Este libro muestra cómo el surgimiento del Canal del Dique y la consolidación del río Grande de la Magdalena, como la principal arteria fluvial en tiempos de la Colonia, inciden notoriamente en la configuración de una subregión muy singular: el Bajo Magdalena.
La aparición de los puertos fluviales de Tenerife, Barranca Nueva, Calamar, Remolino y otros hechos que han resultado importantes para el afianzamiento poblacional de la región de estudio.
Global warming: Is it natural or is it manmade? This issue is of crucial importance for both climate science and climate policy. We update the ongoing controversy. This booklet also discusses chaotic uncertainties of climate models and how to overcome them, presents new thinking on Climategate and the Hockeystick graph – and shows what we can say about the absence of post-1979 warming in the temperature data of the 20th century.
The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism is a work by Bertrand Russell dealing with the situation in Russia within a few years after the revolution and essential aspects of Bolshevik theory. The book is an excellent review of Communism in the early days of the Soviet Union. Russell is adherent to the communist idea, but points out some practical faults, which will be proven accurate in following years, leading to inevitable failure of the system. Thiscareful study provides a further insight to the movement in Russia, and a better understanding of Bolshevism.
The Wealth of Nations is the magnum opus of the Scottish economist and moral philosopher Adam Smith. The book offers one of the world's first collected descriptions of what builds nations' wealth, and is today a fundamental work in classical economics. By reflecting upon the economics at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the book touches upon such broad topics as the division of labor, productivity, and free markets. The Wealth of Nations was the product of seventeen years of notes and earlier works, as well as an observation of conversation among economists of the time concerning economic and societal conditions during the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. The result was a treatise which sought to offer a practical application for reformed economic theory to replace the mercantilist and physiocratic economic theories that were becoming less relevant in the time of industrial progress and innovation.
"Social Rights and Duties" in 2 volumes is one of the best-known works by the English historian and humanist Leslie Stephen. Excerpt: "We are told often enough that we are living in a period of important intellectual and social revolutions. In one way we are perhaps inclined even to state the fact a little too strongly. We suffer at times from the common illusion that the problems of to-day are entirely new: we fancy that nobody ever thought of them before, and that when we have solved them, nobody will ever need to look for another solution. To ardent reformers in all ages it seems as if the millennium must begin with their triumph, and that their triumph will be established by a single victory. And while some of us are thus sanguine, there are many who see in the struggles of to-day the approach of a deluge which is to sweep away all that once ennobled life. The believer in the old creeds, who fears that faith is decaying, and the supernatural life fading from the world, denounces the modern spirit as materializing and degrading. The conscience of mankind, he thinks, has become drugged and lethargic; our minds are fixed upon sensual pleasures, and our conduct regulated by a blind struggle for the maximum of luxurious enjoyment. The period in his eyes is a period of growing corruption; modern society suffers under a complication of mortal diseases, so widely spread and deeply seated that at present there is no hope of regeneration. The best hope is that its decay may provide the soil in which seed may be sown of a far-distant growth of happier augury." Volume 1: The Aims of Ethical Societies Science and Politics The Sphere of Political Economy The Morality of Competition Social Equality Ethics and the Struggle for Existence Volume 2: Heredity Punishment Luxury The Duties of Authors The Vanity of Philosophizing Forgotten Benefactors
The Book of Were-Wolves is a classic work of European lore on lycanthropy in particular pertaining to werewolves. The book deals with three subjects: 1) Summarizing folklore and beliefs about werewolves and related phenomena; 2) Collecting specific cases from ancient, medieval, and modern histories; 3) Explaining the origins of the beliefs and demythologize the superstition. The author treats the phenomenon of the werewolf as a psychological aberration, as essentially a delusional state. He also relates it to cannibalism and to the behavior of the notorious Norse berserkers, who would suffer from an insane battle rage. Speculations on the origin the various names by which werewolves were known in different European languages is intriguing, especially the idea that the term may derive from a word for an outlaw, a man condemned effectively to run with the wolves.
Social life is in a constant process of change, and sociology can never stand still. As a result, contemporary sociology is a theoretically diverse enterprise, covering a huge range of subjects and drawing on a broad array of research methods. Central to this endeavour is the use of core concepts and ideas which allow sociologists to make sense of societies, though our understanding of these concepts necessarily evolves and changes. This clear and jargon-free book introduces a careful selection of essential concepts that have helped to shape sociology and continue to do so. Going beyond brief, dictionary-style definitions, Anthony Giddens and Philip W. Sutton provide an extended discussion of each concept which sets it in historical and theoretical context, explores its main meanings in use, introduces relevant criticisms, and points readers to its ongoing development in contemporary research and theorizing. Organized in ten thematic sections, the book offers a portrait of sociology through its essential concepts, ranging from capitalism, identity and deviance to the digital revolution, environment, postcolonialism and intersectionality. It will be essential reading for all those new to sociology as well as anyone seeking a reliable route map for a rapidly changing world.
En 100 famosos hablan de la fama, un centenar de figuras de la actuación, el periodismo, el humor, la moda, el deporte, la música y la televisión respondió a las preguntas de la autora: si en alguna ocasión los ayudó el hecho de ser famosos, lo peor que les pasó por su condición, cuáles son los aspectos positivos y cuáles los complicados, y cómo definen a una persona famosa. Las respuestas son diversas, reveladores y polémicas. El libro contiene también testimonios de gente muy cercana a los famosos como son los agentes de prensa y los representantes, entre otros.
Viele junge Menschen reagieren gestresst auf den gestiegenen Leistungsdruck. Für das Einzelcoaching stellt sich die Frage, wie Geduld die Situation der Betroffenen verbessern kann. Aufbauend auf einer historisch-philosophischen Einordnung werden Forschungsansätze und Studien zur Geduld vorgestellt. Über eine qualitative Befragung von 176 Freiwilligen im Sozialen Jahr erfährt der/die LeserIn wie junge Erwachsene Geduld als Hilfe in Krisen sehen. Zentrale Kriterien sind dabei das «Lernen von Geduld im Alltag und am Vorbild der Eltern», eine «dialogische Beziehung» sowie mehr «Zeit für Ruhe und Entspannung». Für die Praxis und die Forschung werden Empfehlungen zur Gesundheitsförderung im (sozial-) pädagogischen Coaching beschrieben.