Спорт, фитнес

Различные книги в жанре Спорт, фитнес

Women's Soccer


Метод. Танцуй, пока под водой

Анна Долгарева

Больше чем спорт, отчасти искусство, отчасти психологическая практика . Те, кто пробовали это увлекательное занятие, утверждают: достаточно нескольких тренировок, чтобы изменения не заставили себя ждать.

Hockey Confidence

Isabelle Hamptonstone MSc.

Confidence affects how we deal with stress and how we fulfill our potential to achieve the results we desire. In sports and in life, confidence is the underlying factor determining mental and physical performance, leading to overall success. This book by experienced mental performance specialist Isabelle Hamptonstone contains a collection of powerful techniques and tips to help hockey players overcome lack of confidence.Clear instructions and illustrative case studies show how training the brain to develop and sustain hockey confidence can upgrade results and help players make smarter, quicker decisions under pressure. Hamptonstone shares step-by-step guidelines gleaned from her years of research working with the giants in the game of hockey. Some of the greatest hockey players in the world have used these very same steps to change their game and their lives. Added to this base of personal knowledge, the book references inspiring moments of mental performance by Wayne Gretzky, Doug Lidster, Scott Niedermayer, Shane Doan, Darryl Sydor, Jarome Iginla, and Mark Recchi. This pragmatic and positive book is a game-changing guide and valuable resource for anyone interested in high-performance hockey, as well as a valuable tool for self-development.

Память о спорте

Александр Брыксенков

Эта работа – воспоминание о самом ярком, результативном и впечатляющем выступлении наших спортсменов на мировой арене. Эта работа о наших героях-олимпийцах, блестяще выступивших на ХХI Олимпийских играх в Монреале в 1976 году.

Детский фитнес: менеджмент 2.0

Анастасия Александровна Шуляк

Первые две книги о детском фитнесе были ознакомительными. В этой мы говорим о выручке, продвижении, мотивации команды, оформлении зон детского клуба, технологиях акций. Детский фитнес в фитнес-клубе может быть прибыльным. Не знаете, что делать – это книга для вас.

Loving The Game

Pete Hines

Two of the greatest basketball teams of the 1920's and 30's were both from New York. One was an all-black team called the Rens and the other was an all-white team called the Original Celtics.These two teams helped define the modern game of basketball.

More Trails, More Tales

Bob Henderson

An entertaining book of trivia, anecdotes, and observations about heritage travel in Canada. Inspired by and drawing on Canadian exploration, Bob Henderson’s newest book, More Trails, More Tales , strikes a balance with travel literature, history, geography, anthropology, literature, and philosophy. It will delight outdoor enthusiasts, serious naturalists, educators, and armchair travellers alike. It is essentially a storytelling book, highlighting Canadian stories and examining different aspects of heritage travel in Canada.

Hope and Heartbreak in Toronto

Peter Robinson

For many, being a Toronto Maple Leafs fan has become a curse from cradle to grave. False hope, hollow promises, and a mind-numbing lack of success – these words describe the Toronto Maple Leafs and the hockey club’s inexplicable mediocrity over much of the past decade. Author Peter Robinson has attended some 100 games over the past six seasons and has little to show for it except an unquenched thirst that keeps him coming back. Why does a team that hasn’t won a Stanley Cup since 1967, long before many of its followers were even born, have such a hold on its fans? Robinson tries to answer that question and more while detailing what it’s like to love one of the most unlovable teams in all of professional sports. Being a Leafs fan requires a leap of faith every year, girding against inevitable disappointment. This book tells what that’s like, how it got to be that way, and what the future holds for all who worship the Blue and White.

A Sporting Chance

William Humber

Over the years, Canadians have smugly asserted their country’s more tolerant culture in race relations. Yet as this story of African-Canadian participation in sports demonstrates, the record is far more troubling. In reality, Canada’s record in matters of race was a disturbing blend of occasional good intentions and ugly practices. The study of the Black athletic experience in Canada is not only a revealing portrait into our past, but also one more demonstration of some time-honoured truths about human achievement and the necessity of the public will to provide open and fair forums for equal access to participation. Presented in a chronological sequence, individual sports are presented along with the leading athletes who brought grace and a determination to achieve. Included are George Dixon, Sam Langford, Reuben Mayes, Ray Lewis, Sam Richardson, Dr. Phil Edwards, Jackie Robinson, Harry Jerome, Earl Walls, Donovan Bailey, Sylvia Sweeney, Molly Killingbeck, Herb Carnegie, Jamaal Magliore, Perdita Felicien and Jarome Iginla, to name but a few of the fine athletes who form a part of Canada’s sports heritage. "As Canada’s foremost baseball historian, Bill Humber has chronicled another fascinating chapter from Canada’s rich sports history. This is an excellent read – entertaining, educational and expertly researched. As my pal Don Cherry might say: ’Two thumbs up, Bill.’" – Brian McFarlane, Sports Family Ltd.

Let It Snow

Darryl Humber

Winter has shaped Canada’s image and has been embraced with hearty enthusiasm from snowshoeing hikers in the nineteenth century, to future hockey stars on backyard rinks, to the indoor spectacle of figure-skating carnivals and curling bonspiels. Much of our literature, our songs, and our memories of youth reflect the bracing tonic that winter brings even as we curse the ice-laden roads on morning commutes or during weekend ski trips. But alas, winter’s demise to a weak reminder of its former glory is a real possibility as climate change wreaks long-term havoc. This timely book takes a fond look at winter’s past, its place in Canada’s story, and how it has shaped our sports history. It also explores what climate change means for our sense of Canadian identity, for our winter sports heritage and its related industries, and for our ability to hold winter sporting events beyond the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver.