Learn valuable lessons from the newly successful private equity players in China and explore the challenges and opportunities offered in Chinese markets The first book to deal with private equity finance in China, Private Equity in China: Challenges and Opportunities provides much-needed guidance on an investment concept that has so far proved elusive in Asia. Focusing on the opportunities that the Chinese finance market offers to private equity firms, the book shows how these firms can strategically position themselves in order to maximize success in this new marketplace. Private Equity in China includes in-depth case studies illustrating both successful and failed ventures by private equity firms operating in China, outlining the challenges faced by private equity firms in setting up new funds. It contains a collection of valuable experience and insights about acquiring companies and turning them around essential for any firm currently operating in, or considering entering, the Chinese market. Discusses the challenges faced by private equity firms in China including setting up the initial fund, fund raising, deal sourcing, deal execution, and monitoring and exit strategies Provides key insights drawn from keen observations and knowledge of the more mature private equity market in Western countries, analyzing the way forward for the Chinese private equity industry Discusses the role of renminbi-denominated funds in the development of the private equity industry in China Breaking new ground in exploring and explaining the private equity market in China, the book offers incredible new insight into how equity companies can thrive in the Chinese marketplace.
A how-to guide for creating and funding social justice program grants This groundbreaking book shows how to increase funding for social justice philanthropy. Social justice philanthropy provides direct services to alleviate suffering and works to transform the systems and institutions that cause that suffering. Written in an engaging, easy-to-read style, Change Philanthropy offers an insider's view what works and what doesn't work when developing grantmaking strategies in support of social change. It gives clear guidance showcases foundations of all types and sizes including Liberty Hill Foundation, Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, Needmor Fund, Jacobs Family Foundation, Discount Foundation, Global Fund for Women, Schott Foundation, Ford Foundation, and the Open Society Institute. The book also includes a wealth of illustrative examples and contains practical suggestions and tips that can be applied immediately to support any social justice agenda. Offers a guide for increasing funds for social justice programs and suggestions for foundations on which programs to fund Gives step-by-step advice for developing a successful grantmaking strategy Includes a wealth of examples from leading foundations Sponsored by The Center for Community Change
Learn to build fast and scalable software in JavaScript with Node.js Node.js is a powerful and popular new framework for writing scalable network programs using JavaScript. This no nonsense book begins with an overview of Node.js and then quickly dives into the code, core concepts, and APIs. In-depth coverage pares down the essentials to cover debugging, unit testing, and flow control so that you can start building and testing your own modules right away. Covers node and asynchronous programming main concepts Addresses the basics: modules, buffers, events, and timers Explores streams, file systems, networking, and automated unit testing Goes beyond the basics, and shares techniques and tools for debugging, unit testing, and flow control If you already know JavaScript and are curious about the power of Node.js, then this is the ideal book for you.
Project Management Leadership is a comprehensive guide to the human factors involved in Project Management, in particular the leadership skills required to ensure successful implementation of current best practice. It provides the latest insights on team building, motivation, collaboration, and networking skills, and the way these can be harnessed to manage a successful project. Exercises and worked examples are provided throughout.
Praise for Business Continuity Management: Building an Effective Incident Management Plan «In Business Continuity Management, Blyth has once again produced a comprehensive guide to the subject. Whether a multinational organization looking to counter the threat of global terrorism or a local business planning against loss of sensitive data, this book provides a well structured and useful guide to construction and implementation of Incident Management Plans. Blyth provides not only the theory and background to his subject but also invaluable template guidelines for many of the incidents which we all should prepare for.» —Joe Pugh, Head of European Project Management, Panasonic «Business Continuity Management: Building an Effective Management Plan very effectively details how and what a company should include in composing and executing a crisis management plan. This book is a must read for both laymen and experts alike because it itemizes the most relevant facts within silos that are comprehensive enough for the expert to find value in, yet written in a manner that a layman can derive tangible value. The incident response guidelines, broken down by the event type, provide an extremely useful tool that bring immediate value to the reader.» —Robert G. Molina Jr., Global Security ManagerLyondellBasell «For a business of any consequence to not have a business continuity plan is like a Boy Scout not having a first aid kit. Advanced preparation and planning enable a business to deal with a crisis and sooner or later every business will face a crisis of some nature. Author Michael Blyth hits the nail on the head with his well organized book that weaves together business continuity planning, incident management, and dealing with risks.» —John P. Chamberlain, Executive Director ESC «Mike Blyth has produced another book, which is thought-provoking and a clear example of the multilayered guidelines that companies should be encouraged to incorporate into their BCP. A worthy read for anyone in business, irrespective of managerial level. The business model and structure achieved will help determine the time and shape of any crisis. The individual knowledge and understanding so achieved, interlinked with a robust BCP, will determine the optimum time and cost to recover from crisis.» —Stephen Ackroyd, BMI Security Manager, Middle East/Africa/Asia «In the global economy, the guidelines presented by Michael Blyth are an essential component for doing business worldwide. He has thought of every angle. In ultra-sensitive environments like Afghanistan, his recommendations will be widely applied.» —Dr. Thomas Stauffer, President/CEO, American University of Afghanistan
The keys to project management success delivered by one of the world's most respected experts in the field Why do some project managers achieve their project goals while others fail? Drawing on his years of experience as a recognized global expert on project management and organizational change, author Tres Roeder answers that question, and lays out a proven path to project success. Focusing on the major differences between project management and other types of management—not least of them being the temporary nature of projects versus the repetitive nature of most managerial tasks—Roeder describes best practices in all key areas of managing project stakeholders. A recognized global expert on project management provides the foundational elements required for project management success Contributes toward the fulfillment of the continuing education required every three years to maintain PMP® accreditation Uses real-world scenarios and relevant case studies to present project management concepts to beginning and intermediate PMP®s Contains chapters on Leadership, Buy In, and Negotiation for more advanced project managers (PMP and Project Management Professional are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.)
