Conversation with Lucifer. Elena Sidelnikova

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Название Conversation with Lucifer
Автор произведения Elena Sidelnikova
Год выпуска 2024

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Divine Energy irrationally, what happens?

      You are islands of Divine Energy. And to create a system of input and output valves, you have a chakra system. Each chakra regulates a kind of pressure in the energetic processes happening within your island of perception. But most of your energy simply circulates within you. It cannot disappear; it can only change its characteristics due to external or internal influence. If you spend it on transforming your reality, it continues to exist in the form of that reality.

      Where did the concept of hell come from? From human ideas about it.

      What is punishment?

      Everything is a Reflection of Divine Light. And as a reflection, it cannot be right or wrong. It simply is.

      Which color in the rainbow is correct, and which is not? Everything is countless Glints observed by God. And, as you’ve already realized, He has no preferences. Every newly created Glint is amazing in its diversity.

      So why would God punish someone, and for what, if to Him everything is His Reflection? This means that all existing Reflections are equal or equally interesting and acceptable since they are He Himself.

      Punishment does not exist. Or, more simply, it exists in your minds.

      Look. A child does something that his parents don't like. And they tell him: this is bad. In turn, they were taught this by their parents, and so on. Gradually, a person forms the concept of "bad and good." In the same way, you formed the concept of hell and heaven.

      So, you mean to say that neither hell nor heaven exists?

      Everything exists that you believe in. If you believe that in hell devils fry sinners on a skillet, but you won't end up there because you behave well, then that's exactly how it is. And if you fear that you'll end up there for your sins, then so it will be.

      So, there are many worlds and spaces created by the faith and thoughts of people, including heaven and hell?

      More accurately: numerous variations of spaces that you call heaven and hell. And each person has their own.

      Where does the Soul of a person go after the physical body dies?

      To where it expects to go. Whoever is certain that they will simply dissolve in pure Light does exactly that. Whoever is certain that they will start traveling through numerous worlds does just that. Whoever is certain that they will go to heaven ends up there, according to their own ideas of heaven.

      And where do the Souls of atheists go? Those who don't believe in heaven, hell, or God?

      To the place they believe in. If a person believes that beyond the threshold of death there is nothingness, then they end up in that nothingness. Everything is the Prism of Reflection.

      But aren't we taught that after death, the Soul is met by Teachers and Angels? And they review our completed lessons with us. Then we wait for a new incarnation to correct our mistakes.

      You keep returning to the concepts of "right and wrong."

      What is a mistake? What reflection of God can be called mistaken?

      So, are Angels and Teachers wrong?

      Everyone creates the world they believe in. Including Angels and Teachers. Everyone creates within themselves. Everything is similar. And each describes their own world to you.

      And you? And I, as a part of you. And you, as a part of me. If a person's Soul after death ends up in the world they created with their beliefs, how long do they stay there?

      You'd be surprised, but exactly as long as they choose. Until they decide they have had enough of that experience. For example, until they feel they have atoned for their sins in hell. Or they get bored in heaven. Or they want to return to the physical world again.

      If we follow this concept, does it mean that the Soul can return to the physical world without being an infant? Why then do we come into the physical world in that way?

      Why do you think it's only that way? There are many worlds of different densities, and many can be accessed just by the power of thought.

      Why then did all the people on our planet come through birth?

      Not all. But the majority did, because they chose this. They chose to go through all the stages: to be a child, an adolescent, an adult, and old.

      They chose to be old?

      Yes. Why does that surprise you? Some of you didn't choose old age but chose to leave this world in another way, through unnatural death, through illness or disaster, through murder or suicide, and so on.

      Are you saying that suicides choose their death in advance?

      You define the important points of your journey. Death, or transitioning to another density, is one of those points.

      So, all suicides chose this type of death in advance? Not all, but most. Why? It's better to ask them. Everything is experience. But we have a belief that the Souls of suicides go to hell or some other terrible place after death.

      If they fear going to hell, then they go there. All terrible worlds are created by you.

      There are many works describing hell and heaven. Dante, Daniil Andreev, church representations… Are you saying that all of this is fantasy?

      Yes. Or imposed perception. They are similar, after all. Let's say, Dante's descriptions are very similar to the church representations of the time when the Divine Comedy was written.

      As for Daniil Andreev, it's a very interesting form of Light refraction. You see, the refraction of Divine Light happens constantly. And, after physical death, when the Soul is in subtle worlds, it also constantly refracts the Light and perceives these worlds through its prism of perception. Daniil Andreev simply remembered and described his posthumous experience of perception.

      So, he created all those levels he describes himself?

      Exactly. And anyone can reach these levels if they believe in them and choose to do so.

      But if I choose an already created world, am I still creating?

      Yes. Because the world you create will still differ from the one you chose. You are the Prism of Reflection. In this case, you create by reflecting already reflected and structured Light.

      Then what is the expulsion from Paradise? And the Tree of Knowledge and the Tempting Serpent?

      Let’s delve into the concept of knowledge. What can one come to know? What does it mean to "come to know"? It means "to know afterward," after something already exists. You may know that you are the Creator of realities. But to "come to know" this reality, you can only do so after its creation.

      Knowledge is the process of perceiving the realities that you yourself have created.

      But what is perception? It is a reflection. Therefore, the knowledge of a reality created by you is also your reflection. Every time you come to know something, you change that something, that is—you reflect it.

      It’s like a mirror world of sorts. If that’s the case, then I understand why the Universe is infinite. If every Being reflects already created realities anew every moment and creates, imagines new ones, then there can be no boundaries.

      Boundaries are an illusion. There is only one boundary—the part of you where you touch God.

      Heaven and hell exist in your imagination. And you can expel yourself from it only by your own will.

      According to the legend, before Adam and Eve gained certain knowledge by tasting the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge, they lived in paradise. But after tasting it, they realized they were naked, and God expelled them from paradise for their disobedience.

      Of course, this is an allegory. Adam and Eve gained the right to choose. They learned that everything depends on their choice, and they chose to leave the place called paradise.