Conversation with Lucifer. Elena Sidelnikova

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Название Conversation with Lucifer
Автор произведения Elena Sidelnikova
Год выпуска 2024

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way back. And now they are searching for the path of return.

      Then who is the devil? Does he exist?

      Everything that you believe in exists. People believed so strongly in the existence of the devil that he came into being. As a reflection of the Reflection of Divine Light in those who believe in him.

      If I don’t believe in you, then you don’t exist?

      Yes, in your reality, I will not exist, and I will not speak to you if you believe that I do not exist. You don’t believe in the existence of the devil, so in your reality, he doesn’t exist.

      Where did such concepts as the Devil and Satan come from?

      It’s difficult for a person to believe that the source of their troubles is themselves. And if you consider your centuries-old religious upbringing, for some of you, the devil is quite a real phenomenon.

      There is nothing around you except God. And everything that exists in your life is a brilliantly created script for you, involving various actors and extras. They all appear in your life by your call and by your choice. The process of creation is so intricate that sometimes some of you manage to create phantasmagorical scenes. They create the image of the devil, worship him, and make sacrifices to him.

      But there was a time when sacrifices were made to gods as well. You choose idols for yourselves on whom you place responsibility for your decisions and creations.

      Why are you considered the source of all human misfortunes?

      Because, to some extent, I am indeed the source of your misfortunes. Because I initiated the separation from God and showed you the way to create and be free in your choice of creation. And each of you has used this opportunity in your own way.

      Do you think the experiment was successful?

      There are no unsuccessful experiments. An experiment can only be unsuccessful if you expect a certain result, and it doesn’t happen. In this case, the result was unpredictable.

      Do you like the result?

      These are human concepts. How can someone prefer the color red over green? Do you like that there is sky, water, earth, and fire? That there is morning and evening, day and night? They simply exist. Do you like the reflections of trees in the water more than the trees themselves? This is a meaningless question.

      But this experiment has brought so much evil—wars, violence, murder, and much more.

      Evil is simply the choice of a path. Why don't you say that this experiment has brought a lot of good? Haven't there been beautiful moments in the history of humanity's development? The experiment is an opportunity for each part of God to create independently. Many of your creations are astonishing and beautiful.

      Are you proud of your creations?

      I do not make evaluations or distinctions. But I see the peaks of your transformations and your creative potentials. They are all within me, and I understand that the experiment has led to growth. It has given you freedom; it has opened pathways to Infinity.

      Where are you now?

      I am everywhere, for you and I are one whole. But now, I am unfolding my creations in other Universes.

      Has the experiment ended?

      No, it continues. It is infinite. But now you are coming out of your childhood, and I can step away, so to speak. I can direct the majority of my Creative Potentials towards new creations and new experiments. Just as your filmmakers begin working on a new project, so do I—a new project, a new experiment.

      What will happen to us next?

      Whatever you choose. And I fully trust your choice.

      If creation is only possible through the power of Love, does that mean you created us and our world through the power of Love? Do you love people? More than they can imagine. But humanity as a whole does not feel positive emotions towards you. Everything is changing. Are you waiting for gratitude?

      I am waiting for you to realize your power and become my equal partners in the creation of the world we have created together.

      Part 7. Creators of Universes

      Tell me about life and death.

      Life is the existence of the Spirit in its various manifestations. And therefore, life is infinite, just as the Spirit is infinite.

      What is the Spirit? Is it God? Is it the Absolute? What is God to you? It is the one who created everything and of whom I am a part.

      I am the Absolute Source of Creation of the universe. It is incomprehensible to us as a separate entity, since we are all merely its parts and reflections. It is some energy, or light, or potential that has always been and always will be, and we are all modifications of this energy and light and the unfolding of this potential. This is what is called the Dao in your Eastern philosophies. This eternal source of everything remains in a static state until some movement arises within it, a change in the configuration of its essence and properties.

      Where does this movement come from?

      This movement arises as a result and response to some impulse that initiates the movement, development, and unfolding of potential.

      Are you talking about the Big Bang, which initiated the expansion of the universe? Yes. But where does this impulse come from? Who does it originate from?

      This is the mystery of the universe, inaccessible to our understanding. Since everything within us and around us is this single source, and nothing else exists, the impulse itself must be born from this source.

      In any case, it exists, and this impulse is the beginning of all beginnings and the start of all creations and changes. It is the creation of some Absolute entity, of which we are a part.

      In this sense, since it is the origin of the first spark of creation, it is the one who created everything and of whom we are all a part, and this is the original God.

      As a result of this impulse, a part of it was separated from this source, and the first division occurred: God and the part of God that was separated. But for development to continue, this part of God needed something to interact with. At first, this part interacted with the original God. And this continued for a long time. But the part could not understand God, even though it was a part of Him. Just as a drop of the ocean cannot comprehend the ocean. And this part developed what you call loneliness – the desire to know something similar to itself. And then, possessing the qualities of God, this part created within itself two more parts in its image and likeness. So that it could know them as similar to itself, and they could know each other. Now these two parts could know something like themselves through the knowledge of what was outside themselves, and the original God through the knowledge within themselves, and this was a new experience of knowledge. And this continued for a long time.

      And then these two parts created their parts, and everything repeated, and so on to infinity. This is how the process of creation and expansion of God through His parts began, and it continues to this day. And the expansion of the universe and the Big Bang are also part of this process of the development of the original God. But those first creators of their parts were also manifested and named by you as gods since they were also creators of the world for those they created, and they also created these worlds from themselves. And in this sense, for every creation, God (the one who created everything and of whom they are a part) was their creator.

      And since this process is continuous, each of you is also a God for all the creations you create.

      It sounds like cell division. Yes, everything is similar. But why is the process paired? Was the world initially dual?

      No, duality is just a filter of perception. Just as you can only see within a certain spectrum, your perception occurs through the filters of duality. More precisely, your perceptual apparatus is set to sort all incoming impulses into two polar groups of perception. When these filters are removed,