Отраслевые издания

Различные книги в жанре Отраслевые издания

Этой кнопке нужен текст. O UX-писательстве коротко и понятно

Кирилл Егерев

Количество сайтов и приложений только увеличивается с каждым годом, и в последнее время растет спрос на специалистов, которые умеют создавать короткие и понятные тексты для интерфейсов, тем самым улучшая взаимодействие пользователя с продуктом. Автор книги Кирилл Егерев уже много лет профессионально занимается UX-писательством и поможет разобраться, кто такие UX-райтеры и почему они нужны в команде разработки продукта. Автор на многочисленных примерах объясняет, какие навыки необходимы UX-писателю и как писать хорошие тексты для интерфейса. Его книга про заботу о пользователе: удобство, логику и понятный язык в пунктах меню, пуш-уведомлениях, сообщениях об ошибке, предупреждениях, подсказках – небольших, но важных составляющих успешного пользовательского опыта.

Этой кнопке нужен текст. O UX-писательстве коротко и понятно

Кирилл Егерев

Количество сайтов и приложений только увеличивается с каждым годом, и в последнее время растет спрос на специалистов, которые умеют создавать короткие и понятные тексты для интерфейсов, тем самым улучшая взаимодействие пользователя с продуктом. Автор книги Кирилл Егерев уже много лет профессионально занимается UX-писательством и поможет разобраться, кто такие UX-райтеры и почему они нужны в команде разработки продукта. Автор на многочисленных примерах объясняет, какие навыки необходимы UX-писателю и как писать хорошие тексты для интерфейса. Его книга про заботу о пользователе: удобство, логику и понятный язык в пунктах меню, пуш-уведомлениях, сообщениях об ошибке, предупреждениях, подсказках – небольших, но важных составляющих успешного пользовательского опыта.

Журнал Publish №12/2020

Открытые системы

«Publish» – журнал о современных издательских и полиграфических технологиях, от графического дизайна и допечатных процессов до послепечати. В номере: Тема номера: Широкоформатная печать Особенности ценообразования в широком формате В поисках источников квадратных метров Азиатский пазл в широком формате УФ-печать как инструмент облагораживания Любовь к японскому офсету как объединяющий фактор Детали. RISO ComColor FT5230 Обзоры. Epson SureColor SC-F9400H и многое другое

Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity and Cyber Defence

Daniel Ventre

The aim of the book is to analyse and understand the impacts of artificial intelligence in the fields of national security and defense; to identify the political, geopolitical, strategic issues of AI; to analyse its place in conflicts and cyberconflicts, and more generally in the various forms of violence; to explain the appropriation of artificial intelligence by military organizations, but also law enforcement agencies and the police; to discuss the questions that the development of artificial intelligence and its use raise in armies, police, intelligence agencies, at the tactical, operational and strategic levels.

Digital Communications 2

Safwan El Assad

It is a complete training in digital communications in the same book with all the aspects involved in such training: courses, tutorials with many typical problems targeted with detailed solutions, practical work concretely illustrating various aspects of technical implementation implemented. It breaks down into three parts. The Theory of information itself, which concerns both the sources of information and the channels of its transmission, taking into account the errors they introduce in the transmission of information and the means of protect by the use of appropriate coding methods. Then for the technical aspects of transmission, first the baseband transmission is presented with the important concept and fundamental technique of equalization. The performance evaluation in terms of probability of errors is systematically developed and detailed as well as the online codes used. Finally, the third part presents the Transmissions with digital modulation of carriers used in radio transmissions but also on electric cables. A second important aspect in learning a learner's knowledge and skills is this book. It concerns the «Directed Work» aspect of a training. This is an ordered set of 33 typical problems with detailed solutions covering the different parts of the course with practical work. Finally, the last aspect concerns the practical aspects in the proper sense of the term, an essential complement to training going as far as know-how. We propose here a set of 5 practical works.

Optical Engineering Science

Stephen Rolt

A practical guide for engineers and students that covers a wide range of optical design and optical metrology topics Optical Engineering Science offers a comprehensive and authoritative review of the science of optical engineering. The book bridges the gap between the basic theoretical principles of classical optics and the practical application of optics in the commercial world. Written by a noted expert in the field, the book examines a range of practical topics that are related to optical design, optical metrology and manufacturing. The book fills a void in the literature by coving all three topics in a single volume. Optical engineering science is at the foundation of the design of commercial optical systems, such as mobile phone cameras and digital cameras as well as highly sophisticated instruments for commercial and research applications. It spans the design, manufacture and testing of space or aerospace instrumentation to the optical sensor technology for environmental monitoring. Optics engineering science has a wide variety of applications, both commercial and research. This important book: Offers a comprehensive review of the topic of optical engineering Covers topics such as optical fibers, waveguides, aspheric surfaces, Zernike polynomials, polarisation, birefringence and more Targets engineering professionals and students Filled with illustrative examples and mathematical equations Written for professional practitioners, optical engineers, optical designers, optical systems engineers and students, Optical Engineering Science offers an authoritative guide that covers the broad range of optical design and optical metrology topics and their applications.

Computer Vision for Structural Dynamics and Health Monitoring

Dongming Feng

Provides comprehensive coverage of theory and hands-on implementation of computer vision-based sensors for structural health monitoring This book is the first to fill the gap between scientific research of computer vision and its practical applications for structural health monitoring (SHM). It provides a complete, state-of-the-art review of the collective experience that the SHM community has gained in recent years. It also extensively explores the potentials of the vision sensor as a fast and cost-effective tool for solving SHM problems based on both time and frequency domain analytics, broadening the application of emerging computer vision sensor technology in not only scientific research but also engineering practice. Computer Vision for Structural Dynamics and Health Monitoring presents fundamental knowledge, important issues, and practical techniques critical to successful development of vision-based sensors in detail, including robustness of template matching techniques for tracking targets; coordinate conversion methods for determining calibration factors to convert image pixel displacements to physical displacements; sensing by tracking artificial targets vs. natural targets; measurements in real time vs. by post-processing; and field measurement error sources and mitigation methods. The book also features a wide range of tests conducted in both controlled laboratory and complex field environments in order to evaluate the sensor accuracy and demonstrate the unique features and merits of computer vision-based structural displacement measurement. Offers comprehensive understanding of the principles and applications of computer vision for structural dynamics and health monitoring Helps broaden the application of the emerging computer vision sensor technology from scientific research to engineering practice such as field condition assessment of civil engineering structures and infrastructure systems Includes a wide range of laboratory and field testing examples, as well as practical techniques for field application Provides MATLAB code for most of the issues discussed including that of image processing, structural dynamics, and SHM applications Computer Vision for Structural Dynamics and Health Monitoring is ideal for graduate students, researchers, and practicing engineers who are interested in learning about this emerging sensor technology and advancing their applications in SHM and other engineering problems. It will also benefit those in civil and aerospace engineering, energy, and computer science.