Der schnelle Weg zum Flugfunkzeugnis für IFR. Hans Ulrich Kriens

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Название Der schnelle Weg zum Flugfunkzeugnis für IFR
Автор произведения Hans Ulrich Kriens
Жанр Изобразительное искусство, фотография
Издательство Изобразительное искусство, фотография
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9783844240436

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      SNOWTAM A special series NOTAM notifying the presence or removal of hazardous conditions due to snow, ice, slush or standing water associated with snow, slush and ice on the movement area, by means of specific format

      SPECI Aviation selected special weather report (in aeronautical meteorological code)

      SPL Supplementary flight plan message

      SPOC SAR point of contact

      SQ Squall

      SQL Squall line

      SR Sunrise

      SRE Surveillance Radar

      SRG Short range

      SRR Search and rescue region

      SS Sunset

      SSE South-southeast

      SSR Secondary surveillance radar

      SST Supersonic transport

      SSW South-southwest

      ST Stratus

      STA Straight in approach

      STA Scheduled time of arrival (aircraft on blocks)

      STAR Standard (instrument) arrival

      STD Scheduled time of departure (aircraft off blocks)

      STF Step down fix

      STOL Short take-off and landing

      STS Status

      SUBJ Subject to

      Sun Sunday

      SUPPS Regional supplementary procedures

      SVC Service message

      SVCBL Serviceable

      SW Southwest

      SWC Significant weather chart

      SWY Stopway


      t Ton(s) (weight)

      T Temperature

      TA Transition altitude

      TACAN UHF Tactical Air Navigation Aid

      TAF Aerodrome forecast

      TAR Terminal area surveillance radar

      TAS True airspeed

      TAX Tyxiing or taxi

      TC Tropical cyclone

      TCAS Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System

      TCH Threshold crossing height

      TCU Towering cumulus

      TDZ Touchdown zone

      TEL Telephone

      TEMPO Temporary or temporarily

      TFC Traffic

      TGL Touch-and-go landing

      THR Threshold

      Thu Thursday

      TIL Until

      TKOF Take-off

      TLOF Touchdown and lift-off area

      TMA Terminal control area

      TMZ Transponder Mandatory Zone

      TODA Take-off distance available

      TOP Cloud top

      TORA Take-off run available

      TP Turning point

      TR Track

      TRA Temporary reserved airspace

      TRANS Transmits or transmitter

      TS Thunderstorm

      TSGR Thunderstorm with hail

      TSSA Thunderstorm with duststorm or sandstorm

      TT Teletypewriter

      Tue Tuesday

      TURB Turbulence

      TVOR Terminal VOR

      TWP Turning waypoint

      TWR Aerodrome control tower or aerodrome control

      TWY Taxiway

      TXT Text

      TYP Type of aircraft


      UAC Upper area control centre

      UDF UHF direction finding station

      UFN Until further notice

      UHF Ultra high frequency (300 to 3000 MHz)

      UIC Upper information centre

      UIR Upper information region

      UNL Unlimited

      UNREL Unreliable

      U/S Unserviceable

      USAFE US Air Force – Europe

      USAEUR US Army – Europe

      UTA Upper control area

       UTC Co-ordinated Universal Time


      VA Volcanic Ash

      VAL Visual approach and landing chart

      VAR Magnetic variation

      VASIS Visual approach slope indicator system

      VDF VHF direction finding station

      VFR Visual flight rules

      VHF Very high frequency (30 MHz to 300 MHz)

      VIA By way of …

      VIO Severe (used to qualify interference or static reports)

      VIP Very important person

      VIS Visibility

      VLR Very long range

      VMC Visual meteorological condition

      VOLMET Meteorological information for aircraft in flight

      VOR VHF Omnidirectional radio range

      VORTAC VOR and TACAN combination

      VOT VOR airborne equipment test facility

      VRB Variable

      Vs Stalling speed

      VTOL Vertical take-off and landing


      W West or western longitute

      W White

      WAFC World Area Forecast Centre

      WAFS World Area Forecast System

      WDI Wind direction indicator

      Wed Wednesday

      WEF With effect from or effective from

      WGS World Geodetic System

      WIE With immediate effect or effective immediately

      WIP Work in progress

      WNW West-northwest

      WS Wind Sheer

      WSPD Wind speed

      WSW West-southwest

      W/T Wind/temperature

      WX Weather
