Эротическая литература

Различные книги в жанре Эротическая литература


S. Cinders

In the blink of an eye, James’ world turned upside down. Now he must travel into the past to find Jessie, who has disturbed the fabric of time, and put everything back to rights. But he won’t be going alone. With Ella at his side, he will bargain with the Fairy Court, meet the family members they never knew existed and walk the halls of the infamous academy where the Lycan Mating Games began. Can they, once and for all, put the USLUF behind them? Or is this only the beginning? Welcome to Lycan Mating Games 3: Ella. Publisher's Note: This steamy sci-fi action romance contains very graphic scenes. If this is offensive to you, please do not read it.

Jason's Rules

Natalie Holly

Ready or not, she will get what she needs… What the hell? I've returned from deployment to discover that my wife has a secret. Apparently, my sweet spouse has started writing naughty books for a living. Unbeknownst to her, I’ve read them all, so I know she likes her men strong, commanding, and completely in charge. She’s also a bit of a voyeur. Now that I know what she desires, her fantasies and mine are about to become a reality. We’ll see if Melanie is ready for my rules. Ready or not, she will get what she needs… Publisher’s Note: This steamy contemporary romance contains elements of power exchange.

May Flowers

Jenny Plumb

Mia has serious doubts about starting another BDSM relationship. Mia spent a year dating an emotionally abusive dominant, falling further and further under his control, until one day she snapped and walked away. Six months later, she’s running her own flower shop out of her home and seeing a professional Domme for weekly sessions to get her needs met, because that’s safer than dating again. One night at closing time, she’s robbed and assaulted. The attack is cut short when her favorite repeat customer, Aaron, arrives and scares the other man off. Over the next few days, Mia and Aaron grow close, but Mia is hiding her submissive nature from him, even when she sees hints of a dominant side in him. When her ex ramps up his threatening behavior, and Aaron ramps up his protective behavior, will Mia take the plunge and confess her true nature to Aaron? And if she does, will he accept that side of her? Publisher's note: This action-filled romance contains a theme of power exchange.

A Marriage for Miranda

Natalie Holly

Miranda: Desperate after the passing of my parents, I hoped to be matched for marriage at Mrs. Broderick’s School for Traditional Wives. Instead, I ended up happily employed as the culinary teacher for the school, with Mrs. Broderick acting as my surrogate mother. I know she will match me when she feels I am ready. Colin: As a movie producer, I am tired of waif models and actresses. I’m looking for a real woman who wants the kind of marriage that includes draping herself over my lap for some old-fashioned discipline when she’s been naughty. I’m not sure, but I think the teacher giving me a tour of the school might be the one. If the heated look she’s giving me as I inspect the discipline tools is any indication, I think we may be the perfect match. Publisher’s Note: This steamy romance contains elements of domestic discipline.

The Young Girl's Handbook of Good Manners for Use in Educational Establishments

Pierre Louys

A bestselling author in his time, Pierre Louÿs (1870–1925) was a friend of, and influence on, André Gide, Paul Valéry, Oscar Wilde and Stephane Mallarmé among others. He achieved instant notoriety with <I>Aphrodite</I> and <I>The Songs of Bilitis</I>, but it was only after his death that Louÿs' true legacy was to be discovered: nearly 900 pounds of erotic manuscripts were found in his home, all of them immediately scattered among collectors and many subsequently lost. Since then, it has become clear that Louÿs is the greatest French writer of erotica there ever was. <I>The Young Girl's Handbook of Good Manners </I>was the first of his erotic manuscripts to see publication, and it also remains his most outrageous—an erotic classic in which humor takes precedence over arousal. By means of shockingly filthy advice—ostensibly offered “for use in educational establishments”—couched in a hilariously parodic admonitory tone, Louÿs turns late-nineteenth-century manners roundly on their head, with ass prominently skyward. Whether offering rules for etiquette in church, school or home, or outlining a girl's duties toward family, neighbor or God, Louÿs manages to mock every institution and leave no taboo unsullied. <I>The Young Girl's Handbook of Good Manners</I> has only grown more scandalous and subversive since its first appearance in 1926.

Venus in Furs

Von Sacher-Masoch Leopold

First published in 1870, this novella has since become the best-known of Sacher-Masoch's works. This Austrian author imagined an epic series entitled the 'Legacy of Cain,' and «Venus in Furs» has become the most famous of the first volume. The nested narrative begins with a nameless narrator who dreams of speaking to the goddess Venus about love as she wears furs. When he confides these dreams to his friend Severin, a young Galacian nobleman, however, he is given a manuscript to read that will reveal the terrible secret of Severin. As the tale unfolds, Severin's desire for a ruthless woman to love is personified by Wanda, a beautiful and affluent widow who fulfills Severin's darkest wishes. So skilled is she at domination, however, that Severin is soon powerless to escape his cruel lover's clutches and degrading schemes. When reality and fantasy intermingle in this subtle, erotic classic, the result is the original definition and a masterful acknowledgement of the sexual inclination for masochism, now eponymous with Sacher-Masoch.

Сандра. Путь мага. Книга третья

Элина Лунева

Это заключительная книга этого романа о Сандре. Убегая от своих чувств и страданий, Сандра внезапно оказывается там, где меньше всего ожидала оказаться. И вдруг жизнь перевернулась с ног на голову. И неожиданно страшные существа стали для неё родными и близкими, а то, что еще не так давно казалось своим и родным, стало чужим и ненавистным. Совершенно в неожиданном месте она обрела кров и защиту, дом и семью. Но суждено ли Сандре обрести своё счастье? Содержит нецензурную брань.

Жена дракона

Галина Валентиновна Чередий

История проста как мир. Могучий дракон возжелал в жены прекрасную деву. И получил, как привык получать все, невзирая на желания и чувства других… Но дева не пожелала смириться с судьбой и сбежала от дракона, затерявшись в мирах. Спустя много лет дракон нашел непокорную жену, ставшую его болезнью, его одержимостью. Но она не помнит его и их прошлой жизни. И теперь перед драконом стоит выбор: сломить строптивую жену или завоевать ее любовь. А есть еще Темный Бог с его играми и интриги недовольных подданных. Но труднее всего всегда победить себя.

what purpose did i serve in your life

Marie Calloway

Marie Calloway became an overnight sensation with her Muumuu House piece, «Adrien Brody» where she wrote about a sexual experience with a journalist she met online. Her sexual awakening coupled with her awakening as a young writer, Marie's writing is riveting and polarizing, and promises to disturb as well as enlighten."what purpose did i serve in your life" is filled with intimate stories of sexual experiences, discussions of pornography, Marxism, and feminism.The book also includes collages made up of facebook chats and photography that have created an entirely new form of writing.

When Summer Comes

William Maltese

SIZZLING BEACHES!<P> Jason Summer has dropped out of college for a reasonhe's just too hot to swot. As he works his way 'round Florida, hitching rides and selling favors, it seems that everyone Jason meets comes away satisfied.<P> But Jason's not the only beach bum on the make. On the West Coast, three eighteen-year-olds are amusing themselves in Baja during their last year in high school. Talbot has his eyes on a security guard, Marky is waiting for a French surfboy to wash up on the beach, and their classmate Jeffrey is pining for them both!<P> THE TEMPERATURE'S RISING!