Gianluca Delfino’s study is based on the assumption that Wilson Harris’s works as a whole show a remarkable unity of thought rooted in their author’s complex imagination. As a valuable contribution to Caribbean Literature and Philosophy, Harris’s imaginative approach to reality is discussed in relation to the categories of history and time with reference to several novels, from Palace of The Peacock to The Mask of the Beggar, with a special focus on The Infinite Rehearsal, Jonestown and The Dark Jester, spanning more than forty years of his vast literary production, encompassing critical perspectives ranging from African philosophy to Jungian readings through historiography and anthropology. As a result, the cross-cultural quality of Harris’s thought emerges as a healing outcome of the traumatic colonial encounter, bringing together elements of Amerindian, African and European origin in an ongoing dialogue with time, nature, and the psyche. The outcome of an extensive research into Harris’s world, Delfino’s study comes as a contribution to late Hena Maes-Jelinek’s critical enterprise by expanding philosophical and psychological readings, with the addition of anthropological perspectives that appeal to those who were captured by Harris’s intricacy and rescued by Maes-Jelinek’s illuminating interpretations. The attempt at the reconstruction of a unifying frame around Harris’s body of work suggests a new way of looking at one of the Caribbean’s most controversial authors.
A quarter century after the formation of the Popular Front and a decade since joining the EU, processes of state- and nation-building in Latvia are still on-going. Issues such as citizenship, language policy, minority rights, democratic legitimacy, economic stability, and security all remain objects of vigorous public discussion. The current situation also reflects longer-standing debates on the relationship between state, nation, and sovereignty in Latvian society and polity. By examining different aspects of these relationships, this volume aims to reveal both key turning points and continuities in Latvia's development, thereby helping to inform current debates.
This engaging and insightful book is the first historical study in English portraying the lives and fates of Czech women. The seven life stories, ranging from the late 19th century to the present day, expose the often cruel political history of Bohemia (19th century), the Czech lands in Czechoslovakia (20th century), and the Czech Republic (20th–21st century) through the eyes of prominent women whose acts and deeds on behalf of their fellow citizens remain unforgotten in the Czech collective mind. The three chapters and four oral history interviews offer a captivating insight into how the situation of Czech women in society has changed during a most eventful period of history.
This book has been preceded by a first volume on Slovak women (ISBN 9783838206387) whose lives have been of the same singular importance for Slovakia as their Czech counterparts were for their country. The two volumes are separate entities in their own right, but together provide the reader with a comprehensive picture of women's lives in the Czech lands and Slovakia, stressing the distinct political circumstances Czech and Slovak women have faced in recent history.
Considered to be sub-ordinated and sub-prime to the city, sub-urban areas receive little attention by researchers and designers. However, it's the rapidly growing areas outside the central cities that pose the biggest questions of the urban millennium: How can the scattered patchwork of urban areas and social spaces linked by networks of highways and public transportation function as a sustainable and livable urban environment? Answering this question requires understanding suburban spaces as heterogeneous urban areas with distinct local characteristics, qualities, and problems.
Following this path, Variations of Suburbanism explores formation, characteristics, and trends of suburban areas all over the world. It provides insights on common features and differences of suburban governance, design, and infrastructure and discusses strategies to understand and design suburban areas in an increasingly sub-urbanizing world.
This engaging and insightful book is the first historical study in English portraying the lives and fates of Slovak women. The seven life stories, ranging from the late 19th century to the present day, expose the often cruel political history of Slovakia through the eyes of prominent women whose acts and deeds on behalf of their fellow citizens remain unforgotten in the Slovak collective mind. The four chapters and three oral history interviews offer a captivating insight into how the situation of Slovak women in society has changed during a most eventful period of history.
This book will be complemented by a second volume on Czech women whose lives have been of the same singular importance for the Czech lands as their Slovak counterparts were for their country (ISBN 978383827100, coming out in fall 2015). The two volumes are separate entities in their own right, but together provide the reader with a comprehensive picture of womens lives in the Czech lands and Slovakia, stressing the distinct political circumstances Czech and Slovak women have faced in recent history.
Music in therapy allows a sensual awareness of overlapping inner and outer spaces. This in turn allows thoughts to wander and linger over objects of interest that both contain the past and make possible the present, that are associated with amiable beginnings as well as leaving open what the future will bring. Due to these processes we do not only live once. Everything is reverberating, says Erich Fried, and continues: “and everything that I say about this echo, echoes and echoes“. This all happens within a further space, namely a social one that is able to maintain all social structures despite its fragility.
