Featuring a Foreword by Roger Knowles FRICS, FCIArb, FQSi, Barrister The book discusses the different types of claim common to construction contracts and presents a step-by-step guide which demonstrates the process of building up the submission of a claim. It includes guidelines as to how to set out the claim, section by section in a logical manner to ensure that the essentials of a successful claim are included. Worked examples of claims for variations, extensions of time and additional payment are included together with sample wording showing precisely how the claim may be presented in a manner which will lead the reviewer to a logical conclusion – or at least contain a persuasive argument to support the claimant’s case. The vast majority of claims are managed without the need to resort to case law or legal matters. Construction Claims: effective writing & responses therefore discusses what the claim is trying to achieve and how to do this in a logical and persuasive manner This is a practical, hands-on guide for the construction industry professional which explains how to approach the preparation of the claim document, what topics to cover, how to present the essential elements and how to compile the submission document into a user friendly and comprehensive document. For those whose job it is to review such submissions, it advises how to prepare responses which set out the respondent’s counter arguments, points of view and determinations. The guide covers: The various types of claim. How the claim may be split into sections dealing with the details of the contract, the cause, the effect, entitlement and quantum. What this section is attempting to demonstrate or achieve and why. What should be included within the section and why. Worked examples of typical claims and responses with sample wording.
This book offers a consolidated version of the Eurocode 6 geared for practical applications. It consists of the Eurocode 6 text where the regulations of the National Annexes were integrated into the corresponding paragraphs, equations and illustrations of the code. At the same time those recommendations not applicable to Germany were removed. To increase its practical value, the national stipulations, changes and additions are highlighted. Short explanations and references in a margin column provide an aid in adjusting to and daily use of it.
Today, audiovisual archives and libraries have become very popular especially in the field of collecting, preserving and transmitting cultural heritage. However, the data in these archives or libraries – videos, images, soundtracks, etc. – constitute as such only potential cognitive resources for a given public (or “target community”). One of the most crucial issues of digital audiovisual libraries is indeed to enable users to actively appropriate audiovisual resources for their own concern (in research, education or any other professional or non-professional context). This means, an adaptation of the audiovisual data to the specific needs of a user or user group can be represented by small and closed «communities» as well as by networks of open communities around the globe. «Active appropriation» is, basically speaking, the use of existing digital audiovisual resources by users or user communities according to their expectations, needs, interests or desires. This process presupposes: 1) the definition and development of models or «scenarios» of cognitive processing of videos by the user; 2) the availability of tools necessary for defining, developing, reusing and sharing meta-linguistic resources such as thesauruses, ontologies or description models by users or user communities. Both aspects are central to the so-called semiotic turn in dealing with digital (audiovisual) texts, corpora of texts or again entire (audiovisual) archives and libraries. They demonstrate practically and theoretically the well-known “from data to metadata” or “from (simple) information to (relevant) knowledge” problem, which obviously directly influences the effective use, social impact and relevancy, and therefore also the future, of digital knowledge archives. This book offers a systematic, comprehensive approach to these questions from a theoretical as well as practical point of view. Contents Part 1. The Practical, Technical and Theoretical Context 1. Analysis of an Audiovisual Resource. 2. The Audiovisual Semiotic Workshop (ASW) Studio – A Brief Presentation. 3. A Concrete Example of a Model for Describing Audiovisual Content. 4. Model of Description and Task of Analysis. Part 2. Tasks in Analyzing an Audiovisual Corpus 5. The Analytical Task of “Describing the Knowledge Object”. 6. The Analytical Task of “Contextualizing the Domain of Knowledge”. 7. The Analytical Task of “Analyzing the Discourse Production around a Subject”. Part 3. Procedures of Description 8. Definition of the Domain of Knowledge and Configuration of the Topical Structure. 9. The Procedure of Free Description of an Audiovisual Corpus. 10. The Procedure of Controlled Description of an Audiovisual Corpus. Part 4. The ASW System of Metalinguistic Resources 11. An Overview of the ASW Metalinguistic Resources. 12. The Meta-lexicon Representing the ASW Universe of Discourse.
Nach seinem erfolgreichen Werk «Das intelligente Genom» befasst sich Adolf Heschl in seinem neuen Buch mit der Entstehung des Bewusstseins wahrend der Evolutionsgeschichte. Unterhaltsam und leicht zuganglich geschrieben wartet der Autor nicht nur mit neuen Erkenntnissen aus der Primatenforschung auf, sondern verbindet sie mit Einsichten aus der Verhaltensforschung, Psychologie und Molekularbiologie. Insbesondere die Bedeutung des Lebensraumes der Primaten sowie der Anpassung an verschiedene okologische Nischen fur die Entwicklung des Bewusstseins und unseres Sozialverhaltens werden erlautert und der Autor kommt zu uberraschenden Schlussfolgerungen, die ein neues Licht auch auf Theorien der Psychologie, wie die Freudsche Bewusstseinstheorie, werfen.
