Classical Sociological Theory. Группа авторов

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Название Classical Sociological Theory
Автор произведения Группа авторов
Жанр Социология
Издательство Социология
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119527336

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Sociological Review 13: 2 (1948).

       Chapter 42

      Robert K. Merton, “Manifest and Latent Functions,” pp. 114–115, 117–122, 124–126 from Social Theory and Social Structure. © 1967, 1968 The Free Press; © renewed 1985 Robert K. Merton. Reproduced with permission of The Free Press, a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.

       Chapter 43

      Robert K. Merton, “Social Structure and Anomie,” pp. 672–682 from American Sociological Review 3: 5 (1938).

       PART X

       Chapter 44

      George C. Homans, “Social Behavior as Exchange,” pp. 598–606 from American Journal of Sociology 63: 6 (1958). © 1958 American Journal of Sociology. Reproduced with permission of The University of Chicago Press.

       Chapter 45

      Peter M. Blau, pp. 19–31, 91–5 from Exchange and Power in Social Life. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1964. © 1964 Peter M. Blau. Reproduced with permission of Judith Blau.


      Classical sociological theory shapes the discipline of sociology, but also all of modern social thought. It influences politics, economics, and legal decisions. Preachers refer to it in sermons, journalists in newspaper columns. It shapes how both experts and ordinary people think about race, gender, sexuality, family, community, nationalism, military service, business corporations, social movements, and response to emergencies. It enables us to see connections among different events, institutions, and trends. It helps us to see general patterns in social life. And it helps us relate personal life to society. This is important at all scales from interpersonal relations like love or friendship to large-scale patterns in economy, government, or culture.

      The Idea of ‘Classical’ Theory

      The demarcation between “classical” and “contemporary” sociological theory continually shifts. In the 1930s, for example, the great American sociological theorist Talcott Parsons set out to synthesize what he regarded as crucial in the “classical” tradition. In his view, Max Weber and Emile Durkheim were the most important classics. Each wrote during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Parsons saw himself as continuing work they had started. Part of what made them classical was precisely the continuing importance their work had for such later analyses. At the time, Parsons saw himself as the new kid on the block, an innovator in his contemporary scene. He continued to produce influential original work until his death in 1979. Today, however, his work seems “classical”.

      Second, classics are models. Classical theories exemplify what it means to think deeply and creatively about society. There are no simple right or wrong answers to questions like whether society is more a matter of conflict or cooperation, a product of individual choices or a constraint on individuals, held together by power or markets or culture. Of course, they all matter. But how much each matters – and in what ways – must be considered over and over again in different contexts, with different facts, addressing different practical problems. Classical theories offer models for how to integrate empirical research, philosophy, and history in considering each. Classical theories also set intellectual standards.

      Third, work we call classical tends to define broad orientations in the field of sociology. Reference to classical sociological theory is used to signal analytic approaches; it offers signposts to guide readers in seeing the intellectual heritage on which new theorists are drawing. Reference to Parsons signals, for example, a concern for “functionalist” approaches to questions of social integration, that is for understanding different social institutions and practices in terms of how they contribute to the successful workings of the whole society. Reference to Marx signals emphasis on class inequality and contradictions in society rather than smooth functioning.

      To understand classical social theory requires paying attention to its distinctive historical contexts (and also informs us about them). Harriet Martineau and Alexis de Tocqueville wrote about democracy in America when it was new. Weber wrote about political legitimacy before Germany had become democratic. Karl Mannheim wrote about ideology and utopia in the context of growing struggles between fascism and communism. In fact, all theory needs to be understood in historical context – we need to know the history of our own time – but part of what we mean when we identify certain theories as “contemporary” is that we share the same broad historical situation with their authors. This doesn’t mean that there are no differences among us: today’s historical context feels different in China, the former Soviet Union, Africa and the US.
