SIZZLING BEACHES!<P> Jason Summer has dropped out of college for a reasonhe's just too hot to swot. As he works his way 'round Florida, hitching rides and selling favors, it seems that everyone Jason meets comes away satisfied.<P> But Jason's not the only beach bum on the make. On the West Coast, three eighteen-year-olds are amusing themselves in Baja during their last year in high school. Talbot has his eyes on a security guard, Marky is waiting for a French surfboy to wash up on the beach, and their classmate Jeffrey is pining for them both!<P> THE TEMPERATURE'S RISING!
A society girl is enchanted to meet a very rich and eligible young man. No sooner do they meet than her father dies unexpectedly, leaving her impoverished. Too ashamed to admit her situation, she instead invents a fanciful world to convince the bachelor that she is still the popular girl he first met.
From boarding school to the business world, a man gets into confrontations that lead to him being punched in the face. But each time he learns something, and that—in turn—leads to great success.
Flappers and Philosophers was F. Scott Fitzgerald’s first collection. Today Fitzgerald is known primarily for writing the great American novel The Great Gatsby, but during his lifetime he was much better known for his short stories. After reading this wonderful collection you’ll understand why. Few writers have ever been capable of such a breadth of range as Fitzgerald displays here. Witty, cutting, insightful, and charming!
It was clear to anyone who knew F. Scott Fitzgerald that he was destined to be a great writer. His early work won accolades from his professors and was published in Yale’s literary Journal as well as other outlets. These stories show that even before his Yale days Ftizgerald was already exploring themes and subjects that would one day make him a legend. Included here are seventeen stories, a one act play and three poems. This is the most complete collection of Fitzgerald’s earliest work available.
Sexy ~ Erotic ~ Romantic ~ Queer ~ Australian Writing<br /> <br />Q: the Queermance Anthology – vol 2<br /> <br />This second volume of fabulous, erotically-charged romances from well-known, emerging and aspiring writers coincides with Melbourne's second Queermance Literary Festival.<br /> <br />Q2 features moving, inspiring, sad, funny, dark and light-hearted tales of love and lust by:<br />NM Harris, Beck Mitchell, Matthew Lang, Isabelle Rowan, JJ Carroll, Lou Kohler, JFR Coates, Renae Kaye, May Wilson, Marion Adams, Scott Thornby, Nicole Field, EE Montgomery, Dominica Malcolm and Victoria Brown.
A Modern Day Romance – if you can call it that. The quintessential Baby Boomer story of mid-life dating. <br><br>HE lives in Connecticut, runs a high end home furnishings company, works in his garden, has his kids on the weekends, and attends law school at night in order to quell his boredom and loneliness. Oh, and he has a gaggle of women friends.<br><br>SHE lives in a high-rise in NYC, trades stocks and bonds, has one child who spends a lot of time with his father, SHE attends literature classes at night to encourage her to read something other than financial news. There are snippets of the books she is reading and then a poem that she had to write and submit for the class. It is classic. <br><br>SHE would like to find someone to love and possibly settle down with. They meet in a restaurant bar in New Canaan and begin a short interlude. Their dialogue is very real and one can only wonder how people do get together, commit, and marry. Never mind stay loyal.<br>If you are out there looking for love, you will clearly see yourself.
Why Sex Knowledge is of Paramount Importance to Girls and Women—Reasons Why a Misstep in a Girl Has More Serious Consequences than a Misstep in a Boy—The Place Love Occupies in Woman's Life—Woman's Physical Disabilities.<br><br>All are agreed—I mean all who are capable of thinking and have given the subject some thought—that for the welfare of the race and for his own physical and mental welfare it is important that the boy be given some sex instruction. All are not agreed as to the character of the instruction, its extent, the age at which it should be begun and as to who the teacher should be—the father, the family physician, the school teacher or a specially prepared book—but as to the necessity of sex knowledge for the boy there is now substantial agreement—among the conservatives as well as among the radicals.<br><br>No such agreement exists concerning sex knowledge for the girl. Many still are the ....
Beth Danson was about twenty-five and, besides her deep auburn-brown hair and lovely face, she boasted an equally attractive body. He found himself captivated by the warm thrust of her breasts beneath the silk blouse. The clear milk of her flesh, at the "V" of her throat excited him in a strange way. When he thought of her as his wife, it was frightening. It was as though someone had tossed him a woman and expected him to just fall into the routine of marriage. It wouldn't be hard to come to love this woman, but it would take awhile. Hell, he didn't know her. She was a complete stranger who had suddenly told him they were married. There was nothing familiar about her; even the fingers that were softly working over his face were alien.
Die woordeboek sê die erotiek gaan oor al die verskynsels en gevoelens van “sinlike” liefde, en oor die kuns “om lief te hê”.Die erotiek was nog altyd met ons en sal altyd met ons wees – nie net in die slaapkamer nie, maar ook in vele mooi dinge in die wêreld om ons: ’n Rodin-beeldhouwerk, ’n Picasso-skildery, ’n Dvorák-simfonie, ’n Zefferelli-rolprent, ’n Ferrari-ontwerp of Alexander McQueen-tabberd. Maar erotiek het nie altyd met die liefde te make nie. Soms is dit sinloos, sedeloos, waansinnig en onsinnig … Erotiek hoef nie noodwendig sag, pienk en romanties te wees nie. In Afrikaans het ons al bundels gehad wat dié onderwerp ondersoek – dink maar aan Lyfspel/Body Play (1994), Rachelle Greeff se versameling erotiese verhale deur vroue; Johann de Lange en Antjie Krog se bundel Die dye trek die dye aan (1998), en meer onlangs was daar Maanvrug en Slavin deur Annelise. Tafelberg se erotiese bundel, Bloots, het op die rak verskyn net mooi toe Fifty Shades of Grey die wêreld stormenderhand verower het. Perfekte tydsberekening, nè. Nou vra Tafelberg opnuut ’n magdom mense om hulle erotiese verhaal vir ons te vertel, want in Afrikaans het ons nog lank nie die erotiek uitgesê nie: Daar’s ou hande en nuwe stemme; digters, joernaliste, skrywers, sangers, sakemense, sosiale vlinders, sekskatjies, tuiniers, politici, komediante, kosmense, kerkmense, kunstenaars, kommentators, ekonome, en regisseurs. Daar’s ma’s en pa’s, oumas en oupas, weduwees en wewenaars, ougetroudes, geskeides, alleenlopers. Van hulle is bekend, ander minder bekend.
Skarlakenkoors, die wildste en wydste versameling erotiese verhale in Afrikaans, sal beslis jou bloeddruk laat styg . . .