John Wiley & Sons Limited

Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited

    Fälscher, Schwindler, Scharlatane. Betrug in Forschung und Wissenschaft

    Heinrich Zankl

    Jetzt als Sonderausgabe! Kennen Sie den Mogelfaktor? Gibt es diesen etwa auch in der hehren Forschung? Ja, und er perfektionierte beispielsweise die Ergebnisse vom ehrenwehrten Sir Isaac Newton. Er kreierte auch Laborbuchnotizen fur den Kardiologen Darsee und transferierte auf magische Weise Bakterienstamme von einem Universitatslabor in das Labor der Firma Genentech. Selbst fiktive Mitarbeiterinnen erschuf der Mogelfaktor, die fur den Zwillingsforscher Cyril Burt ebenso fiktive Zwillingsstudien durchfuhrten; und diese beeinflussten noch jahrelang die Intelligenzforschung auf der ganzen Welt! Heinrich Zankl hat alte und neue Skandale in den Geistes- und Naturwissenschaften uberzeugend recherchiert und zu einem Geflecht aus wertvoller Information und guter Unterhaltung verwoben. Dieses Buch erzahlt viele Geschichten, beispielsweise die eines Nobelpreises, der an die Falschen verliehen wurde, von der Unterdruckung von Kritikern und sogar von einem Wissenschaftsbetruger, der vom Bundesverfassungsgericht geschutzt wird. Manche Aspekte sind dabei so grotest, dass sich kein Leser das Schmunzeln verkneifen kann. Ein Lesevergnugen, nicht nur fur Wissenschaftler.

    Wo Menschen und Teilchen aufeinanderstoßen. Begegnungen am CERN

    Michael Krause

    Begegnungen am CERN – Menschen, die die Geheimnisse des Universums entschlusseln/Michael Krause stellt sie uns vor Eine >wissenschaftliche Sensation<, ein >historischer Meilenstein<, historisch so bedeutend wie die Mondlandung: Als Wissenschaftler des CERN im Juli 2012 die Existenz eines >Gottesteilchens<, das allen anderen Teilchen Masse verleiht, mit einer Wahrscheinlichkeit von mehr als 99,999 Prozent bestatigten, waren die Reaktionen uberwaltigend. Schlie?lich arbeiten die Forscher hier an nichts Geringerem als an der Entschlusselung der Geheimnisse des Universums. Die Suche nach dem Grund des Daseins und dem Ursprung aller Materie ist auch das Thema dieses Buches. Traume, Visionen, Forschungen: die Menschen stehen im Mittelpunkt Das >Gottesteilchen<, die Erforschung der >Dunklen Materie< und der >Dunklen Energie< und der starkste je gebaute Teilchenbeschleuniger der Welt – all das sind die spannenden Bestandteile des Buches. In den Mittelpunkt seiner Arbeit stellt Krause jedoch die Menschen am CERN, ihren Hintergrund, ihre Geschichte, ihre Arbeit, ihre Forschungen, Traume und Visionen – sie sind das Hauptthema des Buches. Krause verleiht den wissenschaftlichen Forschungen am CERN somit ein personliches Gesicht und schreibt das Portrait einer ganzen Generation von Wissenschaftlern, die in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten an der sogenannten >Neuen Physik< gearbeitet haben.

    What to Believe Now. Applying Epistemology to Contemporary Issues

    David Coady

    What can we know and what should we believe about today's world? What to Believe Now: Applying Epistemology to Contemporary Issues applies the concerns and techniques of epistemology to a wide variety of contemporary issues. Questions about what we can know-and what we should believe-are first addressed through an explicit consideration of the practicalities of working these issues out at the dawn of the twenty-first century. Coady calls for an 'applied turn' in epistemology, a process he likens to the applied turn that transformed the study of ethics in the early 1970s. Subjects dealt with include: Experts-how can we recognize them? And when should we trust them? Rumors-should they ever be believed? And can they, in fact, be a source of knowledge? Conspiracy theories-when, if ever, should they be believed, and can they be known to be true? The blogosphere-how does it compare with traditional media as a source of knowledge and justified belief? Timely, thought provoking, and controversial, What to Believe Now offers a wealth of insights into a branch of philosophy of growing importance-and increasing relevance-in the twenty-first century.

    Process and Plant Safety. Applying Computational Fluid Dynamics

    Jurgen Schmidt

    The safe operation of plants is of paramount importance in the chemical, petrochemical and pharmaceutical industries. Best practice in process and plant safety allows both the prevention of hazards and the mitigation of consequences. Safety Technology is continuously advancing to new levels and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is already successfully established as a tool to ensure the safe operation of industrial plants. With CFD tools, a great amount of knowledge can be gained as both the necessary safety measures and the economic operation of plants can be simultaneously determined. Young academics, safety experts and safety managers in all parts of the industry will henceforth be forced to responsibly judge these new results from a safety perspective. This is the main challenge for the future of safety technology. This book serves as a guide to elaborating and determining the principles, assumptions, strengths, limitations and application areas of utilizing CFD in process and plant safety, and safety management. The book offers recommendations relating to guidelines, procedures, frameworks and technology for creating a higher level of safety for chemical and petrochemical plants. It includes modeling aids and concrete examples of industrial safety measures for hazard prevention.

    Time to Shine. Applications of Solar Energy Technology

    Michael Grupp

    As solar energy becomes increasingly more important in all of our lives, it is more important to learn how it works and how it can be implemented. This book is the perfect primer for the engineer, scientist, and layperson alike, for learning about the practical applications of solar energy technology and how it is being used today to heat homes, light city streets, and provide power worldwide.

