Управление, подбор персонала

Различные книги в жанре Управление, подбор персонала

I, Steve: Steve Jobs In His Own Words


Drawn from more than three decades of media coverage—print, electronic, and online—this book serves up the best, most thought-provoking insights ever spoken by Steve Jobs: more than 200 quotations that are essential reading for everyone who seeks innovative solutions and inspirations applicable to their business, regardless of size.Jobs, the longtime CEO of Apple, Inc., which he co-founded in 1976, stepped down from that role in August 2011, bringing an end to one of the greatest, most transformative business careers in history. Over the years, Jobs has given countless interviews to the media, explaining what he calls “the vision thing”—his unmatched ability to envision, and successfully bring to the marketplace, consumer products that people find simply irresistible.Jobs has made an indelible mark in multiple industries, and played an enormous role in creating others. Consider how Jobs and Apple shaped the following fields: personal computers (laptop and desktop), apps (for multiple electronic devices), computer animation (Pixar), music (iTunes), telecommunications (iPhone), personal digital devices (iPod), books (iBook), and, most recently, tablets (iPad). Jobs is the great business visionary of our era.I, Steve is the perfect gift or reference item for everyone interested in this great American original

Virgin Rebel: Richard Branson In His Own Words


Richard Branson, who has been called «England's most outrageous billionaire,» is also one of the world's most successful business leaders. Since the age of 16, when he founded Student magazine, Branson has been creating companies and finding innovative ways to grow them into the prodigious conglomerate known as the Virgin Group. At the age of 20, Branson founded a mail-order record retailer. Two years later he built a recording studio where the first artist signed to his Virgin label, Mike Oldfield, recorded the haunting soundtrack to The Exorcist. Decades later, industries as varied as entertainment (Virgin Music), retail (Virgin Megastores), transportation (Virgin Airlines), and telecommunications (Virgin Mobile) all bear Branson's business moniker. For the first time, the most thought-provoking, revealing, and inspiring quotes from Branson are compiled in a single book.Virgin Rebel: Richard Branson in His Own Words is a comprehensive guidebook to the inner workings of the Virgin Group chairman and founder. Hundreds of Branson's best quotes, comprising thoughts on business, music, entrepreneurship, politics, exploration, and life lessons, provide an intimate and direct look into the mind of this modern business icon.

The 7 Secrets of Influence

Elaina Zuker

Ms. Zuker’s unique theory of the "Secrets of Influence” is the result of studying the Influence Strategies of hundreds of managers and executives in companies in the U.S., Canada and internationally. Combining academic discipline with her years of practical business experience, she created the unique “Secrets of Influence Styles Inventory” and her elegant but simple step-by-step system for building on one’s existing Influence skills and formulating a personal Influence Strategy (details of the statistical studies are in the appendix of the eBook). This highly practical guide, filled with realistic advice on succeeding in today’s unpredictable business and social climates, enables the reader to learn the skills needed to persuade the boss to try a new idea or approach, to influence subordinates to work together more productively, or to induce a school or community group to adopt – or defeat – a proposal. Identifying and explaining the basic influence styles, the author tells how to determine one’s natural style and, even more important, how to develop better “radar” to detect the influence styles of others. Understanding that we all must interact with many different types of people in both business and social settings, in addition to the new media we are all using, these techniques allow us to exert more influence in all our relationships Given such realities, Zuker demonstrates which style is most effective for accomplishing varying goals: creating a common vision, establishing trust, fostering an atmosphere conductive to an open exchange of ideas or a rational discussion of hard data, encouraging creative and innovative solutions to problems, or motivating unimaginative or recalcitrant people. The Seven Secrets of Influence is filled with vital Information on such topics as how to use verbal and nonverbal clues to create instant rapport, gain credibility with others, motivate cautious people, overcome the problems caused by overlapping or unclear authority, and gain the support of key decision makers for important projects. Powerful and practical, this eBook is essential reading for any manager or communicator in today’s tough business climate.

Sexual Authenticity

Melinda Selmys

Real glimpses into the hearts and lives of other people are rare… Columnist and author Melinda Selmys gives readers an unusual opportunity to explore the topic of homosexuality and the Catholic Faith from a fresh, sincere perspective. Her intensely personal reflections help clarify the misconceptions that have hindered meaningful dialogue between Catholics and homosexuals. Transcending stereotypes and avoiding pat sentiments, she speaks directly to every Christian who has experienced same-sex attraction or knows someone who has. In addition to her personal story of exchanging secular lesbianism for Catholicism and resolving her own inner conflicts, the author presents an enlightening analysis of history, social theory, and media influence on the subject of homosexuality. She refutes much of the clumsy theorizing and «junk science» common to both sides of the debate, effectively bridging gaps between perception and reality. Selmys addresses the complexities surrounding sexual identity with pronounced compassion, adding a practical discussion of the Theology of the Body to complete the circle from a Catholic perspective. This groundbreaking book expertly walks the fine line between divisiveness and platitudes – a must-read for everyone who has ever felt ambiguous about the Church's stance on homosexuality.