The case studies presented by the different music therapists in this volume – previously in German and now in English translation – allow the reader to take a journey through very different spaces and to engage in a process in which their own presence develops through the resonance of events. Starting from common points of reference, that is, a psychoanalytic understanding of therapy and the use of music in individual therapy with patients suffering from severe and in some cases prolonged psychiatric disorders, the authors select that form of presentation which appears best suited for the respective case by alternating between descriptions, reflections, and explanatory or deeper theoretical considerations, by retrospectively organizing the material, by structuring, summarizing, or highlighting it, and – in specific cases – by including examples in the form of sheet music for the sake of illustration.
With contributions by Jos de Backer, Maria Becker, Ingo Engelmann, Susanne Metzner, Inge Nygaard Pedersen, and Gitta Strehlow
Krishna is the immanent Divine, the Divine Presence in everyone and in all things. He is also, sovereignly, the aspect of Delight and Love of the Supreme; he is the smiling tenderness and the playful gaiety; he is at once the player, the play and all his playmates. And as both the game and its results are wholly known, conceived, willed, organised and played consciously in their entirety, there can be room for nothing but the delight of the play. Thus to see Krishna means to find the inner Godhead, to play with Krishna means to be identified with the inner Godhead and to share in his consciousness. – The Mother
To tell the truth, if you live only a moment, just a tiny moment, of this absolutely sincere aspiration or this sufficiently intense prayer, you will know more things than by meditating for hours. (The Mother) – Prayer: There is a general tendency among certain intellectuals to undermine prayer as something religious and inferior. However a look at the spiritual history of man kind reveals that prayers have always been an integral part of spiritual living. There is a rationale and a process behind prayers, a mystic truth of profound implications that the mind does not always recognise but the heart readily discovers. In this book we take up the different aspects of Prayers as part of our spiritual evolution and growth in the light of Integral Yoga. – Mantra: Sri Aurobindo reveals that ‘The Mantra, poetic expression of the deepest spiritual reality, is only possible when three highest intensities of poetic speech meet and become indissolubly one, a highest intensity of rhythmic movement, a highest intensity of interwoven verbal form and thought-substance, of style, and a highest intensity of the soul’ s vision of truth.’ It is a cry of the soul that leaps in ecstasy and adoration at the vision of Truth. The higher firmament is the secret birthplace of the mantra of which the soul becomes a witness as it ascends out of the limited scope of the mortal mind into the limitless seeing of the infinite. The mantra, therefore, is much more than merely some Sanskrit words replete with profound meaning. The mantra can be in any language for it is born out of the Silence that weaves the stars. Its depth goes beyond the mere meaning or the idea to the sound-vibrations that climb on wings of aspiration and love and carry the hearer towards the Home of Truth or reveal to him something of the Glory that hides behind the many masks of creation. In this Book we seek to bring out the truths about the mantra as revealed to us through the mantric speech and writings of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo.
Es ist ein relativ neu entdecktes Phänomen: Etwa ein Fünftel aller Menschen empfindet wesentlich sensibler als andere – eigentlich eine ganz besondere Begabung. Doch Hochsensible leiden oft, finden ihre feine Wahrnehmung und ihre Reaktionen eher peinlich, werden auch von ihren Mitmenschen selten verstanden. Viele plagt innerer Schmerz, Selbstzweifel und gefühlsmäßige und gedankliche Verwirrung. Oft tragen Hochsensible, besonders in christlichen Gemeinden, unbewusst anderer Leute Lasten. – Mit ihrer umfassenden Erfahrung als Seelsorger und Betroffene wenden sich Dirk und Christa Lüling genau an diese: an die hochsensiblen Christen. Wie können sie Heilung empfangen von den Verletzungen aus Ablehnung, Unverständnis und Selbstzweifel, frei werden vom Joch unbewusst übernommener, fremder Lasten, wie können sie mit ihrer Gabe im Alltag umgehen? Wie bringen sie diese wertvolle Begabung in die Gemeinde ein?
The story of the little Ladybird Marie, who wants to paint dots everythere. Chinese-English.New release of the classic in Chinese-English! Ladybird Marie paints all the animals with dots. The animals don't like them. Marie is very sad. She flies away from her home! Will Marie find a place where she can paint her dots?Nominated for the best European radio play at Prix Europa.爱画点点 的小瓢虫玛丽. 中文 – 英文.ai hua dian dian de xiao piao chong mali. Zhongwen-Yingwen.小瓢虫玛丽爱给其它动物身上画点点。可是大家不喜欢点点。玛丽感到很伤心。她飞向另外一片草地。这片新草地离她的家很远。玛丽能在这个新天地里继续画她的点点吗?