Carotid Angioplasty and Stenting (CAS) is a new approach to treat a carotid stenosis. This new book provides interventional cardiologists, both as beginners or fully experienced, with a reference on all aspects of angioplasty and stenting of the carotid and supra-aortic trunks. Focusing on both the entire range of angioplasty and stenting treatment options for the surgeon treating patients on the operating table, and the range of radiological techniques used for the cardiologist to diagnose carotid artery stenosis (CAS) and associated conditions, this important book describes the best indications, the different techniques, the results, and also the limitations of CAS based on randomized studies and particularly the last published data (CREST study). Suitable for both novice and experienced interventionalists, it also addresses diagnosis of a carotid stenosis and complications from CAS and how to manage them.
Drawing upon the author’s three decades of work in comparative theology, this is a pertinent and comprehensive introduction to the field, which offers a clear guide to the reader, enabling them to engage in comparative study. The author has three decades of experience of work in the field of comparative theology and is ideally placed to write this book Today’s increasing religious diversity makes this a pertinent and timely publication Unique in the depth of its introduction and explanation of the discipline of ‘comparative theology’ Provides examples of how comparative theology works in the new global context of human religiosity Draws on examples specific to Hindu-Christian studies to show how it is possible to understand more deeply the wider diversity around us. Clearly guides the reader, enabling them to engage in comparative study
Totally Integrated Automation is the concept by means of which SIMATIC controls machines, manufacturing systems and technical processes. Taking the example of the SIMATIC S7 programmable controller, this book provides a comprehensive introduction to the architecture and operation of a state-of-the-art automation system. It also gives an insight into configuration and parameter setting for the controller and the distributed I/O. Communication via network connections is explained, along with a description of the available scope for operator control and monitoring of a plant. The new engineering framework TIA Portal combines all the automation software tools in a single development environment. Inside the TIA Portal, SIMATIC STEP 7 Professional V11 is the comprehensive engineering package for SIMATIC controllers. As the central engineering tool, STEP 7 manages all the necessary tasks, supports programming in the IEC languages LAD, FBD, STL, S7-SCL and S7-GRAPH, and also contains S7-PLCSIM for offline tests. As well as updating the previously-depicted components, this edition also presents new SIMATIC S7-1200 hardware components for PROFIBUS and PROFINET. In addition to the STEP 7 V5.5 engineering software, now STEP 7 Professional V11 is also described, complete with its applications inside TIA Portal. The book is ideally suited to all those, who, despite little previous knowledge, wish to familiarize themselves with the topic of programmable logic controllers and the architecture and operation of automation systems.
This book situates the essential areas of psychology within a cultural perspective, exploring the relationship of culture to psychological phenomena, from introduction and research foundations to clinical and social principles and applications. • Includes contributions from an experienced, international team of researchers and teachers • Brings together new perspectives and research findings with established psychological principles • Organized around key issues of contemporary cross-cultural psychology, including ethnocentrism, diversity, gender and sexuality and their role in research methods • Argues for the importance of culture as an integral component in the teaching of psychology
Written by the author who helped crystalize the field of technology management and the management of innovation with the first two editions of Managing Technological Innovation, this Third Edition brings the subject in line with current business strategy. It also presents information in a newer organized format that aligns more closely with how the topics are presented and discussed in the classroom. Also included is a wider discussion of how science and technology interact with the global economy.
In the European Union nations, and other countries including Japan, Australia and Malaysia, it is a legal requirement that food products containing genetically modified organism (GMO) materials are labelled as such in order that customers may make informed purchasing decisions. For manufacturers and consumers to be confident about these assertions, systems must be in place along the entire food chain which support the co-existence of GM and non GM materials whilst maintaining a strict segregation between the two. This book is an output of a European Union-funded project entitled «Co-Extra: GM and non-GM food and feed supply chains: their Co-Existence and Traceability». The objective of this four year project is to provide practical tools and methods for implementing co-existence that will: enable the co-existence of genetically modified (GM) and non-GM crops enable the segregation and tracing of genetically modified organism (GMO) materials and derived products along the food and feed chains anticipate the future expansion of the use of GMOs The project is designed to foster a robustly science-based debate amongst all of the stakeholders involved in the food and feed chains, and the tools will be assessed not only from a technical point of view but with regard to the economic and legal aspects. It also surveys the GMO-related legal regimes and practices that exist in and beyond the EU. This book examines the practical tools and methods available to implement the co-existence and traceability of GM and non-GM food materials along the entire food and feed chains, as demanded by consumers and by legislation in force in the EU and elsewhere. GM and Non-GM Supply Foods is a source of valuable information for food manufacturers, food research institutions and regulatory bodies internationally.