down in the mouth, in the dumps, with a long face.

      Atramentous, a. Black, inky.

      At random, By chance, without choice, without selection, just as it happens.

      At rest, 1. Resting, reposing, quiescent.

      2. Untroubled, comfortable, at ease, free from pain.

      Atrocious, a. Infamous, villanous, flagitious, heinous, felonious, flagrant, outrageous, enormous, grievous, diabolical, monstrous, infernal, hellish, horrible, black, very wicked.

      Atrocity, n. 1. Heinousness, atrociousness, enormity, flagrancy, villany, flagitiousness, depravity, wickedness.

      2. Atrocious crime, flagitious villany.

      Atrophy, n. Emaciation (from want of nourishment), consumption, marasmus, decline, gradual wasting.

      At stake, Hazarded, risked, pledged, in danger, at hazard.

      Attach, v. a. 1. Fasten, tie, join, connect, cement, affix, fix, append, subjoin, annex, hitch, make fast, set to.

      2. Attract, captivate, enamour, endear, charm, win, engage, gain over.

      3. (Law.) Take, seize, distrain, distress.

      Attachment, n. 1. Love, liking, regard, affection, friendship, fondness, predilection, devotedness, devotion, adhesion, adherence.

      2. Adjunct, appendage, appurtenance, addition, addendum.

      3. (Law.) Seizure, distress.

      Attack, v. a. 1. Assail, assault, storm, encounter, invade, charge, engage, oppugn, tackle, have at, set upon, fly at, run at, make a run at, rush upon, spring upon, have a fling at, have a cut at, bear down upon, make aggression on, ride full tilt against, pitch into.

      2. Impugn, censure, criticise, reflect upon, pass censure on.

      Attack, n. Assault, onset, onslaught, charge, thrust, encounter, invasion, aggression, descent, offence.

      Attacker, n. Assailer, assailant, assaulter, invader, aggressor.

      Attain, v. a. 1. Procure (by effort), acquire, get, obtain, gain, win, secure, achieve, compass, accomplish, effect, hit.

      2. Reach, arrive at, come to, attain to.

      Attain to, Reach, attain, arrive at, come to.

      Attainable, a. Compassable, achievable, practicable, feasible, possible.

      Attainder, n. Corruption of blood.

      Attainment, n. 1. Attaining, getting, acquisition.

      2. Acquirement, accomplishment, erudition, learning, information, enlightenment, wisdom, stock of knowledge, mental resources.

      Attaint, v. a. 1. Taint, corrupt, stain.

      2. (Law.) Punish by corruption of blood.

      Attar of roses, Oil of roses, ottar of roses, otto of roses.

      Attemper, v. a. 1. Temper, moderate, allay, alleviate, soften, mollify, assuage, soothe, qualify, appease.

      2. Adapt, suit, fit, proportion.
