Hollenstein und Borax! Das klingt ja wie ein Hexenspruch – hat Chemie etwa mit Zauberei zu tun? Wer wei? schon, welche Geheimnisse hinter Rote-Beete-Saft und pH-Indikator steckt? Georg Schwedt erklart es muhelos Lehrern, Schulern, Studienanfangern und allen anderen, die es wissen wollen. Erstaunlich, wie viel einpragsamer das Lernen und Begreifen ist, wenn man mit Alltagsgegenstanden und Haushaltsmitteln spannende aber gefahrlose Experimente durchfuhren kann! Im Unterschied zu Georg Schwedts erfolgreichem, nunmehr in dritter Auflage vorliegenden Buch «Experimente mit Supermarktprodukten» sind die Versuche hier nicht anhand einer chemischen Warenkunde strukturiert, sondern orientieren sich an der Ordnung des Periodensystems der chemischen Elemente – vom Wasserstoff hin zu den Halogenen. Mit handelsublichen Supermarktprodukten und ein paar gewohnlichen Reagenzien sind alle Versuche durchzufuhren. Die Rezepturen sind an das aktuelle Angebot der Supermarkte angepasst. Also, kann's doch gleich losgehen, oder?
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) remains one of the most challenging disorders of the brain. Contemporary conceptualization and therapeutic strategies are undergoing a revolution as a result of new insights derived from modern technological advances. This book was conceived in order to present this revolution to the reader. It covers current theories regarding the etiology of OCD, what is known about the genetics of this disorder, evidence from neuroimaging and a discussion of potential endophenotypes. There is an evaluation of current treatment approaches for the disorder, encompassing psychological, psychopharmacological and physical interventions, as well as a discussion of treatment resistance. The book considers methodological issues, plus reviews of OCD in pediatric populations. A summary chapter highlights some potential research avenues, in a discussion of the future directions in OCD. Rather than provide comprehensive coverage, repeating material from standard psychiatry textbooks, this book focuses on recent information and its application, distinguishing it from other titles. If you work in children with OCD, If you are interested in genetics, neurocognition or brain imaging, If you work with patients and would like to improve your assessment in OCD and OCD Spectrum disorders, to update your therapeutic strategies and to get a handle on cutting edge developments in this intriguing field, If you are planning a research project in OCD and would like to get some hints from people who are research leaders in this field and also learn about methodological issues specific to OCD research, then this book will be a valuable resource. A concise overview of the current state of the art in OCD assessment and treatment, including physical interventions and treatment resistance Focuses on scientific advances (including specific methodological issues) and how they can inform and benefit clinical practice Looks critically and broadly at the diagnostic classification, including the ongoing revision of the two major international systems Written by an A-list team of experts in the field who have a track record of being engaging authors
A wide range of international contributions draw on theoretical and empirical sources to explore whether alternatives exist to both conceptualise and conduct research into what people do and don’t do, in relation to their health and experiences of illness. Presents a collection of international contributions that complement, as well as critique, dominant conceptualisations of health behaviour Includes a wide range of both theoretical perspectives and empirical cases Reasserts the unique contribution social sciences can make to health research Challenges assumptions about the usefulness of the concept of health behaviour A timely publication given the rise of chronic and lifestyle diseases and the resulting changes in global health agendas
The Times They Are Changing? Crisis and the Welfare State presents a series of readings from international policy researchers that examine the effects of the recent financial crisis on welfare states around the world. Provides comprehensive and in depth coverage of changes in welfare states as a result of the financial crisis Reveals how the financial crisis is changing our perception of the welfare states Features contributions from policy researchers and academics from around the world
Spaniards in the Colonial Empire traces the privileges, prejudices, and conflicts between American-born and European-born Spaniards, within the Spanish colonies in the Americas from the sixteenth to early nineteenth centuries. • Covers three centuries of Spanish colonial power, beginning in the sixteenth century • Explores social tension between creole and peninsular factions, connecting this friction with later colonial bids for independence • Draws on recent research by Spanish and Spanish-American historians as well as Anglophone scholars • Includes some coverage of Brazil and British colonies
Discover new opportunities for building 2D and 3D games with HTML5 The newest iteration of HTML, HTML5 can be used with JavaScript, CSS3, and WebGL to create beautiful, unique, engaging games that can be played on the web or mobile devices like the iPad or Android phones. Gone are the days where games were only possible with plugin technologies such as Flash and this cutting-edge book shows you how to utilize the latest open web technologies to create a game from scratch using Canvas, HTML5 Audio, WebGL, and WebSockets. You'll discover how to build a framework on which you will create your HTML5 game. Then each successive chapter covers a new aspect of the game, including user input, sound, multiplayer functionality, 2D and 3D graphics, and more. Aims directly at a new way to develop games for the web through the use of HTML5 Demonstrates how to make iOS and Android web apps Explains how to capture player input; create 3D graphics; and incorporate textures, lighting, and sound Guides you through the process of creating a game from scratch using Canvas, HTML5 Audio, WebGL, and WebSockets By the end of this invaluable book, you will have created a fully functional game that can be played in any compatible browser or on any mobile device that supports HTML5.
An updated guide to the core concepts of program evaluation This updated edition of Program Evaluation in Practice covers the core concepts of program evaluation and uses case studies to touch on real-world issues that arise when conducting an evaluation project. This important resource is filled with illustrative examples written in accessible terms and provides a wide variety of evaluation projects that can be used for discussion, analysis, and reflection. The book addresses foundations and theories of evaluation, tools and methods for collecting data, writing of reports, and the sharing of findings. The discussion questions and class activities at the end of each chapter are designed to help process the information in that chapter and to integrate the information from the other chapters, thus facilitating the learning process. As useful for students as it is for evaluators in training, Program Evaluation in Practice is a must-have text for those aspiring to be effective evaluators. Includes expanded discussion of basic theories and approaches to program evaluation Features a new chapter on objective-based evaluation and a new section on ethics in program evaluation Provides more detailed information and in-depth description for each case, including evaluation approaches, fresh references, new readings, and the new Joint Committee Standards for Evaluation
The Psychology of Retirement is the first self-help guide to retirement based on highly proven psychological coping strategies. Provides the most comprehensive and coherent account of the challenges of retirement and the associated aging process Represents the culmination of over 30 years of clinical, teaching and research involvement in the main issues discussed within this book Draws systematically on applied scientific theories, accepted professional circles, which are interpreted and communicated by an applied scientist A constructive emphasis establishes the best possible coping strategies and perspectives
This unique book is the first to fully explore the history of autism – from the first descriptions of autistic-type behaviour to the present day. Features in-depth discussions with leading professionals and pioneers to provide an unprecedented insight into the historical changes in the perception of autism and approaches to it Presents carefully chosen case studies and the latest findings in the field Includes evidence from many previously unpublished documents and illustrations Interviews with parents of autistic children acknowledge the important contribution they have made to a more profound understanding of this enigmatic condition
Clinical Reasoning in Occupational Therapy is a key text for occupational therapy students and practitioners. Written by an internationally renowned group of clinicians, educators and academics and with a central case study running throughout, the book covers the theory and practice of the following key topics: Working and Thinking in Different Contexts; Teaching as Reasoning; Ethical Reasoning; Diversity in Reasoning; Working and Thinking within 'Evidence Frameworks'; Experience as a Framework; The Client. FEATURES includes case studies problem-solving framework questions at the end of each chapter commentaries on key topics relates theory to practice