    Stochastic Structural Dynamics. Application of Finite Element Methods

    Cho W. S. To

    One of the first books to provide in-depth and systematic application of finite element methods to the field of stochastic structural dynamics The parallel developments of the Finite Element Methods in the 1950’s and the engineering applications of stochastic processes in the 1940’s provided a combined numerical analysis tool for the studies of dynamics of structures and structural systems under random loadings. In the open literature, there are books on statistical dynamics of structures and books on structural dynamics with chapters dealing with random response analysis. However, a systematic treatment of stochastic structural dynamics applying the finite element methods seems to be lacking. Aimed at advanced and specialist levels, the author presents and illustrates analytical and direct integration methods for analyzing the statistics of the response of structures to stochastic loads. The analysis methods are based on structural models represented via the Finite Element Method. In addition to linear problems the text also addresses nonlinear problems and non-stationary random excitation with systems having large spatially stochastic property variations. A systematic treatment of stochastic structural dynamics applying the finite element methods Highly illustrated throughout and aimed at advanced and specialist levels, it focuses on computational aspects instead of theory Emphasizes results mainly in the time domain with limited contents in the time-frequency domain Presents and illustrates direction integration methods for analyzing the statistics of the response of linear and nonlinear structures to stochastic loads Under Author Information – one change of word to existing text: He is a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)........

    Wearable Android. Android Wear and Google FIT App Development

    Sanjay Mishra M.

    Software Development/Mobile/Android/Wearable/Fitness Build «Wearable» Applications on the Android Wear and Google Fit Platforms This book covers wearable computing and wearable application development particularly for Android Wear (smartwatches) and Google Fit (fitness sensors). It provides relevant history, background and core concepts of wearable computing and ubiquitous computing, as a foundation for designing/developing applications for the Android Wear and Google Fit platforms. This book is intended for Android wearable enthusiasts, technologists and software developers. Gain insight into “wearables” in the modern consumer ecosystem of a multitude of devices, ubiquitous computing, cloud computing and intelligent personal assistants Learn the Android Wear and Google Fit APIs and jump-start hands-on development including: setting up an Android development environment suitable for Android Wear and Google Fit , setting up smartwatch and fitness devices for development and debugging , writing applications that install and execute on Android Wear (smartwatch) devices , and applications that run on your handheld Android devices and find and connect to fitness sensors and access fitness data, and more Catch up with the new Android 5.0 “Lollipop”, Android Studio and the gradle based build system Learn how to write applications for smart watches and fitness sensors on the Android/Google ecosystem. “Sanjay’s tome provides a comprehensive and timely treatment of the essential points of current Wearable technology and Android Wearable development techniques. The easygoing and comprehensive examples make this book a joy to discover and a delight to peruse. Highly recommended!” – Rudi Cilibrasi, Computer Scientist “The text provides a rich and immersive overview of the field of Wearable computing that is solidified by the impressive set of examples. I was simultaneously entertained as well as educated, and would highly recommend this book to anyone that is looking to get started with Wearables.” – Nathan Blair, Software Engineer & Entrepreneur Sanjay M. Mishra began programming in C on various flavors of Unix in the early 1990s. Over the years he has developed diverse software systems spanning web applications and services, messaging, VoIP, NoSQL databases, as well as mobile and embedded platforms. He has worked for companies such as Intertrust, Eyecon Technologies, CallSource, nVoc (formerly Sandcherry, Inc.) and the Starz Entertainment group.

    The Last Caudillo. Alvaro Obregón and the Mexican Revolution

    Jurgen Buchenau

    The Last Caudillo presents a brief biography of the life and times of General Alvaro Obregón, along with new insights into the Mexican Revolution and authoritarian rule in Latin America. Features a succinct biography of the life and times of a fascinating figure in Mexico's revolutionary past Represents the most analytical and up-to-date study of caudillo/military strongman rule Sheds new light on the networks and discourse practices that support rulers such as the Castros in Cuba and Hugo Chávez in Venezuela, and the emergence of modern Mexico Offers new insights into the role of leadership, the nature of revolution, and the complex forces that helped shape modern Mexico

    Energy Audits. A Workbook for Energy Management in Buildings

    Tarik Al-Shemmeri

    Energy efficiency is today a crucial topic in the built environment – for both designers and managers of buildings. This increased interest is driven by a combination of new regulations and directives within the EU and worldwide to combat global warming. All buildings now must now acquire and display an EPC (energy performance certificate), a rating similar to the A–G rating given to white goods. But in order to understand how to be more efficient in energy use, you need first to understand the mechanisms of both energy requirements and how energy is used in buildings. Energy Audits: a workbook for energy management in buildings tackles the fundamental principles of thermodynamics through day-to-day engineering concepts and helps students understand why energy losses occur and how they can be reduced. It provides the tools to measure process efficiency and sustainability in power and heating applications, helping engineers to recognize why energy losses occur and how they can be reduced utilizing familiar thermodynamic principles. The author describes the sources of energy available today; explains how energy is used in buildings – and how energy is lost – and how this can be controlled and reduced. Investments in energy efficiency are considered for a number of case studies conducted on real buildings The book explains the theory; illustrates it with case studies and worked examples; and then tests students’ understanding with tutorial problems. This is an invaluable resource for students on engineering and building courses where energy management is now a core topic.

    Basic Perspective Drawing, Enhanced Edition. A Visual Approach

    John Montague

    The best-selling guide…now completely updated to include online tutorials! Basic Perspective Drawing introduces students, both those in formal design courses and self-learners, to the basic principles and techniques of perspective drawing. Clear and accessible illustrations show how to construct perspective views one step at a time. The new, streamlined Sixth Edition contains must-have content for students and instructors in art and design, architecture, and interior design programs. Updated illustrations reflect the most current drawing styles and examples while supplementary tutorial videos, grouped by architectural disciplines, interior design, and studio art/illustration, provide live-action demonstrations of key topics discussed in the book.