Stir It Up–written by renowned activist and trainer Rinku Sen–identifies the key priorities and strategies that can help advance the mission of any social change group. This groundbreaking book addresses the unique challenges and opportunities the new global economy poses for activist groups and provides concrete guidance for community organizations of all orientations. Sponsored by the Ms. Foundation, Stir It Up draws on lessons learned from Sen's groundbreaking work with women's groups organizing for economic justice. Throughout the book, Sen walks readers through the steps of building and mobilizing a constituency and implementing key strategies that can effect social change. The book is filled with illustrative case studies that highlight best organizing practices in action and each chapter contains tools that can help groups tailor Sen's model for their own organizational needs. Stir It Up will show your organization how to: Design and conduct actions that further campaign goals Develop effective leaders Build strong alliances and networks Generate and use solid research Design an effective media strategy Put in place a plan for internal political education and consciousness-raising With the information, tools, and suggestions outlined in this book your organization can use your «good idea» to change the world.
The bible of grassroots fundraising, updated with the latest tools and methods Fundraising for Social Change is the preeminent guide to securing funding, with a specific focus on progressive nonprofit organizations with budgets under $5 million. Used by nonprofits nationally and internationally, this book provides a soup-to-nuts prescription for building, maintaining, and expanding an individual donor program. Author Kim Klein is a recognized authority on all aspects of fundraising, and this book distills her decades of expertise into fundraising strategies that work. This updated seventh edition includes new information on the impact of generational change, using social media effectively, multi-channel fundraising, and more, including expanded discussion on retaining donors and on legacy giving. Widely considered the 'bible of grassroots fundraising,' this practically-grounded guide is an invaluable resource for anyone who has to raise money for important causes. A strong, sustainable fundraising strategy must possess certain characteristics. You need people who are willing to ask and realistic goals. You need to gather data and use it to improve results, and you need to translate your ideas in to language donors will understand. A robust individual donor program creates stable and long-term cash flow, and this book shows you how to structure your fundraising appropriately no matter how tight your initial budget. Develop and maintain a large base of individual donors Utilize strategies that pay off sooner rather than later Expand your reach and get your message out to the donor pool Translate traditional fundraising methods into strategies that work for social justice organizations with little or no front money Basing your fundraising strategy on the contributions of individual donors may feel like herding cats—but it's the best way for your organization to maintain maximum freedom to pursue the mission that matters. A robust, organized, planned approach can help you reach your goals sooner, and Fundraising for Social Change is the field guide for putting it all together to make big things happen.
In Selling Social Change (Without Selling Out) expert fundraising trainer and consultant Andy Robinson shows nonprofit professionals how to initiate and sustain successful earned income ventures that provide financial security and advance an organization's mission. Step by step, this invaluable resource shows how to organize a team, select a venture, draft a business plan, find start-up funding, and successfully market goods and services. Robinson includes critical information on the tax implications of earned income and the pros and cons of corporate partnerships. The book also addresses when to consider outsourcing, collaborating with competitors, and raising additional funds to expand the business.
In today's uncertain environment, where nonprofits find themselves grappling with the continued dowturn in the economy, the ongoing war on terrorism, government's cutbacks in social services, and a wave of organizational scandals–groups everywhere are straining to keep up with the increased demand for their services while struggling to generate funding. Fundraising in Times of Crisis draws on renowned consultant Kim Klein's more than twenty-five years of fundraising experience. This much-needed resource shows troubled groups how to identify what is really going on and how to assess the damage. Fundraising in Times of Crisis helps executive directors and development professionals of nonprofit organizations plan for both the short and long term and explains how to evaluate the success of their efforts. Checklists, tips, action steps and a wealth of examples walk you through the process of self-assessment and map out a road to recovery. No matter what your particular crisis–the sudden loss of an executive director, a public scandal, a major donor attrition, or a daunting increase in the demand for services–this book will show you how to survive and thrive in tough times.
A how-to guide for creating and funding social justice program grants This groundbreaking book shows how to increase funding for social justice philanthropy. Social justice philanthropy provides direct services to alleviate suffering and works to transform the systems and institutions that cause that suffering. Written in an engaging, easy-to-read style, Change Philanthropy offers an insider's view what works and what doesn't work when developing grantmaking strategies in support of social change. It gives clear guidance showcases foundations of all types and sizes including Liberty Hill Foundation, Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, Needmor Fund, Jacobs Family Foundation, Discount Foundation, Global Fund for Women, Schott Foundation, Ford Foundation, and the Open Society Institute. The book also includes a wealth of illustrative examples and contains practical suggestions and tips that can be applied immediately to support any social justice agenda. Offers a guide for increasing funds for social justice programs and suggestions for foundations on which programs to fund Gives step-by-step advice for developing a successful grantmaking strategy Includes a wealth of examples from leading foundations Sponsored by The Center for Community Change