Rewire your brain for investing success As an investment advisor to high net worth individuals, Wai-Yee Chen has spent years watching her clients make investment decisions—some good decisions and some not-so-good decisions. Though confronted by the same market variables, those clients often make very different choices with very different results. Here, Chen argues that it's usually not the data that affects investor decision-making as much as the way investors themselves think. In NeuroInvesting, Chen argues that investors can change the way they think in order to change the way they invest. She presents four elements that affect investor decision-making and reveals how investors can rewire their brains to make better investing decisions for better returns. Uses neuroscience to explain how successful investors think different Written by an experienced investment advisor who works at one of Australia's premier retail brokers Explains investing using real-world stories about investors from an advisor's perspective When it comes to investing, how you think has a huge impact on how you make investing decisions. Based on the real science of how people think, NeuroInvesting offers every investor a chance to change the way they invest by changing the way they think.
You probably hate giving presentations. You probably hate listening to them too. Why? Because most business presentations are too long, too detailed, too boring…and submerged under a blizzard of PowerPoint. But the single most important presentational tool known to man isn't a slideshow. It's you. Whether you're speaking to one person across a table, 20 people in a boardroom or 1,000 people in a ballroom, it's all about the words you say and how you say them. The Presentation Coach shows you how to use what you've already got to give you clarity, confidence and impact in every speaking challenge you will ever face. You'll learn the unique Bare Knuckle 5-step process to effective presenting, and how to apply it to all business speaking, from large-scale presentations to one-to-one client meetings. Graham Davies has been coaching high-profile individuals from the worlds of business, politics and entertainment in exactly these techniques for the past 25 years. Now it's your turn. Praise for The Presentation Coach «Graham Davies is a brilliantly funny speaker who knows how to inspire and enthuse anyone who sees presenting as a bore, a burden or a source of terror.» Nick Robinson, Political Editor, BBC «This book really captures Graham's intense and robust sense of coaching. Just like the author, it is amusing, punchy and really comforting to have access to in all presentation situations.» Michel Combes, CEO,Vodafone Europe «Required reading for anyone who wants their presentations to enthuse rather than euthanize their audience.» Tim Curtis, MD, Northern Europe, Land's End «Graham is a highly effective presentation coach. He is always honest and gets straight to the point. His book is just as direct and entertaining as he is in person.» Nick Jeffery, CEO, Vodafone Global Enterprise «I don't know anyone who could wear the label 'the presentation coach' more confidently than Graham.» Daniel Finkelstein, Executive Editor, The Times «I use Graham's system strictly and religiously in every speech. In fact on almost every important occasion when I need to get a message across.... You will never regret buying and using this book.» George Clarke, MD, Heidelberg UK «Graham helped me develop my very own presentation style, true to myself, with high impact and focused very much on the audience.» Phil Clarke, CEO Designate, Tesco «Graham's approach is ruthlessly robust and utterly practical. This book is the next best thing to seeing him in person, and much less of a strain on your budget.» Matthew Wilson, CEO Brit Global Markets «…Davies's compelling book illuminates all the pitfalls and provides a simple guide to allowing personality into presentations – radical stuff indeed!» Andy Street, MD, John Lewis «Whether you are a Prime Minister, chief executive or anyone else who needs make an impact, then you must read this challenging and innovative book by Graham Davies.» Neil Sherlock, Partner, Public Affairs, KPMG «…I wish Graham had written it 20 years ago…» Richard Klein, MD, Bank of America Merrill Lynch «Never again will you commit the crime of Death by Bullet-Point.» Penny Philpot, Group Vice President, Worldwide Partner Services, Oracle «Graham Davis is a talented gagmeister who shows that the best way of exposing a bad argument is with a good joke.» Boris Johnson, Mayor of London «Reading his book will spur you on to win your own presentational race.» Richard Dunwoody, twice winner of the Grand National «Graham completely reframed my approach to presenting. His approach works!» Otto Thoresen, CEO, Aegon UK "A process that you can use no matter what the situation. I heart
A comprehensive look at financial statement fraud from the experts who actually investigated them This collection of revealing case studies sheds clear insights into the dark corners of financial statement fraud. Includes cases submitted by fraud examiners across industries and throughout the world Fascinating cases hand-picked and edited by Joseph T. Wells, the founder and Chairman of the world's leading anti-fraud organization ? the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) ? and author of Corporate Fraud Handbook Outlines how each fraud was engineered, how it was investigated and how the perpetrators were brought to justice Providing an insider's look at fraud, Financial Statement Fraud Casebook illuminates the combination of timing, teamwork and vision necessary to understand financial statement fraud and prevent it from happening in the first place.
Donalyn Miller says she has yet to meet a child she couldn't turn into a reader. No matter how far behind Miller's students might be when they reach her 6th grade classroom, they end up reading an average of 40 to 50 books a year. Miller's unconventional approach dispenses with drills and worksheets that make reading a chore. Instead, she helps students navigate the world of literature and gives them time to read books they pick out themselves. Her love of books and teaching is both infectious and inspiring. The book includes a dynamite list of recommended «kid lit» that helps parents and teachers find the books that students really like to read.