The new digital media offers us an unprecedented memory capacity, an ubiquitous communication channel and a growing computing power. How can we exploit this medium to augment our personal and social cognitive processes at the service of human development? Combining a deep knowledge of humanities and social sciences as well as a real familiarity with computer science issues, this book explains the collaborative construction of a global hypercortex coordinated by a computable metalanguage. By recognizing fully the symbolic and social nature of human cognition, we could transform our current opaque global brain into a reflexive collective intelligence.
This book bridges the divide between the fields of power systems engineering and computer communication through the new field of power system information theory. Written by an expert with vast experience in the field, this book explores the smart grid from generation to consumption, both as it is planned today and how it will evolve tomorrow. The book focuses upon what differentiates the smart grid from the «traditional» power grid as it has been known for the last century. Furthermore, the author provides the reader with a fundamental understanding of both power systems and communication networking. It shows the complexity and operational requirements of the evolving power grid, the so-called «smart grid,» to the communication networking engineer; and similarly, it shows the complexity and operational requirements for communications to the power systems engineer. The book is divided into three parts. Part One discusses the basic operation of the electric power grid, covering fundamental knowledge that is assumed in Parts Two and Three. Part Two introduces communications and networking, which are critical enablers for the smart grid. It also considers how communication and networking will evolve as technology develops. This lays the foundation for Part Three, which utilizes communication within the power grid. Part Three draws heavily upon both the embedded intelligence within the power grid and current research, anticipating how and where computational intelligence will be implemented within the smart grid. Each part is divided into chapters and each chapter has a set of questions useful for exercising the readers' understanding of the material in that chapter. Key Features: Bridges the gap between power systems and communications experts Addresses the smart grid from generation to consumption, both as it is planned today and how it will likely evolve tomorrow Explores the smart grid from the perspective of traditional power systems as well as from communications Discusses power systems, communications, and machine learning that all define the smart grid It introduces the new field of power system information theory
Qualitative Research Methods is a comprehensive, all-inclusive resource for the theory and practice of qualitative/ethnographic research methodology. Serves as a “how-to” guide for qualitative/ethnographic research, detailing how to design a project, conduct interviews and focus groups, interpret and analyze data, and represent it in a compelling manner Demonstrates how qualitative data can be systematically utilized to address pressing personal, organizational, and social problems Written in an engaging style, with in-depth examples from the author’s own practice Comprehensive companion website includes sample syllabi, lesson plans, a list of helpful website links, test bank and exam review materials, and exercises and worksheets, available upon publication at
Counselling and Spiritual Accompaniment presents the key spiritually-focused writings of Brian Thorne, one of the most influential thinkers on the convergence of spirituality with counselling, along with new material reflecting his recent work in spiritual accompaniment. Reflects the increasing focus on spiritual issues as an essential part of therapy Represents the culmination of an intellectual quest, undertaken by the most senior figure in the field, to integrate spirituality with counselling and the person-centred approach Features chapters that span thirty years of work, along with new writings that bring readers up to date with the author's most recent work in spiritual accompaniment An invaluable guide for counsellors and therapists who acknowledge the importance of spirituality to their clients, but doubt their abilities to help in this area
The energy crises of the 1970s, persisting moisture problems, complaints about sick buildings, thermal, visual and olfactory discomfort, and the move towards more sustainability in building construction have pushed Building Physics to the forefront of building innovation. The societal pressure to diminish energy consumption in buildings without impairing usability acted as a trigger to activate the whole notion of performance based design and construction. As with all engineering sciences, Building Physics is oriented towards application, which is why, after a first book on fundamentals this second volume examines performance rationale and performance requirements. Outdoor and indoor climate conditions are described and calculation values are discussed, the performance concept is specified at the building level and at the building envelope level, and heat-air-moisture material properties are defined. The book incorporates 35 years of teaching Building Physics to architectural, building and civil engineers, bolstered by 40 years of experience, research and consultancy.
