John Wiley & Sons Limited

Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited

    Essentials of Inorganic Chemistry. For Students of Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Medicinal Chemistry

    Katja Strohfeldt A.

    A comprehensive introduction to inorganic chemistry and, specifically, the science of metal-based drugs, Essentials of Inorganic Chemistry describes the basics of inorganic chemistry, including organometallic chemistry and radiochemistry, from a pharmaceutical perspective. Written for students of pharmacy and pharmacology, pharmaceutical sciences, medicinal chemistry and other health-care related subjects, this accessible text introduces chemical principles with relevant pharmaceutical examples rather than as stand-alone concepts, allowing students to see the relevance of this subject for their future professions. It includes exercises and case studies.

    Process Understanding. For Scale-Up and Manufacture of Active Ingredients

    Ian Houson

    Process Understanding is the underpinning knowledge that allows the manufacture of chemical entities to be carried out routinely, robustly and to the required standard of quality. This area has gained in importance over the last few years, particularly due to the recent impetus from the USA`s Food and Drug Administration. This book covers the multidisciplinary aspects required for successful process design, safety, modeling, scale-up, PAT, pilot plant implementation, plant design as well the rapidly expanding area of outsourcing. In discussing what process understanding means to different disciplines and sectors throughout a product`s life cycle, this handbook and ready reference reveals the factors important to the development and manufacture of chemicals. The book focuses on the fundamental scientific understanding necessary. for a smoother technical transfer between the disciplines, leading to more effective and effi cient process development and manufacturing. A range of case studies are used to exemplify and illustrate the main issues raised. As a result, readers will appreciate that process understanding can deliver a real competitive advantage within the pharmaceuticals and fine chemicals industry. This book serves as an aid to meeting the stringent regulations required by the relevant authorities through demonstrable understanding of the underlying science.

    The Poetry Toolkit. For Readers and Writers

    William Harmon

    The Poetry Toolkit: For Readers and Writers provides students with the essential intellectual and practical tools necessary to read, understand, and write poetry. Explains the most important elements of poetry in clear language and an easily accessible manner Offers readers both the expertise of an established scholar and the insights of a practicing poet Draws on examples from more than 1,500 years of English literature

    Manual of Construction Project Management. For Owners and Clients

    Jüri Sutt

    This construction client's manual is written in the form of a list of activities. It supports owners in the role of client by helping them make choices during the project development process. This increases control over cost, quality and duration at each stage. Activities within each main stage of the project development (preparation stage; procurement; design; preparation for construction; construction itself; handover; implementation) are divided into phases, each requiring separate decision-making. The phase begins with a list of direct previous decisions and continues with a list of executors, the goal of the present phase and a list of activities to be performed. And each phase ends with a list of expected results and a list of activities that these results release for action in the next phase. The sequence of these seven stages can be altered to help building owners manage risk by choosing and combining the timing of these stages. The tasks involved in project preparation, described in the first chapter are for example, often left by the owner for the designers to solve – or sometimes even the contractors. The decisions relating to the choice of procurement schemes, described in the second chapter, can be made either at the preparation stage of project development, as part of the prioritisation of aims, or at the time of choosing the designer, or at the stage of choosing construction contractors. Manual of Construction Project Management – for owners & clients is for prospective owners who either operate as clients themselves, or who use the services of professional construction management companies. The aim is to help both owners and their construction partners understand what to expect from each other. The manual describes activities at the level of detail required to choose the management task or method to make the decision. It is not bound to regulations of any specific country and a detailed glossary makes it an indispensable worldwide reference.

    Primes of the Form x2+ny2. Fermat, Class Field Theory, and Complex Multiplication

    David Cox A.

    An exciting approach to the history and mathematics of number theory “. . . the author’s style is totally lucid and very easy to read . . .the result is indeed a wonderful story.” —Mathematical Reviews Written in a unique and accessible style for readers of varied mathematical backgrounds, the Second Edition of Primes of the Form p = x2+ ny2 details the history behind how Pierre de Fermat’s work ultimately gave birth to quadratic reciprocity and the genus theory of quadratic forms. The book also illustrates how results of Euler and Gauss can be fully understood only in the context of class field theory, and in addition, explores a selection of the magnificent formulas of complex multiplication. Primes of the Form p = x2 + ny2, Second Edition focuses on addressing the question of when a prime p is of the form x2 + ny2, which serves as the basis for further discussion of various mathematical topics. This updated edition has several new notable features, including: • A well-motivated introduction to the classical formulation of class field theory • Illustrations of explicit numerical examples to demonstrate the power of basic theorems in various situations • An elementary treatment of quadratic forms and genus theory • Simultaneous treatment of elementary and advanced aspects of number theory • New coverage of the Shimura reciprocity law and a selection of recent work in an updated bibliography Primes of the Form p = x2 + ny2, Second Edition is both a useful reference for number theory theorists and an excellent text for undergraduate and graduate-level courses in number and Galois theory.

