THE CENTER FOR TALENT INNOVATION (CTI) is an NYC-based think tank which focuses on global talent strategies and the retention and acceleration of well-qualified labor across the divides of gender, generation, geography, and culture. CTI’s research partners now number 86 multinational corporations and organizations.
Jeff Boss has faced and overcome uncertainty in the most tumultuous circumstances. As a Navy SEAL, he worked in some of the most unforgiving environments on earth and faced enemies that constantly changed, much like today's business landscape. In a world of chaos, how do individuals and teams stay together to find certainty in a world where there is anything but? This book reveals how. Using anecdotal experiences from both the military and business worlds, Boss highlights the mindset and practical steps of how people and organizations can forge certainty amidst inevitable chaos.
Women in the US exercise decision-making control over $11.2 trillion of investable assets and 62% of women in the US, UK, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, and India identify as the primary source of household assets. Yet, a majority (53%) of female wealth in these markets is unmanaged by an advisor and, according to new research from the Center for Talent Innovation (CTI), closing the gap will require, in part, correcting industry perceptions of women as a monolithic market. The book, Harness the Power of the Purse: Winning Women Investors, draws a nuanced picture of female investors around the world.
Эта книга является отличным источником информации для психологов, консультантов, практиков в сфере психологического здоровья. Пособие описывает разнообразные подходы, техники, упражнения, методики, которые могут быть полезны в работе психолога. Практики, описанные в книге, могут применяться в рамках любого метода и направления психологии и являются универсальными.
Ageless Entrepreneur offers a new perspective on the barriers to entry that young people face today in starting their careers as well as valuable insights into the possibilities for seniors, who all too often are being forced out of the work force when they can least afford it. Entrepreneurial guru Sam Macleod leads an improbable group of would be entrepreneurs into new challenges and unexpected alliances that revitalize their future. Spearheading the group is Sam’s boyhood friend Nick, who like so many others has received the golden handshake prematurely. Throughout the narrative, the qualities required of an entrepreneur operating in an economy burdened with barriers and limitations are brought out through discussion and a wide range of anecdotes. The story draws us right into the class as we share in the fears, hopes, and challenges faced by the characters. The lessons provide a solid foundation for anyone considering a career as an entrepreneur or simply looking to make sound strategic decisions in managing their career, no matter what their age or circumstance.
In today’s technology-led pursuit of efficiency, we’ve removed the humanity from business. Here’s how to correct that. For better or worse, digital business has fundamentally changed how organizations hire staff, market their services, and connect with stakeholders. The problem is, in an effort to use technology to connect with people more effectively, we have lost the humanity – that critical person-to-person connection – that is the engine of commerce: Hiring is done by automated keyword searches. Offices have regressed to sterile, highly controlled environments. Staff rely exclusively on template responses. Websites are designed for search engines, not people. Leaders are focusing on arbitrary and antiquated «best practices.» In a world filled with complicated web forms and digital marketing services, we have lost the «human» element in how we run our organizations. TOUCH identifies these problems in stark terms, then provide business leaders in all types of organizations – private to public sector, small to enterprise business – with real-world, tested solutions.
Senior executives, professionals, politicians, entrepreneurs, and educators are increasingly being evaluated by how well they speak – how credibly, how naturally, and how enthusiastically. They're being judged on their presentation skills. In today's communication-saturated age, the ability to address others effectively has become the essential mark of a leader. How Leaders Speak covers the seven keys to speaking like a leader: preparation, certainty, passion, engagement, and commitment. It's a personal handbook for planning and conveying presentations that will engage and inspire others, from overcoming nervousness to handling difficult questions from listeners. How Leaders Speak: Getting Ready to Present: Know Your Audience Find and Create ‘The Nugget’ (something your audience doesn’t know) Make a Video Rehearsing your Presentation Be Prepared for Anything Don’t Rely on PowerPoint (have a print out as well ) Test your Technology Have a Checklist of Materials Before You Leave the Office Pre-Presentation Jitters are a Good Thing! Know Your Environment Beforehand (schedule a run through the day before) Eat and Drink Lightly Just Before Your Presentation How Leaders Speak: During Your Speech Have Water Handy Keep Language Short and Simple Have Your Speech Printed at the Top of Your Page To Keep Eye Contact Connected Most Nervousness Doesn’t Show Draw in Your Audience Via Names and Anecdotal Info Ask Questions to Involve Your Audience (and to Relieve Pressure) Speak with Passion!
Это не очередной модный фреймворк или список вроде «10 лучших вещей, которые вам нужны, чтобы стать лидером». Только практики лидерства, проверенные временем. Как создавать видение и вдохновлять других следовать ему. Как делать сложные стратегические выборы. Как создавать инновации. Как получать результаты. Сегодня эти фундаментальные навыки становятся еще более важными, поскольку организации и команды становятся все более взаимосвязанными, виртуальными, гибкими и быстро развивающимися. В этом всеобъемлющем руководстве специалисты по стратегиям и изменениям, Рон Ашкенас и Брук Мэнвилл, делятся концепциями лидерства Harvard Business Review, прошедшими проверку на практике. Интервью с руководителями высшего звена и их личный опыт в этой области, поможет молодым лидерам выделиться и получить большое влияние.
Follow the Path of the Greatest Leader of All Time Each of us is not only called to be a leader, but we are all leaders by default – whether we like it or not. How effective are you at making a positive impact on the people around you? Discover the power of Christ's personal and practical example, and make a measurable difference in the lives of those around you – at home, at work, in the community, or in your parish. Transform your leadership style in light of Jesus' compelling combination of servant, steward, shepherd. Whom do you influence in big or small ways?How will you be remembered? What is your legacy?What is the source of true power and influence over others?How do you fit into Christ's mission and message for the world? "Its purpose is not to revise the principles we present in the Lead Like Jesus movement, but only to enhance them for a particular audience. I am pleased that we have found a member of the Lead Like Jesus movement who is a Catholic family man to step up and take on this task." – Ken Blanchard , entrepreneur, speaker, and co-author of Lead Like Jesus and The One-Minute Manager
• A timely and lucid treatment of the single most controversial topic in the Episcopal Church • Written by a preeminent Episcopal ethicist • Study Guide included
Respected Episcopal ethicist Timothy F. Sedgwick provides an alternative viewpoint on the homosexuality debate, on the proposed Anglican Covenant, and on mission and ministry. He deals insightfully with what he thinks is a mistaken assumption in the Church and advances a cogent argument that the church needs to be clear in forming its moral teaching—whether liberal or conservative. The right question, Sedgwick maintains, is how do we teach morals and order our life accordingly? This book evolved from his work over the last decade addressing same-sex issues in the national church.
Chapters include: – Homosexuality, Teaching, and Governance in the Episcopal Church – The Anglican Covenant: What are Bishops for? – Anglican-Roman Catholic Dialogue: The Unity We Seek – Moral Teaching, Formation, and the Mission of the Church