Catholic Sexual Ethics

William May

The authoritative work on the Church's teaching on sexual morality has been thoroughly updated to address dimensions of this complex topic that have emerged in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.</p><p>Since publication of the 2nd edition of <b>Catholic Sexual Ethics</b>, the philosophical landscape of human sexuality has dramatically changed. The rise of such concerns as moral relativism, the drive for same-sex unions, and a drastic redefinition of «marriage» and «family» have underscored the need for an unambiguous, up-to-date understanding of Catholic sexual teaching.</p><ul><li><b>Features:</b><li>Summary of Catholic teaching on sexuality from biblical times to our own.<li>Presentation of principal elements of the teaching of Pope Benedict XVI on marriage in the early years of his pontificate.<li>Discussion of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith's 2003 <i>Considerations Regarding Proposals to Give Legal Recognition to Unions Between Homosexual Persons</i>.<li>Integration of more recent materials that clarify issues into the existing framework of the book.</ul></p><p>Whether you are involved in ministry, education, or catechesis, you will benefit from having this essential resource near at hand.

The Google Boys: Sergey Brin and Larry Page In Their Own Words


If you want to find something on the World Wide Web, you &#147;Google&#8221; it. With its 1 million servers located around the world, the company handles over a billion search requests daily. But when the Internet first came online, people struggled to organize a seemingly infinite amount of information. Enter two computer science graduate students from Stanford, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, and the $229 billion behemoth we now know as Google was born. For the first time, the most thought-provoking, revealing, and inspiring quotes from Google's founders have been compiled into a single book. The Google Boys: Sergey Brin and Larry Page In Their Own Words is a comprehensive guidebook to the inner workings of Google's founders. Hundreds of their best quotes, comprising thoughts on business, management, entrepreneurship, technology, innovation, and life lessons, provide an intimate and direct look into the minds of these modern business icons. They are now highly respected, established figures in the tech industry, but Page and Brin, unlike industry icons like Steve Jobs or Bill Gates, have spent as little time as possible in front of the media. As a result, when Larry Page and Sergey Brin give time to speak, people listen. Carefully.

Forever Recognize Others' Greatness

Sarah McVanel

According to countless engagement surveys and polls, the majority of employees today want to feel more valued and to contribute in more meaningful ways.<br><br>The results of disengagement are devastating: Top talent is considering or acting on their exit plan. Employees who remain are blocked from giving their talents, passions, and virtues to their workplace. Organizations are failing to satisfy their customers and are missing opportunities to innovate and keep their business viable.<br><br>It doesn't have to be this way. In this book, based on their new recognition approach, FROG™ – Forever Recognize Others' Greatness – Sarah McVanel and Brenda Zalter-Minden show what happens when leaders and employees pay close attention to the essential greatness within themselves and one another:<br><br>– Employees, no matter what their skill set and across every industry, are motivated to leverage their skills and passion<br> – Teams flourish<br> – Top talent is retained<br>– And the mission of the organization is achieved<br><br> Using numerous examples of success from their consulting work, the authors call for a revolutionary approach to recognition that:<br><br>– Is solution-focused, affirming what is already working for each and every person rather than emphasizing failures and problems<br> – Imagines best possible scenarios for individuals, teams, and organizations<br>– Sets a strengths-based plan for individuals, with clear next steps<br>– Becomes a continuous process in which everyone contributes to the humanity of their workplace one positive intent at a time

How Dare You Manage?

Nick Forrest

How dare you manage? These words are often on the tip of Nick Forrest's tongue as he consults for CEOs and other senior managers. Why? Because rare is the CEO who has been taught to manage large groups of employees – indeed, to be accountable for everything, for the entire organization. Now, in this new book, Forrest explores the seven CEO management principles by which CEOs can energize all of their employees to achieve high levels of productivity and outstanding results. The principles are:Create your strategyChoose your organization's functional structureLevel the organizationDefine the workManage your lateral relationshipsBuild the required talentMake it all happen with effective management practices

Рестораны. Массовый подбор персонала

Олеся Филиппова

Книга "Рестораны. Массовый подбор персонала" – отраслевая детализация ранее опубликованной книги "Массовый подбор персонала". В этой книге автор рассказывает о текущих особенностях практики подбора персонала в ресторанном бизнесе, опираясь на свой опыт за последние 3 года. Книга живая, на ее страницах вы не найдете поучений или научных обоснований. На каждой странице – реальные истории настоящих людей. Скорее, эту книгу надо воспринимать как инструмент и пошаговую инструкцию в интереснейшем направлении – подбор линейного персонала для ресторанов и кафе. Как говорил один известный кулинар: «Рецепты в поваренной книге доступны всем, но вкусно приготовить и подать умеют лишь единицы!»

Как управлять персоналом?! Маленькие хитрости высокой эффективности

Павел Бормотов

Вам предоставили возможность занять должность в области управления персоналом! Или Вы стали руководителем! И первый вопрос, который возникает у большинства: “А что дальше? Как быть? Как построить систему? Как выстроить команду? Как достичь показателей результативности и эффективности?” Практическое пособие предназначено как для начинающих, так и для опытных сотрудников службы управления персоналом и руководителей, заинтересованных в повышении не только результативности, но и эффективности деятельности персонала. Пособие представляет собой полностью структурированный материал по выстраиванию комплексной системы управления персоналом в организации, формированию кадровой политики и созданию атмосферы высокой результативности и эффективности в условиях командного взаимодействия. Учтены все наиболее распространённые ошибки.