    Addiction Dilemmas. Family Experiences from Literature and Research and their Lessons for Practice

    Jim Orford

    Addiction Dilemmas explores the impact of addiction on those closest to the individuals affected and their families. Drawing on a wide range of sources, the book discusses the stresses and strains that family members are subjected to, the dilemmas that they face, and the coping strategies that they have found useful. Draws on a unique breadth of material to illustrate the dilemmas faced by family members in coping with a close relative's addiction Raises questions and points to controversies rather than dispensing prescriptive «one size fits all» advice Brings together accounts from research interviews, biography, autobiography and relevant fiction in a creative and original way Tackles common misunderstandings at public, practitioner, scholarly and policy levels about the predicaments that family members commonly find themselves in Each chapter closes with a commentary, questions and exercises designed to further develop understanding for professionals and students

    Darwinism and the Divine. Evolutionary Thought and Natural Theology

    Alister E. McGrath

    Darwinism and the Divine examines the implications of evolutionary thought for natural theology, from the time of publication of Darwin's On the Origin of Species to current debates on creationism and intelligent design. Questions whether Darwin's theory of natural selection really shook our fundamental beliefs, or whether they served to transform and illuminate our views on the origins and meaning of life Identifies the forms of natural theology that emerged in 19th-century England and how they were affected by Darwinism The most detailed study yet of the intellectual background to William Paley's famous and influential approach to natural theology, set out in 1802 Brings together material from a variety of disciplines, including the history of ideas, historical and systematic theology, evolutionary biology, anthropology, sociology, and the cognitive science of religion Considers how Christian belief has adapted to Darwinism, and asks whether there is a place for design both in the world of science and the world of theology A thought-provoking exploration of 21st-century views on evolutionary thought and natural theology, written by the world-renowned theologian and bestselling author

    Meeting the Psychoeducational Needs of Minority Students. Evidence-Based Guidelines for School Psychologists and Other School Personnel

    Craig Frisby L.

    Dr. Frisby focuses a bright light on issues that often remain obscured in a fog of polemics, deeply held convictions, and genuine concern for the plight of minority students. Meeting the Psychoeducational Needs of Minority Students cuts through this fog with intense, sharp, clear thinking and data-driven conclusions. —Jeffrey P. Braden, PhD, Professor of Psychology and Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, North Carolina State University «Going beyond superficial 'feel good' or 'feel bad' ideologies to probe what really makes a difference in meeting the needs of often underserved populations, Craig Frisby provides a comprehensive, rigorous, well-written, and entertaining (honest!) work that addresses the intersection of race, ethnicity, and education.» —Betty Henry, PhD, School Psychologist, California School for the Blind «Dr. Frisby makes a perceptive and incisive assessment of much of the multicultural ideology currently propagated in professional psychology and education and directly confronts some of the major issues surrounding multiculturalism. Unlike many other critiques that have been proffered over the last few decades, however, Meeting the Psychoeducational Needs of Minority Students also provides many concrete solutions for how to begin changing the current milieu.» —A. Alexander Beaujean, PhD, Associate Professor, Baylor University A practical, research-based guide to facilitating positive educational outcomes for racial, ethnic, and language minority students This timely book is written from the perspective of contemporary school psychology for a variety of school personnel, including school psychologists, teachers, guidance counselors, and administrators, with coverage of: The problem of quack multiculturalism Home and family Context for school learning General cognitive ability, learning, and instruction Testing and assessment School discipline and behavior management Crime, delinquency, and gangs School district resources

    Interventions for Autism. Evidence for Educational and Clinical Practice

    Phil Reed

    Providing a vital link between theory and practice, this unique volume translates the latest research data on the effectiveness of interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) into practical guidance for education professionals working with ASD pupils. Reformulates new research data on interventions for ASD into guidance for professionals, drawing on the author’s in-depth academic knowledge and practical experience Offers a comprehensive review of up-to-date evidence on effectiveness across a wide range of interventions for ASD Focuses on environmental factors in understanding ASD rather than outdated ‘deficit’ approaches, and discusses key issues in education provision such as inclusion

    Stahlbau-Kalender 2012. Eurocode 3 - Grundnorm, Brücken

    Ulrike Kuhlmann

    MSH-Profile – das Original! Mannesmann-Stahlbau-Hohlprofile aus dem Hause VALLOUREC & MANNESMANN TUBES inspirieren seit Jahrzehnten führende Architekten weltweit zu gewagten, innovativen Werken. Es sind nicht nur die hohe Qualität oder die besonders glatten Oberflächen und die größte Auswahl an Abmessungen, auch unser technischer Support spricht für das Original. Wir begleiten mit unserer Erfahrung und unserem Know-how Ihr Bauwerk: von der Projektierung über die Just in Time-Lieferung – bis hin zum After Sales Service und sind Ihr verlässlicher Partner, wenn es um tragfähige wirtschaftliche Lösungen geht. Profitieren Sie von unserer Kompetenz und unserer weltweiten Präsenz