Быть рогоносцем обидно, противно, у мужчины был выбор: или расстаться, или терпеть все это, он выбрал второе, так как он любил ее сильно. Сквозь душевную боль он мог только наблюдать, как его любимая занимается сексом с их семейным другом. Содержит нецензурную брань.
В войне между темными и светлыми нет победителей – в проигрыше оказываются все, а жертвами этой войны могут стать не только те, кто пал на поле боя. Оказавшись среди проигравших, Лиза Миллс лишилась не только свободы – она лишилась семьи, положения и привычной жизни. Потеряв магию, она потеряла часть самой себя. А взамен получила тюремное заключение, клеймо преступницы и приговор, не подлежащий обжалованию. И согласно этому приговору, вернуть себе свою жизнь она сможет только тогда, когда ее тюремщик произнесет одну-единственную фразу: «Я тебя прощаю». Обложка выполнена художником Knes Art из фотографий, купленных на shutterstock.
F. Scott Fitzgerald was one of America’s greatest writers. No other writer is more closely associated with the roaring twenties and all of its excesses. Collected here in this omnibus edition are two novels and three short story collections for more than 400,000 words of some of the finest fiction ever written in the English language. This edition has 10 illustrations selected to enhance the reading experience. Included in this omnibus edition are:
This Side of Paradise The Offshore Pirate The Ice Palace Head and Shoulders The Cut-Glass Bowl Bernice Bobs Her Hair Benediction Dalyrimple Goes Wrong The Four Fists The Beautiful and Damned The Jelly-Bean The Camel’s Back May Day Porcelain and Pink The Diamond as Big as the Ritz The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Tarquin of Cheapside “O Russet Witch!” The Lees of Happiness Mr. Icky Jemina, the Mountain Girl Sentiment—and the Use of Rouge The Pierian Springs and the Last Straw A Luckless Santa Claus Myra Meets His Family Winter Dreams Two for a Cent The Mystery of the Raymond Mortgage Reade, Substitute Right Half A Debt of Honor The Room with the Green Blinds Pain and the Scientist The Trail of the Duke Shadow Laurels The Ordeal The Débutante (A One-Act Play) The Smilers The Popular Girl The Staying Up All Night Princeton—The Last Day Marching Streets
E. L. James’ Fifty Shades trilogy has fascinated and seduced millions of readers. In bedrooms, in book clubs, and in the media, people can’t stop talking about it!In Fifty Writers on Fifty Shades of Grey, 50 writers—from romance and erotica authors, to real-world BDSM practitioners, to adult entertainment industry professionals—continue the conversation.Fifty Shades as Erotic FictionErotic romance writer Sylvia Day speaks to the new opportunities the Fifty Shades trilogy has opened up for writers (and readers!) of eroticaFifty Shades as Sexual EmpowermentRomance novelist Heather Graham praises the way the books encourage women to celebrate their own sexual shades of greyFifty Shades as FanfictionEditor Tish Beaty relates the process behind turning Twilight fanfic Master of the Universe into Fifty Shades of GreyFifty Shades as Pop CultureFifty Shames of Earl Grey author Andrew Shaffer compares Fifty Shades to sister-in-literary-scandal Peyton PlacePlus• Matrimonial lawyer Sherri Donovan examines the legalities of Christian’s contract• Master R of BDSM training chateau La Domaine Esemar evaluates Christian Grey’s skill as a Dominant (and offers some professional advice)• And a whole lot more!Whether you loved Fifty Shades of Grey, or just want to know why everyone else does, Fifty Writers on Fifty Shades of Grey is the book for you.Contributors:• Heather Graham• Sylvia Day• Andrew Shaffer• M.J. Rose• Sinnamon Love• Judith Regan• Stacey Agdern• Laura Antoniou• Jennifer Armintrout• Tish Beaty• Mala Bhattacharjee• Rachel Kramer Bussel• M. Christian• Suzan Colón• Joy Daniels• Sherri Donovan• Angela Edwards• Melissa Febos• Lucy Felthouse• Ryan Field• Selina Fire• Megan Frampton• Sarah Frantz• Louise Fury• Lois Gresh• Catherine Hiller• Marci Hirsch• Dr. Hilda Hutcherson• Debra Hyde• Anne Jamison• D.L. King• Dr. Logan Levkoff• Arielle Loren• Sassafras Lowry• Rachel Kenley• Pamela Madsen• Chris Marks and Lia Leto• Midori• Master R• Dr. Katherine Ramsland• Tiffany Reisz• Katharine Sands• Jennifer Sanzo• Rakesh Satyal• Marc Shapiro• Lyss Stern• Cecilia Tan• Hope Tarr• Susan Wright• Editor X
Ava’s used to getting whomever she wants, whenever she wants… When Ava takes her broken laptop to get fixed, she meets Mike. She considers using him to hack her less than stellar grades and seduces him. He’s surprisingly experienced and kinky in the sack, and his casual dominant nature outside of the bedroom makes her crave more. A week later, Ava meets Luke. When she finds out he’s the teaching assistant for the class, she decides to seduce him as well, to get a better grade, but he isn’t as easily swayed as Mike. His reluctance makes Ava more determined to get him in her bed, and she pursues him even though he seems to have the unnerving ability to see through her emotional walls and into her heart. Dating two men at once can be tricky, especially when one is very dominant and holds her accountable for her mischief. Will she be able to keep them from finding out about each other, and if they do, will she be able to keep either one or lose them both? Publisher's Note: This steamy romance contains ménage, reverse harem, and power exchange themes.
