At present, the concept of "mass" in science has undergone an undesirable evolution in favor of the prevailing theories of the XX century. In relativistic mechanics, this concept has become a calculated physical quantity and has lost its material content. In quantum mechanics, "mass" is stucking of the elementary particles in the Higgs field. The true phenomenological concept of "mass" is the number of corpuscles of dark (negative) matter in a body, or in an elementary particle. "Mass" is another synonym for dark (negative) matter.
This book is a translation from Russian into English of the book "The Paradigm of Gravity of Extraterrestrial Civilizations" by authors Ivan Vasilyevich Ponomarenko and Evgeny Alekseevich Tikhomirov. The translation was made by the author Tikhomirov E. A. at the request of a highly developed civilization from the star cluster "Stozhary" ("Pleiades"), as they warned that we should do everything possible to combat the concealment or secrecy of this information. The book presents the paradigm of gravity of extraterrestrial civilizations. Fixed errors in the structure of substance, as well as information about the internal structure of stars, planets and satellites, an experiment confirming the paradigm of gravity of extraterrestrial civilizations, explained the true cause of tides. An approximate calculation of the Earth's mass is given. It is shown that the mass of space objects is significantly underestimated. It is shown that not only gravity, but also repulsion is realized in nature.