“The time of religions is over. We have entered the age of universal spirituality, of spiritual experience in its initial purity.” (The Mother) “The Truth of the Divine which is the spiritual reality behind all religions and the descent of the supramental which is not known to any religion are the sole things which will be the foundation of the work of the future.” (Sri Aurobindo)
“In a profound sense it is the call and attraction of the future that makes the past and present, and that future will be more and more seen to be the growth of the godhead in the human being which is the high fate of this race that thinks and wills and labours towards its own perfection. This is a strain that we shall hear more and more, the song of the growing godhead of the kind, of human unity, of spiritual freedom, of the coming supermanhood of man, of the divine ideal seeking to actualise it self in the life of the earth, of the call to the individual to rise to his godlike possibility....” (Sri Aurobindo) “If a spiritual unfolding on earth is the hidden truth of our birth into Matter, if it is fundamentally an evolution of consciousness that has been taking place in Nature, then man as he is cannot be the last term of that evolution: he is too imperfect an expression of the Spirit, Mind itself a too limited form and instrumentation; Mind is only a middle term of consciousness, the mental being can only be a transitional being. If, then, man is incapable of exceeding mentality, he must be surpassed and Supermind and superman must manifest and take the lead of the creation. But if his mind is capable of opening to what exceeds it, then there is no reason why man himself should not arrive at supermind and supermanhood or at least lend his mentality, life and body to an evolution of that greater term of the Spirit manifesting in Nature.” (Sri Aurobindo) “Each time we try not to be ordinary men, not to live the ordinary life, to express in our movements, our actions and reactions the divine Truth, when we are governed by that Truth instead of being governed by the general ignorance, we are apprentice-supermen, and according to the success of our efforts, well, we are more or less able apprentices, more or less advanced on the way.” (The Mother)
A compilation from the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on the four aspects – Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati – and the twelve attributes of the Divine Mother – sincerity, humility, gratitude, perseverance, aspiration, receptivity, progress, courage, goodness, generosity, equanimity, peace.
"The Mother comes in order to bring down the supramental and it is the descent which makes her full manifestation here possible. There is one divine Force which acts in the universe and in the individual and is also beyond the individual and the universe. The Mother stands for all three, but she is working here in the body to bring down something not yet expressed in this material world so as to transform life here – it is so that you should regard her as the Divine Shakti working here for that purpose. She is that in the body, but in her whole consciousness she is also identified with all the other aspects of the Divine Force. It is the work of the Cosmic Power to maintain the cosmos and the law of the cosmos – transforming it by a slow evolution. The greater transformation comes from the Transcendent above the universe, and it is that transcendent Grace which the embodiment of the Mother is there to bring into action." (Sri Aurobindo)
“Savitri is the record of a seeing, of an experience which is not of the common kind and is often very far from what the general human mind sees and experiences. You must not expect appreciation or understanding from the general public or even from many at the first touch; as I have pointed out, there must be a new extension of consciousness and aesthesis to appreciate a new kind of mystic poetry.” (Sri Aurobindo) The Mother considered Savitri to be “the supreme revelation of Sri Aurobindo’s vision” and called it “that marvellous prophetic poem which will be humanity’s guide towards its future realisation.”
Sri Aurobindo and the Mother about the nature and value of money, the relationship between business and spirituality and the true attitude of the disciple towards money. «Money represents a great power of life which must be conquered for divine uses. Therefore you must have no attachment to it but also no disgust or horror of it.» (Sri Aurobindo)
Книга посвящена велопутешествию к Тикому океану в 2013ом году с 16 апреля по 26 октября 2013 года на расстоянии 12.500 км. Благодаря знания русского языка получил Уве Майснер не только поверхностные впечатления как обычно экстримальные спортсмены. Его путешествие через Польшу, Украину и Россию он совершил в 15 этапов. Спорт и борьба, но также разнообразные встречи и интерес или солидарность местных жителей к его путешествию привели Уве Майснера к красочному и впечатляющему сочетанию опыта. Особенно в азиатской части он испытывает пресловутую доброту сибиряков и их гостеприимство. „Как немецкий, сегодня мы снова пользуемся в государствах бывшего Советского Союза высокой репутацией. Соответственно, следует относиться в отчетности с ответственностью к часто проблематичным обстоятельствам и предоставлять информацию“, высказывает Уве Майснер сам о его путешествии. Сопровождайте его на эту необычную дорогу с многими интересными впечатлениями от страны и людей.
Here available is the sheet music of the title – Love me like a Lover – for Piano, Vocals & Chords.