When Liam Fairfax meets Daphne King through a dating service, he offers her a job as his Little, with the kind of perks and salary she knows she can’t turn down. She goes to live a life of leisure in his beautiful house in the Hollywood Hills. The downside of the job is, she’s required to submit to his strict discipline. Even so, she finds it far more pleasant than she expected… until Liam introduces her to his best friend, Alden Mitchell.Alden and Daphne feel an immediate attraction to each other, but he incurs her wrath when he announces he’d like to punish her. Liam agrees. Having shared women with Alden in the past, Liam sees no problem doing so now. The trouble is, although Daphne submits to their discipline, she refuses to yield to their carnal desires.Can the two men convince the stubborn Daphne to surrender to their sensual demands, or will the relationship crumble before it’s even begun?Publisher’s Note: This steamy romance includes elements of power exchange.
It wasn’t in Jacob’s plan to have a wild, foul-mouthed little girl at his side. He had always pictured his “girl” as someone sweet and sensible. Then Ruby shows up and steals his heart at first glance. From her bohemian get up to the wild hair that matches her fiery personality, the pint-sized princess is everything he hadn’t imagined, and the only one he wants.Though Ruby is smitten with the handsome young gentleman, she can’t stop herself from sabotaging their happiness. Her insecurities cause her to test Jacob as she questions her worth. And Ruby is terrified that Jacob will leave her when he finds out the secrets that she has kept hidden for years.Managing the bumpy road of young love is difficult enough, but Ruby’s strange behavior leads Jacob to seek his family’s advice. It just so happens that their enviable marriages have one thing in common – the women are 'taken in hand.' The idea of taking Ruby over his knee comes naturally to Jacob, but what will his girl have to say about the matter? And what will become of their love when Ruby reveals her secrets?Publisher’s Note: While this story includes characters from the Taken series, it can be read as a standalone. This sweet romance contains elements of power exchange. If this theme offends you, please do not purchase.
He’s come back for her. She has no idea. What could go wrong? As a teenager, Asten Moore-Rankin fell in love for the only time when he agreed to travel to Nova Scotia for a family summer vacation. He has a summer fling with a local girl and wonders what if… After a fun summer, Asten’s parents are heading for divorce and he leaves for college thinking Natalie will be best forgotten. Love doesn’t exist. Natalie Mullins is smitten with the handsome city boy, with a heavy hand. He’s sexy, stern and for a while, hell bent on making the enchanting beauty his. He breaks her heart at the end of the summer and Natalie has no choice but to move forward with her life and provide for the surprise Asten left her with. Fourteen-years later Asten returns to the area to open a new business still thinking about the love he left behind, when he gets a surprise visit. After all these years, the sparks still fly when he hears Natalie Mullin’s name. Now the trick is to get her to fall in love with him again, after such a clear mistake has been made. This contemporary romance is intended for adults only and contains elements of mystery, second-chance love, betrayal, sensual themes, redemption, adult themes and power exchange. If any of these offend you, please do not purchase.
He wants a Little, she wants a Daddy but that’s not as easy as it sounds… From the moment billionaire Marcus Holding meets Pearl Sinclair in Mon Addi, the upmarket jewellery store where she works as a retail assistant, he knows he’s found the Little he’s been searching for. He’s determined to claim her and be her Daddy, but does Pearl, the sweet, inexperienced country girl, even know she is a Little? Pearl can’t believe a man as gorgeous as Marcus Holding could possibly be interested in a completely inexperienced, unsophisticated, penniless country girl like her, but from the moment she looks into his blue eyes she is smitten. She just wants to curl up on his lap and call him Daddy, but how will he feel about that? And even if Daddy can claim his Little, are their backgrounds too different for them to ever be together especially when ruthless forces are determined to tear them apart? This is the first book in the Claimed by Daddy series and can be enjoyed independently with a guaranteed Happily Ever After. Publisher’s Note: This sweet, contemporary, star-crossed lovers, D/lg romance includes elements of power exchange, sensual scenes, mild age-play. If any of these offend you, please do not purchase.
Originally published in the November 1943 issue of True Love andRomance Magazine, the People Magazine of its day, Marry MeTomorrow is a story that epitomizes the struggles many generationsof American men and women have faced as loved ones are about togo off to war.