The control of diseases in crops is still largely dominated by the use of fungicides, but with the increasing incidence of fungicide resistance, plus mounting concern for the environment resulting from excessive agrochemical use, the search for alternative, reliable methods of disease control is gaining momentum. The purpose of this important book is to examine the development and exploitation (or potential for exploitation) of a range of non-chemical approaches to disease control, with a focus on the need for a greater understanding of crop ecology as the basis for effective disease control in the field. Chapters in the book, written by international experts in the subject area, include coverage of: biological control methods host-plant resistance the exploitation of tolerance and the use of bacteriophages Carefully edited by Professor Dale Walters, widely respected for his work in the area of crop protection, Disease Control in Crops is an essential reference book for plant pathologists, microbiologists, plant and agricultural scientists and crop protection specialists, including those working within, and providing consultancy to, the agrochemical industries. Libraries in all universities and research establishments where biological sciences and agriculture are studied and taught should have copies of this timely publication on their shelves.
Mit diesem zweibandigen Werk liegt wiederum eine erneuerte und verbesserte Auflage des bewahrten Lehrbuchs von Friedhelm Kuypers vor. Band 1 widmet sich der Mechanik und Thermodynamik. Die Mechanik wurde durch ausfuhrliche Betrage zu erneuerbaren Energien und zu Windkraftanlagen erganzt. Zahlreiche Beispiele beleuchten die Zusammenhange zwischen technischen Anwendungen, alltaglichen Phanomenen und physikalischen Gesetzen. Der Aufbau und die Aufbereitung des Stoffes sind auf eine effektive Prufungsvorbereitung zugeschnitten. Jedes Kapitel endet mit einer Zusammenfassung des Basiswissens und der wichtigsten Lernschritte. Zahlreiche Aufgaben in verschiedenen Schwierigkeitsgraden mit ausfuhrlichen Losungen bieten ideale Trainingsmoglichkeiten.
Written by one of the most distinguished scientists and a pioneer in this field, this monograph represents a stand-alone, concise guide to friction at the atomic level. It brings together hitherto widely-scattered information in one single source, and is the first to explain the nature of friction in terms of atomic mechanisms. In addition to his detailed description on modeling and simulation, the author stresses stresses experimental approaches like AFM techniques for verification. In this respect the book will benefit the whole nanotribology community, from graduate students who want to get the basics right up to researchers specializing in mechanical engineering, materials science, physics and chemistry.
An innovative history and critical account mapping the ways artists and their works have engaged with, and offered commentary on, modern spectacle in both capitalist and socialist modernism over the past ninety years. Focuses on artists whose work expresses the concept of revolutionary social transformation Provides a strong historical narrative that adds structure and clarity Features a cogent and innovative critique of contemporary art and institutions Covers 100 years of art from Vladimir Tatlin’s constructivist ‘Monument to the Third International’, to Picasso’s late 1940s commitment to Communism, to the Unilever Series sponsored Large Artworks installed at London’s Tate Modern since 2000. Includes the only substantial account in print of John Lennon and Yoko Ono’s 1969 Montreal ‘Bed-in’ Offers an accessible description and interpretation of Debord’s ‘society of the spectacle’ theory
An international and interdisciplinary team of leading experts from both academia and industry report on the wide range of hot applications for MOFs, discussing both the advantages and limits of the material. The resulting overview covers everything from catalysis, H2 and CH4 storage and gas purification to drug delivery and sensors. From the Contents: – Design of Porous Coordination Polymers/Metal-Organic Frameworks: Past, Present and Future – Design of Functional Metal-Organic Frameworks by Post-Synthetic Modification – Thermodynamic Methods for Prediction of Gas Separation in Flexible Frameworks – Separation and purification of gases by MOFs – Opportunities for MOFs in CO2 capture from flue gases, natural gas and syngas by adsorption – Manufacture of MOF thin films on structured supports for separation and catalysis – Research status of Metal-Organic Frameworks for on-board cryo-adsorptive hydrogen storage applications – Separation of xylene isomers – Metal-Organic Frameworks as Catalysts for Organic Reactions – Biomedical applications of Metal Organic Frameworks – Metal Organic Frameworks for Biomedical Imaging – Luminescent Metal-Organic Frameworks – Deposition of thin films for sensor applications – Industrial MOF Synthesis – MOF shaping and immobilisation A must-have for every scientist in the field.