Burden of thoughts. Helmut Lauschke

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Название Burden of thoughts
Автор произведения Helmut Lauschke
Жанр Языкознание
Издательство Языкознание
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9783754175712

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of the whole and serves the whole with joy .

      That is then the philosophy of knowledge, of service and of freedom, because from the perspective of responsibility comes the solution to the riddle that humanity is a highly complex structure of absolute commonality that must not be severed if life is to go on.

      So the philosophy gets to the point that it is the wisdom of creation that hovers invisibly over the thought and connects it internally, that the fine filigree of the fabric is to be regarded as the spiritual basis on which the mental activities take place, what makes life possible.

      Be the change you want in this world for yourself.

       (Mahatma Gandhi 1869-1948) Quotes: The size and moral progress of a nation can be measured by how they treat their animals. Be the change you want in this world for yourself. Love is the strongest power in the world, and yet it is the most humble force imaginable. An eye for an eye - and the whole world will be blind. There is no way to peace, because peace is the way. What you win by force can only be kept by force. Joy lies in struggle, in risk, in willingness to suffer, not in victory. Prayer is not asking; it is a longing of the soul.

      Even becoming the change to be the change that the soul craves is a decision of paramount importance. It takes knowledge, recognition and understanding, which are mostly missing from the start, so that one can become fearful and apprehensive in the venture.

      A more comprehensive perspective is needed for deeper insight, it needs calmness to contemplate and repeated reflection, and above all it needs the courage to free yourself from the chains of paternalism and dictation with the wounds of dependency, in order to look beyond the narrow expanse and understand.

      The experiences, many jam and squeeze, and some cut into the flesh because it was the long years of dependence with hardship, hunger, cold and pain. It was the excess length of bitterness that turns the risk into a risk of survival and consumes the last of your strength for the prerequisite for making the decision to change the world,

      Also, no state can be made with education in the event of the decay of any virtue, which particularly affects the morality of thought and action. Above all, it should give a better future for the millions who have sunk in the misery of poverty, in order to make life bearable for people and to help them to achieve the basic rights and respect for dignity.

      It is safe to think about the change in the world and to make the decision that it has to become fairer among the people when it comes to the distribution of drinking water, food and Covid vaccines. The world needs more justice, if it is to be more equal among people in terms of health and education and the foundation.

      Because life should become more just and therefore more humane for everyone, if the change in the world should make sense and make sense for everyone. Poverty in the unimaginable extent among the peoples is the most serious crime of this time, which is to be combated and exterminated through the basic right to life with all the deep roots of injustice.

      The world has to get better: Children with the kwashiorkor and hunger must no longer exist, if life is to become the good morals of human existence and not degenerate further against it. The brutality of violence towards the weak, as in general, must give way to the gentleness of understanding and communication in respect and responsibility towards everyone.

      The asymptote for better understanding is applied to every human being, because in order to improve the basis of the available living conditions it must first become better and more understandable in thinking and speaking to one another, if the intention and concept of change in this world do not confuse and even at the beginning of thinking through should break.

      It begins to fluctuate what is standing and has stood flawlessly for many generations and was considered immovable as a solid castle in thought and poetry and in every aspect of intellectual and artistic consideration. Now it begins to sway, and with the swaying of the outer structure, the inner structures of thought and philosophy begin to sway.

      In the end, there is indeed change, the tentacles of which stretch far across the continents and thus cover the entire globe. It is the change that is desired, announced and admonished by man for man and now comes into play according to the saying: Peace is the way we have to go so that it becomes human for everyone.

      Intuition is a divine gift, the thinking mind a faithful servant.

       (Albert Einstein 1879-1955) Quotes: If people only talked about what they understand, then it would be very quiet in the world. Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, but I'm not quite sure about the universe yet. Imagination is more important than knowledge, because knowledge is limited. The best things in life are not what money can get. Don't worry about your math difficulties. I can ensure you, mine are even bigger.

      The imagination, whether mathematical or musical, goes beyond finitude and only really lives freely in infinity. Formula knowledge, on the other hand, is limited and has to be kept within limits, if it is to be of use to the mind.

      It is precisely the nature of the understanding that can only be understood when it is limited and, if the intention is, it is only understood within the limits. According to the ‘Panta rhei’ of Heraclitus of Ephesus, thought dynamics also flow through mathematics.

      This gives mathematics the musical note when one tone replaces the other or, as with thematic narrowing in the fugue, leads from one differential to the other and this magnificence, which borders on the wonderful, gives rise to rapture in both the mind and the soul.

      Knowledge carries the elements of stiffening in itself, while imagination throws any stiffness overboard in order to be able to 'breathe' more freely and more deeply to free what a person needs in life to be “young” and dynamic when things are serious as long as psychology gives him happiness.

      So life goes beyond formula knowledge when the soul perceives this knowledge as something dead, which the spirit does not want in its creative urge. There are episodes that the intellect does not understand, because life inside is different from what it is outside, so that core and shell are thrown over and separated.

      Without the gift of intuition, life would be poor, for it is the imagination that enriches walking and thinking in such a way that there are the heights of happiness and the depths of sadness. In understanding, the mind then follows with amazement, questions, reflections and silence when the world opens up above it and becomes spiritually illuminated.

      It is indeed forces that come from great distances that are not so well known in everyday life in this opening. Understanding looks up and is amazed, it is the wonderful thing of the great creation, which is to be thanked in the bow of being as a person under the protective shield of the even greater eternity.

      Being in the twists and turns of thoughts and deeds, surely there is still a lot of advice for the better, but what the greatness of the spiritual gift in intuition with the amazement in speechless understanding means is the emotional acceptance and transmission of the word happening that things come and are high above the mind in the light.

      What was to come, there was a lot, but not everything that was traversed, dismantled, rebuilt and put together on nerve tracts. It depends on the type of observation in seeing, thinking and doing what should be done with respect for the forces of creation, because the things of existence could also be given differently to the disadvantage of life and could be fixed beyond the time frame.

      The thinking mind may very well be a faithful servant, but who it serves is beyond its ability to decide. It is the height of the horizon with the light of true enlightenment in order to consider and recognize in which direction the path is to be taken, because the light is in space of time and needs the object to cast the shadow of what is on the spot is often seen wrong.

      Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.
